Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Twelve Journeys of the Spirit: Aries | Liberty

Aries: Pioneer. "You are the one who sows the seeds of the Spirit"

Sun's passage through the sign of Aries:

March 21 – April 20

Dear ones, I am now addressing you, who in this incarnation were born under the constellation Aries. Your ardor and curiosity, your courage and bravery, your thirst for activity and impetuosity are not accidental: these qualities are necessary for the establishment of the Spirit as an active force in the material world. Your vitality and energy are enough to break through walls, move mountains and create something new where there was nothing before you.

In past incarnations, each of you has already been a warrior and a pioneer, playing the roles of both winners and losers. You have experienced and experienced a lot, gained a lot of experience, and now the time has come to find your true goals. Now your enormous energy should be directed towards creative goals, the goals of finding heaven on Earth. Organizing your energy and subordinating it to higher goals is your task.

? How consciously are you using your strength and energy?
? How conscious are you of your actions?
? Are the ideas with which you are burning ideas consonant with the Spirit?
? Where does your spontaneity lead - to love and light or to something opposite?

These are the questions each of you should be asking yourself.

You have been given power over people, you know how to manage and lead. Why are you doing this? Are you benefiting yourself and others? Are you aware of the possible consequences?

Your task is to sow the seeds of the Spirit on Earth! And don’t waste the energy given for this on something else. Remember this if you want to get out of karma and overcome the harsh predetermination of your fate.

Characteristics of an Aries not awakened in Spirit

If a person born under the sign of Aries is not awakened in the Spirit, he has no internal guidelines to rely on, no goal that would dictate his actions and intentions, and therefore his life often looks like a chaos of desires, actions, intentions, emotions and thoughts directed in different directions and not leading to anything creative.

People born under the sign of Aries are often impulsive - they tend to act without thinking about their actions, follow their every desire, speak without thinking about their words, and do not control their emotions. That is why, giving in to the first impulse, they themselves may not notice that they are destroying everything around them, and themselves, of course, first of all.

Impatience is their usual property; they want to get everything they want at once, even if they do not understand why they need it. They don't think about the consequences of their behavior. “I want it here and now, and then whatever happens,” is their motto. At the same time, they do not notice that “I want” is said by their ego, and not by the Spirit.

They are characterized by emotionality , often to the detriment of logic and reason. With an inadequate outburst of emotions (for example, having quarreled with someone), they can instantly destroy what they themselves have been building for years.

These people can be overly straightforward to the point of tactlessness and even rudeness - they say what they think, not paying attention to the reactions of other people. They feel entitled to reach out and take whatever they want, even if someone else's interests are violated. Sometimes they become extremely hot-tempered and rude even for no apparent reason.

Belligerence is a property of Aries that can be directed in a positive direction, but in unawakened Aries it turns into scandalousness, quarrelsomeness, cockiness, a tendency to see enemies all around and constantly move from attack to defense and vice versa.

The assertiveness of the unawakened Aries is often aimed at satisfying his selfish desires.

For all the outward self-confidence and strength, the unawakened Aries is often touchy . This is due to his painful pride and ambitions that he longs to satisfy. If they are dissatisfied, deep down in his soul he begins to feel defective and incompetent. But he does not look for reasons in himself, but blames other people, his fate and the world as a whole for not being appreciated, not being allowed to develop, being offended, etc. This is also a path to self-destruction.

The ambition of an unawakened Aries may know no bounds. He craves fame, recognition, and the subjugation of others at any cost. Suffering, falling into rage or self-flagellation if he does not receive it.

His tendency to rage and frenzy is sometimes unbridled. He gets violently angry and can crush literally everything around him, including himself, in a fit of rage.

Aries is characterized by sudden mood swings . This happens because he is in slavery to his desires, and greatly depends on whether he manages to get what he wants. He is not ready to calmly accept circumstances, he rebels against them, which sometimes worsens the situation, but does not improve it. From delight, euphoria and irrepressible joy, he can turn to depression if something does not go the way he wants.

An unawakened Aries is often irresponsible - he is guided by his moods and desires, he does not think about the consequences and his responsibility for them. Sometimes he blindly rushes into battle and leads people behind him, not caring that he may be sacrificing himself and others, dooming them to death.

Aries's aggressiveness sometimes borders on cruelty, but most often it is unconscious cruelty that arises under the influence of an impulse. However, the consequences can be tragic.

Aries, if he does not have a higher goal, is characterized by unreasonable recklessness . He does not hear the voice of the Spirit, which warns him against unnecessary risks, he does not listen to intuition, which warns him of dangers, he obeys only his impulses and desires, which can cause harm to himself and others.

