You No Longer Need to Fear Enlightenment and Spiritual Growth | Liberty

You No Longer Need to Fear Enlightenment and Spiritual Growth

God's love is not dangerous - it itself saves from fears and dangers

Dear ones, Kryon greets you! If you knew how beautiful you are, how majestic your radiance is - if you could feel with your whole being that you are eternal, immortal, invulnerable and immensely loved by God - you would no longer have anything to fear!

Dear ones, accept our declarations of love, accept the energy of love. And ask yourself: why are these confessions sometimes scary to you? Why do you continue to fear the love and light of God?

Yes, dear ones, many of you are afraid of love, afraid of light, afraid of enlightenment, afraid of ascension and everything that leads to this - afraid of the processes of self-knowledge and self-improvement, spiritual growth and raising consciousness to Divine levels.

Even those who listen and read me now have not yet completely gotten rid of these atavistic fears. What can we say about all the other people on the planet... Many of them are afraid of you, because your interests and aspirations are so different from what they live by. Oh, you know that some began to shun you and even accuse you of serving some “dark forces” when they learned that you were interested in esoteric disciplines or the New Age movement, that you read Kryon and listen to the messages of the Spirit.

You feel only love and light in yourself, but you are accused of being addicted to darkness, isn’t this absurd? Of course, it is absurd, dear ones, and those who accuse and shun you are driven by ancient human fear, fear rooted at the genetic level - fear of Divinity, fear of enlightenment, fear of love.

There are four main reasons for this fear:

the first is the fear of being crucified, destroyed or ridiculed, humiliated, misunderstood, because you have chosen the path to God;

the second is the fear that God’s love will be too demanding, that God will put you in some kind of framework and begin to impose obligations on you, for failure to fulfill which you will be punished;

the third is the fear of leaving your usual comfort zone and losing what you are used to - your old activities, your old way of life, your old friends;

and the fourth is the fear that in the Divine light everything secret will become clear and it will no longer be possible to hide dark deeds and dark thoughts.

As you understand, the first three reasons are relevant for those who themselves choose the path to God, the fourth reason is relevant for those who do not choose the path to God, but are afraid of those who do.

Since you, reading and listening to these words, belong to the first category, we will talk today only about the first three reasons. The fears of other people, those who fear the light and you, who bring the light, should not confuse you. They have nothing to do with you, you are not the reason for them. Your only task is to become invulnerable to such people, and you can do this if you overcome your own fears.

Fear of “suffering for faith”: its causes and methods of liberation

So let's start with the first reason - the fear of being ridiculed or even destroyed because you have chosen the path to God.

This fear has a long history. All of you - each of you - had similar experiences in past incarnations. You were not only ridiculed, rejected and humiliated, but even killed for your faith. At the genetic level, at the level of your DNA - its information components - you have since written down a program of fear that this could happen again.

This program will hold back even the bravest of you, preventing you from moving forward at the pace you would like.

Now that you are closer to enlightenment and ascension than ever before, this program has been activated as strongly as ever. We can say that inside many of you from time to time a voice awakens that shouts: “Stop, where you are going, it’s dangerous!” And you retreat, taking one step forward and two steps back on the path of your own development.

Dear ones, it's time to rewrite this program. It is no longer relevant. It doesn't work for you. She warns of a danger that no longer exists. Yes, you are still rejected and not accepted by many, many are ready to ridicule you - but something has changed. Namely, how you are able to lead and manage your life.

You have changed, dear ones. You are no longer victims. You are able to control events yourself. And no one can harm you without your will.

Previously, you sacrificed yourself, thinking that sacrifice was required by God. But God does not require sacrifices from you! You don't have to die in His name. God wants you to live as long as possible and be happy. And it depends on you.

You can walk towards light and love, towards enlightenment and ascension, and feel absolutely safe in doing so. You can create a safe space for this yourself. Rewrite the fear program at the DNA level - express this intention, and it will happen. And you will be able to live in light and love freely, happily, easily and without fear.

Fear of being enslaved by God: how to get rid of it

Now let's turn to the fear associated with your fears of being enslaved to God, captive to too strict obligations. Dear ones, these fears were not inspired in you by God, but only by your religions, which taught you that God is cruel and punishes people for their sins. Now you know that this is not true. God is love, He loves you immensely, and a loving God is simply not able to be cruel and punishing.

