The Field of Beingness | Heavenletters
NOV 13 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Do you begin to see how being is giving?
When you just are, you can only give.
When you are thinking or owning or in fear, you can only withhold.
When you think about giving or not giving, there has been a stop in your giving, or a pause in it.
Yet what you feel, you give. If you are in fear at a given moment, you give fear.
When you are at peace, you give peace.
It is not possible to be selfish, because you are always giving something to another. You are giving messages. Perhaps you are teaching another to be selfish. Selfishness is holding on and keeping something to yourself. You have put great value on an object perhaps and less on yourself.
Selfishness comes from fear. You see limits, and the limits set the tone of you.
I have told you not to sacrifice, and I repeat it. Now We will go a step further.
Sacrifice is an untruth. We have a common meaning for sacrifice, and it is to give up a possession you hold dear or even your life.
On another level, sacrifice does not exist because nothing can be given up. Because you give something precious to another, does not mean you lose it. Loss is not possible. The idea of loss certainly is, however, and you are well-acquainted with it.
And so We come to your mind, your logical mind that adds and subtracts. Your mind does not flow like your heart. Your mind calculates.
But a heart flows. You sacrifice your heart when you block its flow. That is the loss of innocence.
Give only where your heart wants to give, but do not block the flow of your loving heart or contribute to the block of another’s. A cramped heart is blocked. An unwilling heart is blocked. Hearts have to be unlocked.
Remember, I do not tell you to give up everything or anything. I tell you to give up nothing. I tell you to give up some of your ideas which are nothing but ideas about themselves. Ideas are vagrant thoughts, and some are given names. Some are called noble, and others are called ignoble. But there is no nobility, and there is no ignobleness. They are blips on a field of beingness.
Many different colors make the rainbow. But it is the sky that a rainbow appears on.
And colors of life appear on a field of beingness.
Feel your being. Feel its richness within you. Feel it move all the cells in your body. Beingness, which is the field, is yet the mover of you. Your beingness surges, and you are moved. Physical movement isn’t much of an accomplishment. You can move without your being, being much connected.
Ah, but to flow in your beingness, to swim in that ocean of love, to be buoyed and to buoy through the engagement of your heart, to allow your beingness to lift you and to carry you on its shoulders and to move you forward in life! Your beingness in the world may swim in channels the world has made, but your beingness swims. It must swim.
Let your beingness move you more than the world thought. Whose heart do you carry, the world’s or yours? What makes you think that the world’s thinking is wiser than your heart? You know better. Perhaps you need to educate the world. You can do that by the quiet radiation of your being. Yelling doesn’t do it. That’s been tried. The quiet radiation of your being from your heart and Mine does it.
You are a synthesizer of the world.
Take My music and make it yours.
Then by your existence you will give it to the world.
Wouldn’t you like to give My music to the world rather than throwing the world back to itself? The world will never lose itself, for it has not found itself. You have got to know there is more than the world has to tell you. And you are the more.
Heavenletters #312 The Field of Beingness, September 5, 2001, on Facebook
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The Field of Beingness | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/14/2023 01:17:00 AM