Lessons from Ascension: Perfect Man, Star Birth, 12 Bodies | Liberty

Lessons from Ascension. Perfect Man. Star birth. 12 bodies.

All channelings that you read are a personal refraction of the truth, which is inevitable to one degree or another. Therefore, listen, first of all, to yourself - how the information responds in YOUR HEART. My job is to pose questions that you might think about. And everyone will find the answers themselves.

El Mikhail Nebodonsky, answer me!

I'm with you.

Please tell us about our bodies. What happens to them during the ascension process. We are told that we have 12 bodies corresponding to 12 levels. Or seven bodies corresponding to seven chakras. What really?

You have many bodies. If we take you as a personal embodiment of your soul, then you have seven bodies. The seven bodies are the personal bodies of the Spirit. But the higher you rise with your consciousness, that is, the more you join your unity, the more fragments of your true self you restore in your awareness. The more energy of awareness you can embrace, the more expansive you become. And your seven bodies cannot contain this vast energy of awareness.

Because you are part of something greater than what you currently perceive as yourself. And with each new growth of awareness, you begin to feel greater boundaries of your form. You are expanding. When you connect your consciousness with the Planetary Spirit, you begin to feel the body of the planetary spirit, its form. When you connect your consciousness with the sun, you remember that you have a solar body, a stellar body. When you connect your consciousness with galactic unity, you begin to perceive yourself as the body of the galaxy, and so on. So gradually, step by step, you restore your connection with the One, gradually expand to His Consciousness and discover yourself in new, ever more grandiose forms. And when you merge with the One, you will perceive yourself as God, the body of God, of which you are a part.

Therefore, the number of forms of containing the Spirit is enormous, and sooner or later you will have to discover new facets of yourself, your new magnificent bodies.

For now, you are all at the stage of cellular development. When one cell tries to feel like not just a cell, but a cell of some huge organism. And therefore, for now you are mastering your seven bodies that are accessible to your perception.

Do planets and stars, like us, also have astral, mental, etheric and casual bodies?

Yes, everything is similar. But the difference between Planetary Consciousness is that it is united at a certain level. It is not fragmented into parts. The cells of your body work in automatic mode, and you do not know how to consciously control them. All human bodies consist of a kind of cells, capsules, cells - parts. Once you are able to reconnect with every cell of every body and merge them into unity, your consciousness will be able to control this entire cellular structure and all the processes occurring in each body.

We can say that each body consists of so-called bits of information, or energy, colored by your experience. This is a kind of library of your knowledge and experiences.

For example, the astral body stores information about all your experiences, fears, and emotions. These experiences are, as it were, recorded in the cells of your astral body in the form of energetically colored flashes. You can compare them to paints. That is, in each cell of your astral body, strokes of paint of a certain color and a certain saturation are stored. By connecting alternately to one or another cell of the astral memory, you can re-experience the feelings that you once experienced. But if you didn’t have other bodies, you wouldn’t know what these experiences are associated with, but would only taste them, as it were.

The memory cells of your mental body store all your knowledge, all the information that you heard, read, perceived, and assimilated. The event sequence is also stored there. You draw all your memories from these two bodies when you think about the past or dream about the future.

Dreaming about the future?

Yes, for all your dreams are also recorded in your bodies and remain with you. That’s why they say that a person is an open book, from which you can easily read what he is like.

Your etheric body is like your energy storage. And if, ultimately, everything is energy, then fire in its pure form is concentrated in the ether. If in the astral body the energy is colored by feelings, in the mental body the energy is organized into information, then in the etheric body your energetic essence is located.

Agni, the fire that you are told about. This is the body of fire. The etheric body consists, as it were, of fiery centers, each of which is capable of launching a specific program. It's like a body with a billion trigger buttons. Each cell of this body is a mini-vortex, they all move in different directions, and each also has certain functions. Each is holographic, and at the same time, each of them is special.

When you feel a certain movement of energy vortexes in yourself, certain points of ignition, certain hard-to-describe torsions at different points of your physical body, this etheric body of yours makes itself felt, your fiery body, which is the concentration of energy centers, the concentration of your fire, interacts with others bodies.

Your body also casually consists of cells, but it is already more complex. This is the body of relationship. The body in which the past and the future are formed. Body of time. All information about your past incarnations is recorded in the cells of this body. But not in the sense of eventfulness. Event information is recorded in your other bodies, in all previous ones.