God brings you not slavery, but freedom.

God's love is not demanding. This love is not pushy, not aggressive. This love does not want to conquer you and turn you into property. This love has no conditions. This love does not require anything from you. This love comes to you only when you are ready to accept it, when you yourself express such an intention. This love does not invade your life against your will. And this love can never, under any circumstances, turn against you, bring you any harm, inconvenience or trouble.

This love does not create dependencies like those that sometimes arise in human love. On the contrary, this love frees you from any addictions. God's love makes you equal to God. Equal means just as majestic, just as powerful, just as beautiful and just as free. That's what God's love gives you - it doesn't constrain you, it liberates and sets you free.

Fear of falling out of your usual way of life: the key to overcoming it

The next facet of the fear of enlightenment is the fear of losing your usual dramas . For most people, these dramas constitute the main content of life. Without them, life seems meaningless to them. They endlessly discuss and experience their dramas, not noticing how they spend all their energy on it, which is why they cannot feel the true meaning of life and the true enjoyment of life.

Dear ones, if you stop taking your dramas so seriously, life will not only not become boring - it can become much more interesting and rich.

Stopping taking drama seriously gives you the opportunity to play.

In the game, you decide for yourself what to attach importance to and what not, what to worry about and what not to worry about, which dramas to join in and which not. Are you afraid of losing friends if you stop sharing their drama? But this is optional. Once you find freedom from drama, you become the master of your destiny and can decide for yourself which of your old friends to keep in your life and which to leave out.

You can see the true essence of the world, you can see that the dramas are not as important and not as serious as your friends think, but you don’t even have to share your vision of the world with them.

You can play, but that doesn't mean pretending. You can respect the dramas of others, you can sympathize with others, you can experience different emotions, while not forgetting that this is just a game, and the only reality is the love and light of God.

You can master this art, you can become who you are - a playing Spirit, and begin to receive incredible pleasure from life, because you have the opportunity to live, feel, experience real emotions in gaming circumstances. And then you will not lose anything, but will gain a lot.

Exercise 1: Create a safe space of enlightenment for yourself

Be alone with yourself. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and slow, smooth exhalations, focusing on your breathing to drive away extraneous thoughts. When you come to a state of pleasant peace and tranquility, imagine that you are surrounded by a snow-white glow. It doesn't just surround you - it comes from you. This is the radiance of your Divine Self, the radiance of the energy of the Spirit that permeates every cell of yours. Every cell of yours radiates this radiance. The glow becomes brighter and occupies more and more space around you. It becomes like a cocoon of light - powerful, bright, impenetrable. This is the light of Divine love. Within it you feel yourself radiating love and receiving the love of God. You are invulnerable, you feel completely safe. You are strong enough to control your surroundings and stay safe in any circumstance.

To strengthen yourself in this state, say to yourself or out loud: “ Dear Almighty, I express my firm intention to create for myself a protected space of enlightenment, a space of light and love of God, allowing me to safely move towards enlightenment, to safely carry Divine energies into the earthly world. I am protected, I am invulnerable, I am loved ."

Imagine that your cocoon of light is growing and expanding, occupying all the visible space around. It becomes even larger - it embraces the entire Earth and extends beyond its borders. Say: “ I intend to create a safe space of enlightenment for all souls in the Universe. So be it ."

Your intention will begin to work, creating a safe space of enlightenment not only for you, but for all people. In this way, you will contribute to the overall enlightenment of the Earth and at the same time create a more comfortable and protected environment for your own growth and development.

You can move on to the next exercise when you have created a protected space of enlightenment for yourself and feel safe.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the Enlightenment Fear Program at the DNA Level

You need to program and reprogram DNA by looking at yourself in the mirror and always speaking out loud. Then your cells will hear you and perceive the information that you convey to them.

Look into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror and say loudly and clearly:

“ I turn to my wonderful, beloved cells - their minds and consciousness. I turn to my beautiful DNA. My beautiful Divine DNA, we are now returning to the highest purpose of the Creator. I ask my DNA to awaken, activate, and activate all the properties and qualities originally intended for me by God. Now I am putting into action all the natural programs created for me as a spark of God, a majestic Divine being.

I activate the energies of the Divine Spirit at the level of each cell. I include in each of my cells a program for following the path of the Spirit, a program for enlightenment.

