Meditation Exercises for Healing, Health Promotion, Rejuvenation and Life Extension | Liberty

Meditation exercises for healing, health promotion, rejuvenation and life extension

“You no longer need to get sick and grow old”

Dear ones, you came to Earth to bring Divine energies into the material world. You have come to spiritualize matter, to raise its vibrations. And you can't do it any other way than by starting with yourself.

Your work to spiritualize matter is, first of all, work with your own body. Please do not neglect your biological membrane! Remember that while living on Earth, you should not divide yourself into Spirit and body, but, on the contrary, strive for the unity of all aspects of your being. You are one and indivisible, dear ones, you are spiritual and material beings at the same time, and your task is to raise your biological component to the level of energetic vibrations of the Spirit.

You become light and love as you progress on the path to God. You become light and love not only on a spiritual level, but also on a physical level. Every cell of your body, every DNA molecule perceives light and love, perceives the Divine programs of its existence. You are enlightened and deified from within, at the cellular level.

When you do this, healing and rejuvenation naturally occurs. Because the light and love of God, which you absorb into every cell, displaces and dissolves gross dissonant energies that become the cause of illness. You don't need to get sick anymore. You don't have to grow old anymore. You can live much longer than you do now, while remaining young, vigorous, and full of energy.

The Spirit leads you to happiness, the Spirit leads you to health and youth, dear ones. Follow this path and have no fear. Each of you has a long, happy, eventful life ahead of you, full of health and joy. This is how God wants it, and how important it is that you want it yourself!

Exercise 1. Enabling self-healing processes of soul and body

This exercise will help you enter a state of mind and body called healing - in this state, the processes of healing and rejuvenation are best activated.

Sit in a comfortable position, breathe slowly, calmly and measuredly. Close your eyes. Direct your attention to your fingers. Focus on the feeling of the blood moving and you will begin to feel the pulsation. Then bring your attention to your toes and also feel the blood pulsating there. Take your time. If you don’t succeed right away, focus on the sensation of blood flow for as long as necessary.

The feeling of pulsation in your hands and feet will give you the feeling that energy is moving and spreading in your body.

Bring your attention to the solar plexus area. Imagine that a pleasant warmth is spreading there, gradually spreading to the whole body.

Bring your attention to your chest. Take a few deeper breaths and exhale freely. Feel your chest opening up. You can breathe easier. The heart beats evenly, strongly, calmly. A feeling of peace spreads throughout your entire body. You feel pleasant peace and warmth.

Bring your attention to your face. Imagine how energy flows from within straighten your skin and relax your muscles. Tension goes away, wrinkles on the face are smoothed out. A slight smile appears on the lips. You feel warm and comfortable, only your forehead remains cool, as if a light breeze is blowing across it. You feel calm, comfortable, relaxed.

Think of it as a healing state. Your body begins to normalize itself. Mechanisms of self-regulation and self-healing are activated. You don't need to do anything. Just rest. The body itself will take care of doing the work of self-healing. The main thing is that you have created the necessary conditions for this by entering a healing state.

After a few minutes, direct your attention to the organ that most needs healing. Express your intention to heal. Imagine that together with your attention you are directing healing energy to this organ, which washes it with pleasant soft currents.

Then do the same with other organs that require special attention and care.

You can stay in this state as long as you want.

This exercise can be performed once every few days, and more often if desired.

Exercise 2. Activation of the matrix of ideal health

This exercise can be performed repeatedly when you feel that you need to restore the harmony of spiritual health at the level of the physical body.

Find an opportunity to stay for a while in a calm environment, alone with yourself. Take any comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and measuredly. Focus on the heart area. Feel your Divine Center. Connect with your Divine Self.

Imagine that you are in the center of a column of bright white shining light. This pillar goes down to the center of the Earth and up to the infinity of Space. Imagine that you are standing firmly on the Earth. Mentally look around the entire beautiful blue planet and feel its surface. Then mentally look around the entire endless Cosmos and feel a deep inner connection with it.

