Altering our View of the Enlightenment Process | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, November 6, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I wanted to take a moment out to elaborate on a comment that I made in Wendy Zammit’s interview, (1) that enlightenment is not a process as simple as us going as far as we can and then the divine steps in.

But to say what the process is is not something that can be done in one or two sentences. (2)

First off, it’s a more complex process than that. We have a divine plan we’re following, which we mapped out in concert with our design team before being born. We mapped out if and when enlightenment would occur and under what circumstances.

My soul contract says I’m to go up with everyone else and write about it. If it didn’t say that, I wouldn’t say certain things, like who my design team is. But saying it is part of the job under the circumstances, part of the contract. Otherwise I wouldn’t suggest sharing it; I’d recommend keeping it to yourself and a few intimates.

Mine consists of the Divine Mother, who is present on all design teams, my Higher Self, present on all teams as well, Archangel Michael, my chosen archangel, the Lord Arcturus, whom I serve along with Michael, Annastara, my twin flame, and my other guides Windthrow, Phoenix, and White Cloud.

It’s inappropriate of me in this lifetime to seek enlightenment. Here’s a snippet of conversation with Michael about the possibility of early Ascension, in which he mentions that that isn’t the plan:

Steve: Should I be orienting toward ascending early or not? I have this sense that I’m supposed to be here.

Archangel Michael: You’re supposed to be here.

S: So it’s not my lot to go early? I’m going to stay at this post?

AAM: If you sit with me and you ask of me to come right away, then of course, I will work with you, such is my love for you. That has not been our plan.

S: No … well, … I don’t want to be going against the plan.

AAM: Then stay put, dear heart. (3)

Then how am I to gain the knowledge of the higher dimensions to allow me to write about them? The answer?

Archangel Michael: It is very simple, visit don’t stay. (4)

And so it has been. But not visiting as in finding myself in a different locale, as with out-of-body experiences, but visiting as in living in the experience of that dimension – love, bliss, ecstasy, etc.


What you’re seeing and hearing then is not a spiritual aspirant seeking enlightenment but a servant serving the Mother and doing whatever is required of him, enlightenment or not.

You’ve watched them allow me some spiritual experiences in what felt like their fulness, like the heart opening, and then others toned down, like Brahmajnana, apparently to keep me at my post. Michael tells me:

Archangel Michael: You did not come to live as a guru in a western or eastern manner. (5)

Not my role this lifetime.

You’ve also seen them use other experiences, like a triple bypass or prostate surgery, to keep me horizontal for a while. They work with us much more closely than we realize or, I think, many of our sages realized.

I think we need to change our view of the enlightenment process to take into account what the Mother and her Company of Heaven are telling us about how things really work.

When we have much better access to mediums after the Reval, I hope we investigate the topic. I think we’ll be surprised at the coordination of events that is continually taking place.


(1) “Spiritual Experiences that Have Shaped My Life,” October 17, 2023, at

(2) See Our Enlightenment Partnership at, for an expanded discussion of the subject.

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 13, 2011. (Hereafter AAM.)

(4) AAM, May 6, 2013.

(5) Loc. cit.
Altering our View of the Enlightenment Process | Steve Beckow Altering our View of the Enlightenment Process | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/07/2023 12:48:00 AM Rating: 5

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