But here, in the causal body, these events are arranged in interconnection. You can imagine them in the form of some diagrams. Or, rather, it is better to imagine them in the form of a tapestry of events, where you can see which thread and what color forms a given image on the tapestry. You can also, for your understanding, compare this with a certain switch, in which there are a bunch of wires through which various parts of you, various events of your past and present experiences are connected. The programs of your current incarnation are also recorded in this body.

Your buddhic body is the body of the soul. All bodies are bodies that contain the soul, but this is, as it were, the body most fully connected with your soul. It also consists of cells that store the connection with your soul, with all its aspects, its components. With all its parts.

Therefore, by connecting to this body of yours, you can reconnect with your soul, with your higher aspect. Your channeling occurs through this body. This body contains the programs for the development of your soul.

And finally, your atmic body, the body of connection with the Spirit, the gateway to divinity. Of course, all bodies contain the Spirit, contain parts of the Spirit. But this body has access to a higher Spirit, to the Planetary Consciousness. This body contains all the information about your connection with the Planetary Spirit, of which you are a part. This is like the border of connection to the Planetary Spirit.

All bodies exist in unity and interact. Every thought you have is the result of the action of the seven bodies. Your every action, every word is the result of the interaction of all seven bodies. At least that's how it's intended. However, for most of you, the three higher bodies remain inactive. They function in an automatic maintenance mode, like, say, a radio station that simply operates in standby mode, waiting for a listener to connect to it.

In your waking state, you primarily use your three lower bodies. You move, you think, you feel. These bodies are more developed, and one might even say that they are hypertrophied, although the sizes here are also relative. In a sleeping state, your higher bodies are more active, this is precisely why sleep was given to you. Not only so that your physical body can rest, but also so that it can reconnect with the higher bodies. Where, in fact, it draws its energy from, takes programs, instructions, and so on. In sleep mode, the “radio station” begins to work and send its signals to lower bodies so that they develop in the direction necessary for the soul.

Those of you who are called awakened are those who have finally begun to reconnect with your buddhic body, or connection with your soul. Those of you who are called “born again” are those who have restored connection with the atmic level, the level of the Spirit of the planet. They managed to balance all seven bodies at the same time, which is why they are called “newly born” because they were born as a new god, a young god, as a Perfect Man.

Each cell of each body is connected with similar cells of all other bodies. Like threads in a tapestry, like wires in a complex system. Each body performs certain functions of comprehending your experience. We can say that all your experience is classified into bits and memory cells of bodies and represents a library of your experience.

Essences external to you, including those of a higher order, can connect to your individual bodies and draw information-energy from there. This is how connection to your astral bodies occurs from those essences that want to taste your emotions, and you allow them to do so.

But only the person himself can feel the unity of all bodies at the same time. When every cell of every body is the unity of all cells of all bodies. And therefore, each cell is saturated with information and energy from all seven bodies, with all the nuances of your experience. It contains both mental and sensory information, it is colored with a fiery substance and contains all interconnections; it has a connection with the soul and a connection with a higher spirit, the Spirit of the planet.

This cell is perfect. And a person who has such a cellular structure is perfect, he is a god. He owns all the changes in his physical body, and can develop it at his own discretion, for example, grow wings for himself, although physical wings are not the most convenient thing. He is in complete control of his feelings and can experience only those emotions that he chooses for a certain experience or certain relationships, or for a certain creation. He is completely connected to the information field of the planet, has all the information about everything that happens, and this is where predictions and projections come from.

He completely owns the causal body, that is, the body of time, and time is subject to him. He can control it at his discretion to undergo certain experiments. He has completely restored the connection with his soul and clearly fulfills the tasks of his soul and his development. He restored the connection with his higher unity, with the Planetary Consciousness, expanded to it, and therefore forms a single whole with the planet and with those who inhabit it. And thus he becomes the ruler of the planet, its comrade-in-arms.

Each of the bodies is connected to a certain level of perception, and each of you can travel with your consciousness through these seven levels, isolating them separately. In fact, many of you are doing this. Some people travel in the astral worlds; they are those who practice “lucid dreaming,” as you call them. Someone travels through mental worlds, receiving information from there about the structure of universes and worlds; you already have many books and many authors. Someone can manifest in the fiery worlds, but this is a very small part. For now, the higher worlds are inaccessible to your consciousness.

