Courage to a boy growing up in the Fifties: Hi yo, Silver, away! (The Lone Ranger)
By Steve Beckow, December 8, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’ve had significant assistance in feeling courageous, if I was ever going to feel that way.
A 1977 out-of-body experience removed the fear of death.
Two potentially-fatal, toxic agents neutralized – add in two more (or three, I can’t recall) housefires instantly extinguished.
Assurance that, if I were about to be tortured, I’m told I could voluntarily leave my body and return home. (1) Assurance that, upon death, I’d be whisked away home. (2)
Here’s some more. Money arrives when I need it. I’m proceeding as the Mother requests of us, to offer ourselves before your charity as an assist to awaken everyone’s spirit of generosity. (3) But I’m not worried. Except that I’ll miss the rent!
When I was around 17, I said to God, I’ll do your work if you take care of finances and so has it been ever since. It used to frustrate … some people I know … endlessly.
My last job was a six-figure job. It was like getting a wonderful send-off.
Oh, and it was the only one that paid me a pension. (4) Otherwise I’d have none. It just all seems arranged, looking back.
Michael once said to me, probably around finances, you have to trust. What else can you do?
Uhhhh, yes. If you’re going to be a lightworker, relying on the Divine for your next meal, then you have to trust. Big lesson for me.
But back to courage. It isn’t that I feel more courageous. It’s that other feelings like anger, irritation, jealousy, etc., are little by little leaving me. They’re vacating the place, vamoosing the ranch. I attribute this to the rising love energies.
After the heart opening, Michael said:
This [heart opening] occurs, not merely because you have asked for it, but because you (and this does apply to the collective) have done your, can we say, your homework, your due diligence. What we mean by this is simply, think of it in spatial reality, time and space reality: you have created the space for this [energy of love] to, not only pass by you like a passing breeze or a rain, but to anchor within you because there is a sense of this spaciousness within thee. (5)
The work that we’re doing in clearing away our upsets and issues – or vasanas – is clearing this space for the heart to open and the most wonderful love to be experienced. (7)
I was talking to someone the other day who has also experienced this love and we both agreed that, once we had, “the jig was up,” “the cat was out of the bag.” The great secret of life – this ever-deepening and entrancing love – was known. We were now hot on the trail…..
So I do know this feeling of inner space and I know that it attracts love.
Also, at Xenia, I experienced my own native purity and innocence.
And now, as we’re bombarded by love energy from the Mother, her legions, and higher civilizations, the divine qualities are being unconcealed. While I haven’t experienced courage as a divine state (I’ve experienced lots of anger), I expect I’ll find it among them.
Another way of saying that is: The ego is not usually courageous and I don’t think it can be made to be so. The soul, the Self is naturally courageous but overburdened with issues and upsets.
The rising energies are dissipating the issues and upsets and unconcealing what I imagine will turn out to be a naturally-courageous Self.
(1) Steve: I have no fear of death. I have a fear of torture.
The Arcturians: Well, you don’t have to have a fear of torture because if you have no fear of death you can just choose to die and then they can’t torture you.
Steve: I wasn’t aware I could do that. (The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Sue Lie, July 22, 2014.)
(2) Archangel Michael: The dying piece is neither here nor there. You know that I would lift you up very rapidly and take you home, joyously. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 1, 2014.)
(3) Steve: This poverty that we are having to endure just doesn’t seem necessary.
Divine Mother: Because you have agreed that you are on, can we say, the receiving end.
Steve: So our being [poor] is used as a means to get people to open up?
Divine Mother: To express gratitude, generosity, unity and to express what is valuable to them.
Steve: So that is what the spiritual meaning of this is. That we serve that purpose of igniting people’s generosity or inspiring it.
Divine Mother: That is correct. You are the catalysts. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 7, 2015.)
(4) Some had cashed out my contributions. Others gave me RRSPs. But none resulted in a pension till my last job.
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015. Also in “Activating the Wellspring – Part 1/2,” March 14, 2015, in An Ascension Ethnography at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/An-Ascension-Ethnography-12.pdf, at 87-93.
(6) On the work of clearing away our issues and upsets, see Vasanas: Preparing For Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Vasanas-Preparing-for-Ascension-R8.pages.pdf
Download On the Divine Qualities here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/On-the-Divine-Qualities-R4.pdf
A Naturally-Courageous Self? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/09/2023 02:08:00 AM