I ask my Divine DNA to turn off the program of fear of enlightenment and all those programs that no longer work for my benefit.

I ask my Divine DNA to fully awaken the programs of happiness, joy, pleasure, pleasure that accompany enlightenment.

I eliminate the program of fear of enlightenment at the DNA level and replace it with programs of happiness, joy, pleasure, pleasure from enlightenment. I ask my Divine Self to witness and confirm the truth of this rewrite. Made! So be it ."

Move away from the mirror, sit or lie down in any comfortable position, close your eyes and rest a little, listening to the sensations in your body. Just do not interfere with the natural flow of energies in the body, “let go” of them, observing as if from the outside. This way you will allow new energies to find the necessary balance, after which new programs can take effect.

Exercise 3. Freeing yourself from fear of God's love

Stay alone with yourself, take any comfortable position, close your eyes, relax, free yourself from extraneous thoughts.

Make a request to your Divine Self: “ My Divine Self, I ask you to show me what it feels like to have the true love of God, freeing, safe, and comfortable for me .”

Focus on the heart area and listen to how you feel. Imagine how soft loving energy envelops you and you feel peace, comfort, security, a pleasant feeling that you are protected and loved, that you are enveloped in care and very soft, unobtrusive attention.

Say out loud or to yourself:

“It is safe to love God and accept God’s love.
God's love frees you from addictions.
God's love releases tension.
God's love frees us from fear.
In God’s love I become myself – loved, free, happy.
In the love of God, I become light and love - a Divine being equal to Him. I am who I am – a Divine angel born of the love and light of God .”

Having felt the true presence of God's love, you will never be afraid of it, since it will free you from this and from all other fears.

Exercise 4. Reminder to yourself: everything is a game

Remember any situation in which you experience dissonant emotions associated with you or with your loved ones, friends, acquaintances. Maybe you are overly worried about some inconvenience or trouble, or something unwanted is happening in life, or someone is not treating you the way you would like. Look at this situation as if from the outside, as if it were unfolding on stage.

Tell yourself: “This is a game. It's not real. The only reality is light and love. There is nothing in the world but the light and love of God. Everything else is unreal. Everything else is an illusion. Everything else is a game."

Decide for yourself whether you want to continue this game or whether you should quit it. You can continue to take part in events, but as a playing Spirit who enjoys the game. You can live the same way you lived and communicate with the same people with whom you communicated. You don’t need to go into hermitage, you don’t need to give up anything, but you don’t need to preach your truths to those who are not ready to hear them. But you can change the very content, meaning and content of your life if you look at everything from the point of view of the playing Spirit, who knows: everything is unreal, everything is a game, except the light and love of God.

You can use any situation in life to train this mindset. Your life will not only not become poorer, but will become brighter, more colorful, and richer. You will begin to enjoy literally everything that happens.

Dear ones, let me remind you: your safety, your invulnerability is in your hands. God does not require that you always and everywhere bear your truths openly, God does not require that you preach and try to “convert” everyone, even those who are not ready for this. God does not require sacrifices from you - you should not suffer for choosing your path, the path of the Spirit, the path of enlightenment.

You can carry love and light in your heart - and that will be enough. You don't have to say anything to anyone at all. Your intuition will tell you when to speak and when to remain silent. If you see sincere interest on someone's part, if someone asks you to talk about how you became the way you are - full of love and peace, glowing and loving - answer the person's questions, answer as best you can, as you understand and feel, but only if your heart tells you: it’s safe, there’s no trick in these questions, they really come from the heart.

Those who are ready to follow you along the path of the Spirit will come to you with questions, your true like-minded people will come to you, and you will understand that you can reveal your truths to them, you can tell them about what you live. There is no need to tell this to others.

There is no need to open up to ill-wishers and scoffers - but even to them you can send love and light from your heart. All people will come to God sooner or later, it is a foregone conclusion. But so far there are not so many people like you on Earth - you are not at all obliged to open your soul to everyone. Remember this, ask for guidance from God and your angelic helpers about when it is safe to open up and when it is better to remain silent. You will be safe if you want it. You have nothing to fear, dear ones. All in your hands.

You are immensely loved! It was, is and will always be so.Kryon

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
You No Longer Need to Fear Enlightenment and Spiritual Growth | Liberty You No Longer Need to Fear Enlightenment and Spiritual Growth | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/11/2023 01:47:00 AM Rating: 5

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