Mentally turn to the Spirit: “ Dear Spirit, dear God, dear Almighty, send me the Divine matrix of ideal health, given to me by right of my Divine origin, and help me put this matrix into action in my human body. ”

Imagine how a large shining and iridescent diamond descends towards you from above along the luminous beam within which you are located - this is how you can symbolically imagine the energy-informational matrix of ideal health. The diamond freezes above the top of your head, and you feel how crystal clear rays of energy and light coming from it enter your body through your head and fill your entire aura and biological shell. These rays touch every cell of your body, and every cell flashes with bright light and begins to shine like a small diamond. When you feel every cell of yours like a small shining diamond, it will mean that you have accepted the matrix of ideal health with your whole being.

Mentally say: “ The ideal health matrix given to me by the Almighty begins its work on all levels of my being, restoring my spiritual and physical health to the way it was originally intended by God .”

Again imagine a shining diamond above your head. Say: “ I ask the ideal health matrix given to me by the Almighty to remain in my aura to guide the healing process, restoring my health, youth and prolongation of life .”

Take a few deep breaths in and out, feeling the radiant rays of many diamonds filling your body. Remember this feeling. Open your eyes.

Now, at any time, you can visualize a picture of a shining diamond above your head and express the intention to restore your body in accordance with the Divine Matrix of ideal health.

Exercise 3. Conversation with cells: healing and rejuvenation with the energies of the Spirit

This meditative exercise will help you set your body up for healing and rejuvenation. You can do it daily.

At any time convenient for you, take any position in which you can feel comfortable and relaxed, close your eyes. Take several deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Then breathe as usual. Relax and direct your attention to that part of the body or organ where there are problems, illnesses or discomfort. Imagine that you are directing the light of your Spirit to the cells of this organ. Thank your cells for serving you. Show them your love and appreciation.

Mentally tell the cells that they are now coming under the protection of God. They have nothing to fear anymore, they are loved and protected. By the power of the Divine Spirit, they can even become immortal. Ask the cells for forgiveness for having previously been inattentive to them and exposing them to various harmful influences - stress, overexertion, negative thoughts and feelings, bad habits, etc. Promise them that this will not happen again. From now on, you undertake to treat the cells of your body with care and love.

Imagine that Divine light fills every cell. Tell your cells that each of them contains information about healing and rejuvenation. Ask the cells to find this information and begin the process of healing and rejuvenation.

Turn to your Divine Spirit and ask it to guide and control the process of cell restoration, healing and rejuvenation. Give the entire process over to Spirit and allow it to unfold.

Now send Divine light to all the cells of your body and also ask them to begin the processes of harmonization with the help of the information about health and healing embedded in them. Imagine that you are handing over your entire body to the control of the Divine Spirit.

Mentally say: “ I am a healthy part of a healthy whole. I ask my Divine Spirit to take charge and protection of my body and bless me with healing .”

Exercise 4. Healing by intuition

This meditation exercise will help you determine which healing tools are right for you.

Take any free and relaxed position, close your eyes. Breathe slowly and steadily. Imagine that all your thoughts seem to fly away from you like a light cloud, as if carried away by a gust of wind. Imagine that you are in an ascending stream of Light. Mentally connect with your Spiritual essence and ask the question: “ Dear Spirit, please show me the means and methods of healing that are best suited for me and can be used for my highest good .” Then free yourself from thoughts again - so that something like a “vacuum” arises in your head. This is necessary so that new information can come to you - it requires emptiness, which we achieve by freeing ourselves from thoughts.

Try to stay in this “emptiness” for two or three minutes. Don’t expect answers, don’t try to “catch” them from space. All you need to do is be completely in the present moment and enjoy it, without thinking about anything or expecting anything.

You can then open your eyes and return to your normal activities. But now you need to be attentive both to your thoughts (especially random ones that arose “from nowhere”), and to all sorts of signs from the outside. Such signs can be: a phrase you accidentally read - in a magazine, book or on an advertising stand; overheard snippet of conversation; what you heard on TV or radio, giving in to a spontaneous desire to turn on the receiver; an invitation to a meeting or presentation where they talk about new means of healing, etc.

Every time you receive such a sign, ask your intuition for advice: is this information really important to you, is it suitable for you. Before you apply new knowledge, check with Spirit. If this is what you really need, you won’t have the slightest doubt about it.

Exercise 5. Meditation for freedom from pain

This exercise should not be performed for prevention. Only do it when something hurts.