An unawakened Aries is selfish , he does not take into account other people and their interests. In order to achieve his goals, he may not spare even his loved ones.

Aries's stubbornness knows no bounds - if he wants something, he will fight for it to the last, achieve it at any cost, without thinking about the means.

Aries sometimes sets goals that do not lead to the good of either his own or other people. Since he does not think about the consequences and the higher meaning of what he strives for, he can destroy himself and others. Aries's tendency to self-destructive behavior also manifests itself when he does not achieve his goals and does not get what he wants. He cannot come to terms with this and often becomes depressed, and also tries to reduce his experiences by engaging in self-destructive behavior (committing various extreme actions, abusing harmful substances, etc.).

Karmic tasks of Aries

The first karmic task of Aries is to determine the highest meaning of all their actions and deeds, and follow it.

When Aries determines that the main thing for him is serving the Spirit and bringing Divine energies into the material world, his energy is ordered, enters a certain channel and stops tearing it apart. Otherwise, Aries begins to invest energy in anything, grab onto any task, and without hesitation fulfill any of his own desires, including destructive ones.

Aries is a man of action; he cannot remain idle. But if he does not have a positive goal, then the consequences of his actions are unpredictable and do not always go for the good. If Aries' energy is disordered and not subordinated to a higher goal, he becomes restless, irritable, aggressive, prone to mood swings and self-destructive actions. He begins to live for the sake of self-affirmation and indulgence of any of his desires. Such manifestations mean that Aries does not overcome, but accumulates karma. Compare your actions with the tasks of the Spirit, be conscious of the consequences, refuse actions that do not serve higher goals - and you will take the path of liberation from karma.

The second karmic task of Aries is to consciously embrace their role as a leader and lead for the benefit of themselves and others.

Aries cannot help but lead - this is his nature. But with unfulfilled karma, leadership can turn into suppression of others, into attempts to dominate and subjugate at any cost. Also, with unfulfilled karma, Aries can turn into an irresponsible leader who leads others without knowing the path and the ultimate goal, and in case of defeat, simply abandons his followers to their fate.

Leadership in the name of goals that are contrary to the goals of the Spirit, non-creative, destructive, is another property of many Aries with unfulfilled karma. The strength and authority of Aries are so great that it is impossible not to obey them, but if he leads others in the name of destructive goals, troubles of a huge, sometimes global scale can arise.

If Aries is awakened in the Spirit and has found a higher goal, he becomes truly strong, and this is a creative force, directed for the benefit of himself and others. Such a person will never become a destroyer, he will not suppress others, but will lead them, wisely and patiently, responsibly and consistently leading the general direction of movement.

His power will no longer be spent chaotically, in vain. He gains a real inner core, knows his goals and becomes a real leader - a shining star that many want to emulate. Lead people with you, but check your goals with the tasks of the Spirit and take responsibility for the paths you choose.

The third karmic task of Aries is to channel its belligerence into a peaceful direction.

If Aries does not have a higher goal, he begins to look for and find enemies even where there are none, and create difficulties and obstacles for himself out of the blue. This is due to the fact that Aries has a huge reserve of “punching power” - it was given to him by the Spirit so that he could pave the way for Divine energies in the material world. The material world creates many obstacles for those who sow the seeds of the Spirit here, and Aries is capable of becoming a real warrior of the Spirit, literally sweeping away these obstacles. But if he does not set himself the task of sowing the seeds of the Spirit, then he begins to spend his penetrating power, at best, on petty everyday squabbles, at worst, on starting wars and revolutions. The spirit needs your strength, your perseverance, your energy to establish heaven on Earth. You can transform your combativeness into positive energy that works for the benefit of all people.

Meditative exercise for transition to the path of the Spirit and overcoming karma

Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and measuredly. Think about what qualities you have that indicate unfulfilled karma. Think and decide which of these qualities you would like to get rid of first. Decide that you will do it now.

Imagine that you find yourself in a corner of nature that you like, only not shady, but brightly lit by the sun. It could be the seashore, a garden with flower beds, a flowering meadow, a riverbank with a waterfall in which sunlight plays. You are warm and comfortable. The sun is pleasantly warm. There is either no wind at all, or it is very light and warm. There's no one around. You are alone with nature, in a pleasant, safe place where you feel very good.

Imagine that in the blue sky above you you see a bright golden sun. Take a breath and imagine that you are breathing in the energy of this sun. Exhale, imagining that you are exhaling dark energies that look like smoke. Inhale the golden energy of the sun again and imagine how it dissolves and washes away all the dark energies within you that correspond to the qualities that are present in you due to unprocessed karma.

