What is Energy | Liberty


Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/kanaly/chto-takoe-yenergiya/#ixzz8IBz5wzRY

Today we will have a serious conversation, because I want to tell you how the world works, what it is made of, what energy and subtle energy-information structures are . I will try to explain this as simply as possible, because I want it to be clear to each of you, no matter what your knowledge of the exact sciences.

So, let's start with the fact that everything in your Universe is energy. Scientists give their definition of this concept, but, in fact, everything is much simpler than it seems to them, and at the same time, more complex, since this substance has no boundaries - it is infinite in time and space.

To put it in very simple terms, energy is something that has the ability to change, it is the fundamental basis of everything that exists, the starting point for absolutely everything: thoughts, feelings, actions, emotions.

There are positive and negative energies, which is similar to differently charged particles, and they also repel each other upon first contact.

Energy can be conscious or unconscious. A very small part of them belongs to the unconscious - for example, the energy of attraction associated with the gravitational field of the earth, and several more similar types of energies - such as the energy of distribution and the energy of belonging to a single whole.

We will dwell in detail on those energies that you encounter in everyday life and that have practical significance for you.

I will try to explain to you how matter is formed and what a person is made of. Everything that exists on earth is a concentration of various types of energy that allows a given object, including a person, to materialize. How does this happen?

First it appears on the subtle plane. You will be surprised, but even inanimate objects have their own energy-information structure, that is, subtle bodies, and therefore their own energy.

But first, let's look at the human energy structure. And we will start from the moment of conception, which occurs as a result of a powerful burst of energy and the combination of male and female energies. What happens next resembles an energetic adaptation from the density from which the soul is about to incarnate to the third-density world in which it will have to live.

This is a very complex, one might say, sacred process, since very high souls often descend to earth who have chosen Service in the name of saving humanity, and sometimes, on the contrary, souls from worlds of lower densities come here to rise to a new stage of their spiritual development.

Sometimes the dispersion of energies is simply colossal, and so that like attracts like, that is, so that the womb of a mother, located in the third density, can accept a being so different from her in vibrations, and such a long period of bearing a child is given - so that the soul that comes from higher dimensions to condense to the world of the third dimension, and vice versa. In this way, energetic interpenetration of mother and child occurs.

Now let’s look at how a person’s energy-information structure is formed. This process is even more difficult to explain, since your subtle bodies already belong to the Divine aspect and carry within themselves that very particle of God that is inherent in each of you.

This is also energy, but not completely condensed to the world of the third dimension. We can say that partly it resides in the world of the fourth dimension, and for some people who are at a very high level of spiritual development, in higher worlds. But there are few such people, and this is rather an exception to the rule. For most people, the subtle bodies become denser to the maximum permissible level and practically lose their connection with the Divine Plan of the Universe.

To put it in very simple terms, the subtle bodies of people are rarefied energy of varying concentrations. The more spiritual a person is, the rarer his subtle bodies are - that is, they are larger in volume and contain more Divine energy.

In people who are spiritually undeveloped, too earthly and material, the subtle bodies are literally compressed, almost merging with their physical bodies.

Now I want to dwell on how a person can control his energetic substance. Since positive and negative emotions have different energy fillings, a person can change his energy with the power of thought.

The most powerful energy in the Universe is the energy of Love. And she can work real miracles. It is she who is capable of changing the energy structure of a person and “rarefying” it to the Divine state.

And vice versa, negative energies - such as anger, envy, hatred, etc. - condense a person’s subtle bodies, depriving him of his originally inherent Divine energy.

And now I will explain to you how the energy-information structures of inanimate objects are formed. Of course, I mean what is made by human hands, since everything else is originally alive and has its own energy.

Any object created by human hands - from the simplest dish prepared by him to the most complex mechanical device - ALWAYS carries within it the energy of the person or people who worked on it. And it is this energy that forms the energy-information field of a given object.

And that is why things made with love carry the energy of the highest vibrations and give people joy, and what is done hastily, indifferently, ineptly - without a soul, remains a cold, soulless object and cannot make a person happy.

Although here a lot also depends on what kind of hands such an item falls into. The energy of the person who uses it makes its own adjustments, that is, its own energy, and if it is the energy of Love, it can “heal” him, and, conversely, an object made with love, but falling into the wrong hands, can wither away.

Therefore, always remember, my dears, what a great responsibility you bear for everything that falls into your hands, for everything you do: it all carries your energy further into the world.

Of course, it is easiest to feel the energy of such creations as music, literature, poetry, artistic creativity - in a word, all types of arts, for they respond in the soul of every person with very specific vibrations, which are the main indicator of this or that energy.

But know that even the most neutral, most inanimate, in your opinion, objects react to how you treat them, and therefore what kind of energy you send to them.

This is especially clearly manifested in your relationship with different types of equipment - computer, car, telephone. Never complain about them or scold them, otherwise they will answer you in kind: you will attract from them the same energy that you “awarded” them, and they will begin to break down, act up and cause you a lot of problems. You've already encountered something like this in your life, haven't you? And you already know that the external always reflects the internal, and the essence of this law is energy exchange.

The last thing I would like to tell you about today is the energetic structure of your planet. She, like a person, has both a physical body and subtle bodies. But, unlike you, its subtle bodies are unchanged, because they are already in the plane of Divine space, but, nevertheless, the people living on it have a very great influence on them.

All your negative thoughts, emotions and actions distort and pollute her energy-information space, and in order to cleanse herself, she has to respond to you in the same way: natural disasters and man-made disasters, because the law of the Universe is unchanged and omnipresent: the external always reflects the internal - in the big and small Always remember this, my dears!

This is where we will stop today.

Father Absolute spoke to you through my beloved daughter.

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
What is Energy | Liberty What is Energy | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/06/2023 07:29:00 AM Rating: 5

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