This Seems Pretty Important to Us | Thymus via Daniel Scranton

This Seems Pretty Important to Us ∞ Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

NOV 3 2023

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

It is your right to be upset about whatever you are upset about, and it is your right to change the way that you feel about something, but oftentimes you are not deciding how you are going to feel or how you want to feel. The tricky part of being there on Earth is that there are so many feelings, and there are so many opportunities to have different feelings because there are so many different scenarios and circumstances that can be lived by humans and by animals. Animals feel too.

You are awake. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be receiving this transmission. And as one who is awake, we hope you are deciding deliberately how you want to feel. We also hope that you are shifting something within yourself in order to get there, because the other way is much harder. You can create lots of circumstances for yourselves to dictate what mood you will be in, and we applaud you for doing so. That is part of deciding how you want to feel. If you want to feel joy, and you paint the room that you’re going to be all day the color that you feel most joyful about, then that is a good decision. If you like having crystals around you because you feel good having crystals around you, then make that decision as well.

You get to decide how you surround yourself and with what and with whom. These are good uses of your free will. When you don’t feel the way that you want to feel, it may seem like something is being done to you; it may seem like you didn’t have a choice. The truth is you did. A long time ago, you had a choice in how you would perceive something. And you made a choice, and you had an emotional reaction, and you didn’t do anything about it. So then something else comes along in your life experience, and you feel the same way about it.

Now, as an awakened soul, you understand you do have a choice, but initially you may have to feel what you feel in order to clear it completely out of your system. From there, you can decide how you want to feel and do what you do best to get there. In other words, put yourself in the place, surround yourself with the people, plants and animals that are going to help you get to that higher-vibrational state of being, and then choose your thoughts and your points of focus carefully, and you will start to feel the way that you want to feel. And then you can turn your attention back on the situation, or the person, or the circumstances, and see if you can see them from a higher perspective, see them in a different light, see them through the eyes of Source.

And you will feel better, and there will be no need for you to re-create that scenario again. Therefore, you can choose the reality that you experience, and the reality you experience can reflect to you that desired vibration you want to be in most of the time. Use your power; use your gifts of being able to sense and feel. Use the gift of free will to choose, and you will always be in the state of being you want to be in, eventually. You may have more clearing to do in this lifetime, and that’s okay. No one has ever asked you to be perfect except maybe yourself. Maybe one or two other humans have done so, but you can let them off the hook, because you must have asked them to play that role for you at some point.

But you can let yourselves off the hook for being perfect and only feeling the way that you want to feel, because you do get to experience the journey of not feeling the way that you want to feel to feeling the way you do want to feel. And then guess what? You have something to teach others, and you get to be the leader you wanted to be before you incarnated and fulfill your life’s purpose, your mission. That seems pretty important to us.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton
This Seems Pretty Important to Us | Thymus via Daniel Scranton This Seems Pretty Important to Us | Thymus via Daniel Scranton Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/04/2023 12:41:00 AM Rating: 5

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