All seven bodies are equal, important, necessary. Losing any body will cause significant damage to your development.

Can I ask you questions? Is the physical body as important as, say, the buddhic body? We are told about the frailty of this body and that the soul is more important.

All bodies are important because without a particular body you will not get the full range of experiences. And the most important thing is that only by having all seven bodies can you become a Perfect Man. How brother Jesus became one. If you lose your physical body, that is, you die, you cannot become a Perfect Man.

You will again have to return to the physical body in order to restore the harmony of the interaction of all seven bodies. That is why there is what you call the wheel of samsara. With each new incarnation, the soul returns in order to develop its unity, to build up its bodies and establish a relationship between them. This is the only way to become a Perfect Man.

By consistently experiencing the development of each body, in each life, you improve your bodies, develop them and unite them. First there are three lower bodies, then three higher ones. First, in your first incarnations, you develop mainly your physical and astral bodies, and you survive. All other bodies work in standby mode. Next, you begin to develop your mental body. As the first three bodies develop, you become enriched with the energy of your experience and develop the etheric body, the body of fire.

As you go through your experience, you begin to develop your causal body, the body of relationships, causes and effects, the body of time. And then, as you develop, you restore connection with your soul and begin to include your buddhic body in a mode of conscious interaction with other bodies.

And, as a completion, you connect to the body of the planet, become one with your higher spirit, with the atmic structure, and thus you become a conscious part of the Planetary Consciousness, you are both a Perfect Man and part of a more perfect planetary spirit. You find your unity in the first instance, you find your unity with the planet on which you incarnated to gain your experience. That's exactly how it's all meant to be.

But what about the saints who came with a weak body?

They came to the planet with a specific task. Their task was precisely to show you that in addition to the three lower bodies, there are also higher ones. Show that higher bodies are also important, and that it is impossible without them. In addition, the vital activity of each body and its improvement require a certain amount of energy.

Therefore, those who came to the planet with weak bodies consciously sacrificed their physical bodies so that all the energy of their life activity would be directed to fulfilling their mission, to the development of higher bodies. They set an example of the revelation of the higher bodies of humanity. However, this does not mean that the lower bodies are not important.

So, we misunderstood that the lower bodies will die off and we will remain in the higher ones?

They won't die off. All bodies will unite and become one.

But what about the ascension of the saints, whose physical bodies burned and only ashes remained? This is considered a model of development in Eastern teachings.

These are situations when a yogi tried to unite bodies by combustion, but the physical body could not resist and turned into dust. In his afterlife, such a person immediately gets to the buddhic level, because this is a rather high stage of development, and then he will return again to incarnation if he chooses this path. He will still return in order to go through the experience of the Perfect Man, the experience of the reunification of all human bodies.

Then tell us about this very fire. There are Eastern teachings that teach this combustion. But if the physical body burns up as a result, this is wrong, what does this mean?

The combustion of fiery centers is a broad concept and a separate big topic. The combustion we are talking about now seems to be a consequence of the inclusion of all bodies at the same time; this is precisely the process of unification of all bodies. Of those embodied on earth, only a few have so far succeeded in this, mostly those who came from higher levels, with specific tasks. This is the way of Brother Jesus. This is what you call ascension.

But Jesus ascended to what level?

To planetary and even higher.

What about the ascended teachers?

They ascended in different ways. Partly on the buddhic, partly on the atmic levels.

That is, in order to ascend higher, they again need to come into human incarnation?

Yes. And many of them came into human incarnation, you know about this.

Does this mean that the ignition of the fiery centers is the flare-up of all chakras? What is the rise of kundalini?

This is the flaring up of all chakras and the unification of all bodies. Look. Three lower bodies: physical, astral, mental. Three higher bodies: causal, buddhic and atmic. And “in the middle” is the body of fire. The body of fire is the fiery center for the unification of all bodies and the unification of all chakras. As you can see, it is not the atmic body that is central, unifying.

There is a kind of balance. That is, for combustion to occur, it is necessary to establish the equilibrium of all six bodies, and then at the zero point, at the point of equilibrium, a flash will occur, which will spread as a wave in both directions and ignite all six centers. And it’s as if a pillar of fire will line up, which will pass along the spinal column, along the sushumna, as you call it.