Take any comfortable position - it is best to lie on your back or side. Close your eyes. The room should be quiet. The lighting is preferably dim. You can perform the exercise in complete darkness if you feel comfortable doing so.

Take several deep and slow breaths in and out, imagining that you are exhaling through the sore spot and as you exhale, the pain weakens and gradually begins to go away.

Mentally place yourself in a healing space where you feel completely safe, calm, cozy and comfortable. Connect with your Divine center and detach yourself from yourself as a person. You are a Spirit who watches you, a human being, from the outside. You can imagine yourself as a big, shining, snow-white angel who stands behind you, directing you – the person – light, love, care. Look at yourself through the eyes of this angel.

Continuing to perceive yourself from the outside, direct your attention to the area of the body where you feel pain. Imagine that you, like an angel, are exploring this area from the inside. Imagine that you are inside this area, which you perceive as pain. From within you perceive it only as energy. Do not forget that you, as an angel, are a carrier of a completely different energy - you emit light, the energy of high Divine frequencies, which is very different from the low-frequency energy of pain. And this energy of pain cannot affect you in any way, even if you are in the very center of it, because you are protected, like a cocoon, by your light, high-vibration energy.

Perceiving from the outside, from your protective cocoon, try to feel what kind of energy is around you. It has color, density, viscosity, hardness or softness. What is color? What is the density, what is the consistency and structure of this energy? Imagine that you are spreading light around you, and your light instantly changes the structure and consistency of the surrounding energy. It becomes lighter around you... As if it is easier to breathe... Breathe deeply, slowly, measuredly, imagining that with your breathing you continue to change the space of pain. Continue to mentally “dilute” this energy with your light.

Just don’t strain or try too hard - on the contrary, do everything as calmly and relaxed as possible. Keep in mind that you change the space of pain not so much with your efforts, but with your presence in it as an angel, a luminous being. Therefore, you can simply calmly contemplate what is happening, without even making any effort - and the space of pain will change only because you, in your angelic essence, are observing it.

If you feel even the slightest discomfort, stop the exercise by simply mentally leaving the space of pain. Discomfort may arise from the fact that you have not completely detached yourself from yourself as a person. You can continue the exercise at any time, and when you learn to fully connect with your spiritual essence, there will be no discomfort and the pain will subside very quickly.

You can continue this exercise as long as you like. You can stop it when the pain subsides just a little, and if you feel the strength and desire to continue, you can stop when the pain goes away completely. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend - two minutes or half an hour, the work will still be done. And know that if for some reason you couldn’t get rid of the pain the first time, you still didn’t waste that time. You will continue after a while, when you want it (after a few minutes or the next day - it all depends on your desire and well-being), and the results of your work will begin to accumulate. There will definitely come a time when you will gain power over pain and conquer it almost effortlessly.

Exercise 6. Formation of a new youthful appearance

You can do this exercise any time you want. If you want to quickly get a lasting rejuvenation effect, then at least once every two to three days.

Be alone with yourself. Set the intention to restore youth to your body. Say it out loud, turning to God with the appropriate request (the words can be any - at your discretion, but use only the affirmative form, avoiding negative words: instead of “I want to stop aging” or “I don’t want to grow old”, say better: “I I want to become forever young”, “I want to rejuvenate my body”).

Then close your eyes and imagine your current appearance. Imagine that you see yourself from the outside in your current appearance. Now remember the look you had in your youth that you liked most. Mentally superimpose your youthful appearance onto your appearance in the present tense. Imagine how your real appearance is transformed, merging with your appearance in youth. Finally you see that the first image has been completely replaced by the second, young one.

Mentally place this image in a shining golden or silver sphere. Then imagine yourself entering that sphere and connecting with it. Imagine that you have already acquired that youthful appearance to which you intend to return. Say out loud: “So be it.”

You will be better at this exercise the less you regret the past and lament your current age. Accept your age for what it is - and remember that the years will not stop you from becoming as young as you want.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

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"The Island of Light" in Russian
Meditation Exercises for Healing, Health Promotion, Rejuvenation and Life Extension | Liberty Meditation Exercises for Healing, Health Promotion, Rejuvenation and Life Extension | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/28/2023 04:28:00 AM Rating: 5

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