Exhale karmic energies again and inhale golden solar energies. Do this for a few more inhalations and exhalations. You will have the feeling that with each new exhalation, the energies you exhale become lighter, and then gradually turn golden. Complete the exercise when your sensations tell you that you are now both inhaling and exhaling the same golden energies.

Perform this exercise 2-3 times a week, each time setting yourself the task of freeing yourself from the energies of destructive qualities that are still present in you.

Characteristics of an Aries Awakened in Spirit

The leadership qualities of an awakened Aries are put to reasonable use: he becomes a wise leader and organizer, capable of leading entire teams of people from victory to victory in any field.

He is confident in himself, but this confidence has nothing to do with self-confidence and narcissism: only a person who has a genuine sense of self-worth, who knows his strengths and capabilities, is so calmly confident in himself.

The purposefulness of the awakened Aries replaces stupid, senseless stubbornness: knowing that his goals correspond to the goals and objectives of the Spirit, Aries does not deviate from them and never gives up, even if faced with serious obstacles.

Aries has a rare determination : if he wants something, he will not hesitate or doubt. He easily and quickly makes correct and accurate decisions and inspires others to work towards their implementation.

The courage of Aries acquires new possibilities when it is not reckless courage, but a necessary quality in a situation of real risk. Creating conditions for sowing the seeds of the Spirit in the material world is always risky. The winner is the one who is willing to fearlessly take risks. Aries is ideal for this purpose.

Aries is distinguished by honesty and openness . If in an unawakened Aries these qualities border on tactlessness, then an awakened Aries knows how to take into account the feelings of other people and does not suffer from excessive straightforwardness. But at the same time, he always remains honest, is incapable of lies and deception, and always stands for truth and justice. You can trust him, he will never deceive or let you down.

Such an innate trait of Aries as sincerity in a person awakened in the Spirit becomes very attractive, since he knows when to stop and will not reveal his soul to someone who is not ready for this. But he is simply not capable of being cunning, disingenuous and wearing any masks.

Aries has unsurpassed willpower . But an awakened Aries will not use this to subjugate others. He will direct his willpower to achieve higher goals, to achieve truth, justice and good for all, to realize the tasks of the Spirit, no matter what obstacles stand in the way.

Aries is charismatic - he easily becomes a “star” and makes a strong impression on people with his brightness and originality. An awakened Aries never uses this for his own selfish purposes, but is able to inspire others to perform the highest tasks that benefit everyone.

Aries is extremely hardworking , but if an unawakened Aries often becomes a workaholic - that is, he falls into a kind of dependence on work, hiding in it from his own hardships, stress and depression, then the awakened Aries intelligently combines work and rest and works not for the sake of work as such, but for the sake of achieving higher goals. His activity becomes the main life value for him, even regardless of the reward. For him, working for high goals is a reward in itself.

Aries has quick reactions and resourcefulness . He is able to find a way out of any difficult situation, and instantly orient himself in it and make the most correct decision. The more difficult the situation, the faster he reacts and acts more accurately. Any difficulties only mobilize him.

Aries is endowed with sociability , there are always a lot of people around him, and he enjoys communication. An enlightened Aries, unlike an unawakened one, knows how to reckon with people and take into account their interests, and therefore will not use others for the sake of their own selfish goals. He builds communication in such a way that everyone is satisfied in the end and no one’s interests are infringed.

The curiosity of an awakened Aries has nothing to do with curiosity and the desire to be aware of everything that is happening simply out of boredom. His curiosity is a constant interest in everything new, unknown, promising great prospects for development. Without such curiosity, Aries would not be a pioneer - and he is a pioneer by birth and by vocation. He seeks new paths, finds them, explores them and inspires others to follow him.

Aries is capable of showing remarkable perseverance and courage when circumstances require it. He is a warrior who does not give up. And if he has a high goal, then he always wins.

Activity and dynamism are important properties of Aries; by nature he is a man of action, not a contemplator. He is able to generate new ideas, implement new and new projects, since he is not able to sit idle. Aries, driven by higher goals, is capable of achieving gigantic success in any type of activity.

Aries does everything with enthusiasm and passion. He gets carried away and carries others along with him. He will never be bored if he has something that interests him. And since Aries is constantly looking for and finding new interesting things to do, he lives a very rich and vibrant life. It is important that all his deeds are approved and supported by the Spirit - and this is exactly what happens for an awakened Aries, because he lives in harmony with the Spirit and his will corresponds to the will of his Divine Self. Therefore, everything that an awakened Aries undertakes is guaranteed success.

