Presenting Silver Birch, on the Times We’re in | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, November 18, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Wendy Zammit asked me to make a book of the works of Silver Birch on this site. I did and said to myself that it probably wouldn’t interest you, our readers. It was geared towards students of the afterlife, I said to myself.

But then I reasoned that it was also a book of prophecy, in which Silver Birch reported what he had heard, seen, and knew about the New World coming. I was interested in that at the time.

But all that disappeared when I revisited the database and changed my mind. Silver Birch is someone worth meeting and listening to on many more topics than just the afterlife.

He has the gentleness of Matthew Ward but the way of presenting truth of SaLuSa. He has much to offer us, who are in the times he wrote about back in the early to mid-twentieth century.

You hear the same message from him that you hear from our terrestrial, extraterrestrial, and celestial sources, which is a wonderful validation of the message.

For anyone interested in what the tenor of discussion was like in early to mid-twentieth century, this collection is quite representative of its leading edge – British Spiritualists and one of their leading sources, Maurice Barbanell’s “Silver Birch.”

This article is only one element of the book. You’ll find the whole Silver Birch database attached to the downloadable book.

It’s designed as a searchable database. Import it into a word-processing program or turn it into an online, searchable database. Imagine if you had a downloadable, searchable database of Matthew Ward….. Hmmmm….

Download Silver Birch on the New World here:

From “Silver Birch’s New World,” January 31, 2019, at

You are now in the midst of the crisis. As always happens before there is a birth, there is much pain. The birth of the new order means much pain. Even when the new order comes, there will be growing pains.

But there has been planted in your world a seed that will grow and the efforts of those in high places to destroy the seed will fail. It was said, a long time ago, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” That is going to happen.

There will be many big changes. There will be break-ups and there will be many upheavals. There will be what you think is darkness and difficulty. You will say, “Things are worse.” But, all the time, there is behind it all a power which is making for the progress of the world.

There are many of us who have been allowed by those who are higher and above us to see your world as it will be one day. That conception we try to transmit to those who are receptive, to inspire them to go on with their work. The pictures I have seen make your present world more ugly than it is. I see what it could be like – and what it must be like. It is only a question of time.

One day, there will arise a new race that will recognize that all politics, religion, science and knowledge are part of one thing. (1) Then pain, sorrow, fear, mourning and unhappiness will be banished and your world will be a place of smiles and happy laughter. …

You have tried to build a world where, when one man has something, instead of using it to help the others, he tries to keep it for himself, with the result that in time he makes a system that must collapse because its foundations are wrong.

When you have people who develop their gifts, which all come from the Great Spirit, and use them for the benefit of all the others, then there will be built a system founded on that which is eternal. (2)

You are witnessing the birth of a new order and all around you are the signs that the old world, founded on selfishness, materialism, greed, avarice and cruelty, is dying. You who call yourselves Spiritualists are the custodians of a great truth, for you are the sentries guarding the outposts, helping to forge the new era.

Think of yourselves as soldiers of the Great Spirit, fighting the greatest fight of all, for you are helping to vanquish all the forces that belong to the darkness of man’s ignorance and brought war, misery, chaos and bankruptcy to your world.

You are helping to shape a new world in which all the children of the Great Spirit will share to fulfil the richness of the bounty He has freely given. (3)

I do not care by what name you call the dawn of the new world, but it is the world of the Great Spirit coming into fulfillment, accompanied by His power, and the service of all faithful hearts who seek but to bring new joy, new life, new happiness into the world of matter, so that there shall cease coming into our world the wrecks of yours. (4)

We strive always to reveal the religious significance of spiritual truth for, when your world understands its spiritual import, there will be a revolution mightier than all the revolutions of war and blood.

It will be a revolution of the soul and, all over the world, people will claim what is their due – the right to enjoy to the full the liberties of the spirit. Away will go every restriction which has put fetters on them. (5)

The tide of victory rolls on. The old order dies, giving place to the new. The new world is coming. But do not think that, because of this victory, there will be no more dark places. There will still be much shedding of tears. There will be many aching hearts. There is great sacrifice to be made. (6)

But after the storms and the wind have blown through the world there always comes the new life of the spring. When the snow lies on the ground and all looks very bleak, you are not able to see the freshness of the spring. But it comes.

And gradually, as the great sun of life moves through the heavens of the Great Spirit, so the majesty of life comes to its fullest. Throughout the whole world of matter there is a great cloud of discontent. There will come the spring of dreams and the summer of fulfilment. …

It will come quickly or slowly as the children of the Great Spirit exercise their free will. (7)

Like many others, I have come nearer to the earth vibrations to help push forward that great new world which waits just round the corner. I come to teach you the laws of the Great Spirit and to show you how, if you live according to them, the bounty of the Great Spirit can be poured into your hearts and minds. (8)

The New World is born, born in agony of birth, with a baptism of tears and misery and sadness. But the New World is here. Its rays are beginning to pierce the fog of your world. But even in this New World all will not have been achieved. There will be plenty to remedy, to improve, to strengthen. There will still be weakness to be overcome, there will still be troubles to be eradicated.