This pillar of fire will allow you to unite all centers into one, into a single chakra. This is the ignition of the future star to the level of the Planetary Spirit. It will be a Star Birth. The birth of a future star in space.

But wait. Eastern teachings speak of the movement of kundalini from bottom to top.

Energy moves in different ways. Of course, it cannot move in only one direction. Moreover, “below” and “above” exist only in your mind. When the three lower chakras are activated, when they are cleared sufficiently to begin their ascent, that is, to begin to restore connection with the higher ones, then energy can rise from bottom to top. But the initial impulse is still given in the fiery body, just as you light the flame of a gas burner from a match or a special device. And so we can say that the movement of kundalini is the ignition of the first three “gas heating pads”.

But if, using this analogy, the other three “gas burners” do not ignite, then there is a distortion in the bodies, and therefore the rise of kundalini is a rather dangerous thing; this experience must be completed in the presence of a teacher or master who is able to stop or control this process.

You have recorded cases where people could not withstand this process, they died or went crazy. The fire of the fiery centers is very strong. Ignition from fiery centers is very powerful, so the ignition process can only be carried out by those who have all their bodies awakened and a connection established with all bodies.

And then I would advise you to first try each body, try to feel it, allow it to respond to your call, concentrating your mental effort, your call on this. First, you need to rediscover your higher bodies not only as concepts, but to actually feel them, try to feel their boundaries, try to classify your sensations from connecting to these bodies.

And only after that try to ignite them first one by one under the guidance of your higher aspects, under the guidance of teachers and mentors. And only then will you be able to ignite your Perfect Body.

The ascension process also has many stages. The combustion and unification of all bodies is the final stage of the first stage of your journey to your unity. Now we are only talking about making you perceive other worlds. That is, develop your bodies “horizontally”, connect your higher bodies. Because each body, when turned on, expands a new reality of perception for you, through which you can travel with your consciousness.

Then what is the crystalline body that we are told about?

This is a body that unites three bodies: physical, astral, mental. This is, so to speak, a transitional body in which lower bodies are united into one lower body. Something like a transitional option. Since the simultaneous combustion of all seven bodies is a difficult thing for you and most of your experiments with it did not end very successfully, now a different path has been taken.

First you will unite your three lower bodies, then your three higher bodies around the fiery center. And there will be one lower body and one higher body. And one fiery body. Seven will unite into three, and then there will be a combustion, the ignition of these three bodies to a new level of consciousness.

So, now for us the process of ascension is the unification of the three lower bodies? How to do it?

Restore connection with every cell of every body.

Sounds clear. But how?

Consciousness. Thought. You must connect with your thoughts to every cell of every body. Feel it. Try to realize it, connect with it. And thus, as it were, restore full connection with each of your lower bodies. You must listen to them. Not to your mind, but to your bodies. To do this, you immerse your consciousness into one of the bodies and listen. Information will come in the form of images or words or thoughts.

You have to understand what exactly your body wants. And then you will understand that in fact that physical body wants to eat not at all what you feed it. And your astral body also wants to drink something other than what you feed it. And your mental body also wants to eat something other than what you feed it. And then you will understand that much of the physical food, much of the emotions and information channels need to be removed from your environment and perception.

Some of you have already started this process. They gave up animal food. They turned out to be from fears and negative emotions. They gave up television, media and movies. When your three bodies are balanced, then they will be able to establish a connection with the fiery body, the fiery center. And then the turn of the higher bodies will come.

Then from your lower body you will be able to begin to master your higher bodies, try their capabilities, try your capabilities as a god-man. Then you will have all the wonderful possibilities that you have heard about: levitation, time travel, movement through the portals of parallel worlds, clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance. This is the connection of the lower body with the higher.

This is conscious control of your lower body. For now, you are still at the stage of mastering your lower bodies and have not yet come to their unity.

Apparently, this will not happen soon.

It's up to you. From your persistence. From your readiness. From your perseverance and your Faith. All help, all energy for help, all information for your help is directed to you and is constantly directed. It's up to you.

But many of us have already discovered clairvoyance, clairaudience, and travel through portals. Does this mean that their lower bodies are united?

No. This suggests that they have discovered their higher bodies. That they started to connect with them. But they are only at the beginning of the journey. What you now have developed as dreaming, clairaudience, clairvoyance, is in fact only a small part of the abilities that await you.