The Highest Purpose of Aries

Aries, awakened in the Spirit and freed from karma, acquires a higher purpose, which consists of creating structures on Earth capable of conducting energies and information from the Divine planes of existence into the material world. These are not only structures engaged in spiritual practices and research, but also organizations in any field of activity that are aimed at the benefit of people and the evolutionary development of humanity. These are practically all types of activities, because in any activity you can fulfill the tasks of the Spirit. Whatever you do - spiritual work, producing something material, helping people - you are moved by the Spirit if you realize the interests and needs of the Spirit in your business.

Aries is a leader, and it is not difficult for him to become the head of such a structure. Aries awakened in the Spirit can not only create a new one, but also reorient an existing structure to serve higher goals - goals aimed at awakening as many people as possible in the Spirit, for the benefit of all people and ultimately at the creation of an earthly paradise.

Aries can, even without creating a structure or organization, become an organizer and inspirer of actions that help people realize the tasks of the Spirit, comprehend spiritual truths, and help others in their development and self-realization.

The material environment, and especially society, very often resist the emergence of such structures that are focused on serving light and love, on fulfilling the tasks of the Spirit in the earthly world.

Too many people cling to their usual activities, not noticing that they are destructive or at least not oriented toward good. Without brave, honest, uncompromising, determined Aries, it is almost impossible to create such structures. Their calling is to do this, for which they were given their strength and all outstanding qualities.

The calling of Aries is also to make explicit, visible and accessible to many people the work of the Spirit, which sometimes occurs in silence and solitude.

Divine truths are born first in the hearts of people. They can be transmitted directly from heart to heart - but most people need these truths to be voiced, materialized and conveyed to them in traditional ways for people - in the process of communication. And in organizing this communication, the energy and penetrating power of Aries is needed, combined with his qualities of a pioneer, a lover of everything new and unknown.

Aries himself rarely becomes the channel that receives information directly from the Spirit. But he can become an intermediary between the channel and other people, organize its work so that it becomes the property of all humanity.

For example: very rarely does Aries himself write a book about spiritual truths - he is much more suited to publishing and distributing this book; Few Aries conduct seminars on spiritual growth - but they can easily act as organizers of these seminars and attract many people to them.

Anyone born under the sign of Aries can become such a pioneer, organizer, and conductor of new ideas and knowledge in their place. Then his energy will not be wasted or wasted on insignificant, much less destructive, goals. Then he will act for the benefit of all souls and even the entire Universe.

It is only important to always ask yourself questions:

“Is what I am going to do dictated by light and love?”,

“Is what I am going to do aimed at the benefit of all humanity and the Universe?”

If the answer is “Yes!” - it means you are fulfilling your highest mission.

Meditative exercise for entering the path of fulfilling the highest mission of Aries

First you need to find for yourself some kind of image of a victorious hero that is close enough to you and with which you can identify yourself. This can be a fictional image that you create in your imagination, or a mythical, fairy-tale hero, or an image that you saw in a painting or other image, etc.

This should be a victorious hero, whose strength and power you have no doubt about. and all of whose actions are aimed at the benefit of people. It is important that this image evokes pleasant feelings in you, so that when you perceive it there is no tension or other discomfort.

Close your eyes, calm your thoughts, breathe freely, slowly and measuredly. Imagine that you see a blue, cloudless sky in front of you. Against this background, imagine the image of the victorious hero you have chosen. Mentally surround it with a light shining halo. Imagine that this radiance of love and goodness emanates from him.

Now imagine that you are watching the sunrise - against the background of a blue, cloudless sky, a huge golden-yellow sun slowly rises. Now you see your image of a hero against the background of this rising luminary.

Take a slow breath and imagine how the sun rises in the same rhythm with your breath and at the same time you are approaching the image of the victorious hero, approaching him. At the end of your inhalation, you become one with this image. As you exhale, imagine that you are letting this image inside you, it becomes a part of you. You remain yourself, but take on all the qualities of a winning hero.

Now it is you - the victorious hero who looks at the huge rising sun that occupies the entire sky.

Inhale, exhale slowly, then say out loud or silently: “ I am a pioneer, I am a winner. I accept the highest mission of a pioneer, a leader, a hero, a winner. My strength and power know no bounds. From now on, I will use all my strength and capabilities to serve the Spirit. Dear Almighty, help me to fully understand my highest mission. Dear Almighty, help me in the full realization of my mission in this earthly incarnation .” (You can replace the words with others that are more suitable for you - it’s just important to preserve the meaning.)

Take a few more inhalations and exhalations, imagining that you are inhaling the strength, energy, and creative power of the rising sun. Then open your eyes.

This exercise should be repeated regularly (once a week is more than enough).

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian

Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Twelve Journeys of the Spirit: Aries | Liberty Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Twelve Journeys of the Spirit: Aries | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/16/2023 10:19:00 PM Rating: 5

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