But there will be a new basis for life. Much of the needless misery, much of the needless deprivation, much of the needless starvation and sadness will have gone. The basis of life will be changed, for gradually selfishness will be overthrown and service will reign in its place.

The New World will come more quickly or more slowly, as more of you help us or hinder us in our efforts to co-operate with you. You will not get more than you deserve or less than you deserve, for so perfect is natural law in its expression that its scales are always evenly balanced. They are weighted down neither on one side nor the other.

I tell you of conditions that are operating and, as they continue to operate, what will be changed. Do not forget that you will reap in your world the harvest of countless generations of labour wrought by many pioneers, idealists and reformers, who made sacrifices to advance the lot of mankind. (9)

We are striving always to teach the children of matter how to be free and how to bask in the sunlight of spiritual truth, how to cast off the serfdom of creedal slavery. That is not an easy task, for once the trappings of religion have mastered you, it takes a long time for spiritual truth to penetrate that thick wall of superstition.

We strive always to reveal the religious significance of spiritual truth, for when your world understands its spiritual import there will be a revolution mightier than all the revolutions of war and blood.

It will be a revolution of the soul and, all over the world, people will claim what is their due – the right to enjoy to the full the liberties of the spirit. Away will go every restriction which has put fetters on them.

Our allegiance is not to a Creed, not to a Book, not to a Church, but to the Great Spirit of life and to His eternal natural laws.

A great power of the spirit will descend into your world of matter. In all its countries a mighty force of the spirit will be felt, for there is a great work to be done to counteract the selfishness and the ignorance of your world. In time it will conquer, but, in the process, there will be much travail.

Plenty of workers have come to take their stand at your side. There are those who are known to you, those who are bound to you with ties of blood and others who are attracted to serve you out of the love that they bear for you. When you think of those whose names you know, try to realise the countless host of the unknown, who serve without any desire to be known or recognised but who give their power to be used.

The world will not be converted in a blinding flash like Saul on the road to Damascus. Gradually, the light of spiritual truths will break through, as more people become aware of the great knowledge and more instruments are available for the power of the Great White Spirit to use. You must remember that the things of the / spirit require careful nurture and progress. Sudden conversions would not be enduring, and our work is intended to be permanent.

Each soul that becomes an instrument for the Great Spirit, each soul that moves out of darkness into the light, out of ignorance into knowledge, out of superstition into truth, is helping to advance the world, for each one of these is a nail that is driven into the coffin of the world’s materialism. (10)

Download Silver Birch on the New World here:


(1) Could that be the new species the Mother is creating, which she describes here:

Divine Mother: Do you think, feel, know it is inappropriate of me to birth a new species of humans? … Because that is exactly what I am doing. And it’s exactly what I’m doing by opening the Thirteenth Octave. (Divine Mother in Linda Dillon, Thirteenth Octave Intensive Class, Oct. 24, 2020.)

Ivo of Vega called it “homo universalis”:

Ivo: Yes. This is an extinction event. On planet Earth, only certain types of DNA will evolve or ascend. Other types of DNA will not. Homo Sapiens is slated for extinction. Homo Universalis will prevail. (“Ivo of Vega: The Nature of Negativity,” through Sharon Stewart, February 22, 2021. at

(2) Silver Birch, Teachings of Silver Birch. Wisdom from the World Beyond. Ed. A.W. Austen. London: Spiritualist Press, 1962; c1938, 42-3. [Hereafter TSB.]

Silver Birch, Philosophy of Silver Birch. London: Spiritualist Press, 1975; c1969, 27.

Silver Birch’s medium, Maurice Barbanell

(3) Silver Birch, Silver Birch’s Teachings. Located at http:/, n.p. [Hereafter SBT.]

(4) Silver Birch, TSB, 44.

(5) Ibid., 26.

(6) Ibid., 38.

(7) Silver Birch, Silver Birch Anthology. Ed. Wm. Naylor. London: Spiritualist Press, 1974; c1955, 51. [Hereafter SBA.]

(8) Silver Birch, Philosophy of Silver Birch. London: Spiritualist Press, 1975; c1969, 27.

(9) Silver Birch, SBT, n.p.

(10) Silver Birch, SBA, 39-41.
Presenting Silver Birch, on the Times We’re in | Steve Beckow Presenting Silver Birch, on the Times We’re in | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/18/2023 10:24:00 PM Rating: 5

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