They are waiting for you to reveal yourself. And this hearing cannot be called CLEAR. This vision cannot be called CLEAR, because all this is still darkened in you. Because your bodies are clogged and cannot conduct the CLEAR Fire of Awareness through themselves. Reminiscent of watching a movie with dark glasses or through a cloudy glass. But this is already a significant step, because you have discovered entire worlds for yourself and are trying to consider them in yourself.

But you have a lot of work ahead of you to cleanse these centers of perception, to cleanse your lower bodies. Because otherwise they will not be able to unite. This is why you are guided through various techniques and practices to cleanse your lower bodies.

Starvation. Control of emotions, control of thoughts, breathing practices. Fasting cleanses the physical body. Control of emotions cleanses the astral body. Control over information, over thoughts, cleanses your mental body. And breathing practices serve as a kind of connecting link, that is, they connect you to the fiery center.

Are prana nutrition and the fiery center related?

Yes. Because everything is connected. Because now you receive the main energy for the existence and functioning of all your bodies from the fiery center of your bodies. This fiery body of your bodies is connected with the fiery centers of the universe. And therefore it cannot be said that you receive prana from thin air.

The process is comprehensive. In addition, the fiery body serves not only as a connecting link, but also as a filter between the lower and higher bodies. BECAUSE IT PROTECTS YOUR BODIES FROM POLLUTIONS PRESENT IN THE LOWER BODIES. The Fiery Membrane burns, as it were, everything unclean that strives to penetrate your higher bodies. And when the fiery center ignites, if your lower bodies are not yet clean, THIS CAN CAUSE VERY PAINFUL SENSATIONS AND BE DANGEROUS FOR YOU.

Therefore, before you begin the practice of combustion, you must thoroughly cleanse your bodies. And then, if your bodies are clean, the combustion itself will be simply like a flash of insight. Or like the soft flow of fire within you, like the light of a candle spreading within you. Your combustion will be smooth and clean.

I also want to say that your thought is also the unity of all seven bodies. Every thought you have is reflected in every body you have. For it unites the energy of all seven bodies. Therefore, the energy of your thoughts must be balanced. You can call your thoughts a kind of small wicks passing through all your bodies. Therefore, in principle, your every thought can cause the ignition of fiery centers.

Therefore, a pure and good thought itself can bring you instant purification if it is balanced. Or at least begin to establish a balanced connection between your bodies. But most of your thoughts are unbalanced. They are dominated by emotions, and not always positive ones. They are dominated by aggression and fear. THEY DO NOT HAVE THE TRUE CONNECTION OF ALL SEVEN BODIES, THE CONNECTION OF THE ENERGY OF ALL SEVEN BODIES.

A balanced thought is a creative thought. Remember this. Every thought is creative. But if your thoughts are not balanced, then your creations are not balanced. And therefore, many of your creations remain at the level of the astral and mental planes and cannot manifest either on the physical plane or on the atmic plane.

If all your bodies are balanced, and your thoughts are balanced, then your thought manifests itself in creation in all seven worlds, and you can see it in the physical world. Sometimes, in rare moments and moments, you manage to balance your thoughts for a moment. And then in the physical world you observe the fulfillment of your desires and the events you dreamed about. But this all happens unconsciously, spontaneously.

And if a person’s thoughts are balanced, but carry a negative connotation, will this also manifest itself in the physical world? For example, thoughts about war?

Yes it is. And therefore you must understand your responsibility for your thoughts. And therefore, before you become equal to God and gain your divine capabilities, you must go through different stages of your purification, your formation, so as not to become the evil geniuses of the planet and not cause damage to it.

Therefore, track your every thought, understanding that it affects every person, first of all, it affects your world. And find balance in your bodies along with your thoughts. Become equal to God not only in your capabilities. But also in terms of responsibility.

Thank you for the lesson. And I thank you, soul. We are together. Selena

(Translation from “ Lessons from Ascension. Lesson 3. El Mikhail Nebodonsky. Perfect Man. Star birth. 12 bodies.)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Lessons from Ascension: Perfect Man, Star Birth, 12 Bodies | Liberty Lessons from Ascension: Perfect Man, Star Birth, 12 Bodies | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/07/2023 11:06:00 PM Rating: 5

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