Angel's Hug: Meditative exercises
“Each of you is a shining angel temporarily pretending to be human.”
I want to remind you again and again of who you really are. Again and again I urge you: remember! Make an effort to remember, do it day after day, with all possible persistence. And not only to remember, but most importantly - to feel, to feel like who you are. Each of you is a shining angel. Each of you carries God within you. Discover your Divinity!
Set yourself the goal of understanding and feeling what it is like to be Divine. And if this is still a mystery and a riddle for you, express your intention to solve it. Don't give up - but don't try too hard either, because your earthly life is a game. Be light, airy, be like the Spirit, for you are the Spirit, although temporarily clothed in a biological shell.
You are a Spirit making a fascinating journey across the Earth. You are an angel playing a game called Life.
It's a complex multidimensional game, but it's a game. Be the one who plays. Become light and love. Feel your Divinity and your life will be transformed. It will be filled with love, light, and happiness, and will become an exciting adventure in which you can get a lot of joy and a lot of useful experience. And to do this, you just need to remember that you are Divine, and accept your Divinity with your whole being.
Angel's Hug
You can do this exercise whenever you want - any time you feel the need for support and love....
Be alone with yourself. Close your eyes if you want.
Imagine that beautiful beings of Light, beautiful angels are standing behind you, protecting, protecting you and directing their pure Divine love towards you. Unconditional love, forgiving love, merciful love.
They are magnificent, big, strong, shining. They stand behind you and extend their arms or wings over you, or simply envelop you in light. You feel their immense kindness and compassion towards you.
Feel yourself to be protected by these energies, these angels, these beautiful beings who are your heavenly father and mother. Feel yourself in their arms. Feel safe under their protection. Feel worthy of their unconditional love - because you are worthy of it, no matter who you are or what you do.
Now imagine that they are joined by another angel, equally beautiful and majestic. He stands next to them behind your back, and your Divine father and mother step back a little, giving him primacy. You feel his love, his strength, his protection, his compassion and kindness towards you.
This angel is yourself.
This is you in your Divine hypostasis. This angel is who you really are.
Mentally connect with this angel. Become one. Look through his eyes at yourself in the physical shell, at your body. See that this body is exactly as it was originally intended.
That this body is ideal for teaching exactly the lessons that need to be taught on Earth. See that this body is now at the perfect age for this meeting. That this is a wonderful age for enlightenment and reconnection with the Divine. Bless this body and send healing energies to it. Imagine how you envelop yourself, a human being, in the light of love. Direct streams of light and love to yourself, the person.
Again, imagine that you are a person in the arms of an angel. You are the one who receives love and light from him. Feel yourself in the streams of light. Feel every cell of your being ignited and energized as the Divinity encoded in your DNA awakens. You are filled with love and light. You gain Divinity.
You have just realized in practice the duality of your being. Duality is something that is characteristic of all people who pass their lessons on Earth in a biological shell. There is no duality in Divine dimensions. But while we live on Earth, we are both people and beings of Light, angels.
The meeting of these two hypostases means reunification with Divinity. In your earthly life, you can look at the world both through the eyes of a person and through the eyes of an angel. Don’t forget to remember at least several times during the day that behind you is your Divine hypostasis. Receive love from this majestic angel. See the world and yourself through its eyes. Then you will begin to pass your life lessons more easily, and you will always radiate love and dignity, which will become your constant attributes.
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
Angel's Hug: Meditative Exercises | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/11/2023 08:56:00 PM