Starseed computer
By Steve Beckow, October 29, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
This article started as a noticeing that ideas were flowing through my mind this morning. It expanded into a spiritual experience. If it weren’t part of my job to be candid about the details of my Ascension, I wouldn’t be sharing some of them. But sharing goes with the territory.
My mind is fairly popping with ideas today. Here are two.
If I had the time, I’d start a Journal of Cross-Cultural Spirituality.
But running a journal is a job unto itself. Anyone out there interested?
All articles which detail my post-June 12 experience of co-creative partnership are contained in The Rewards of Co-Creative Partnership, which can be downloaded here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Rewards-of-Co-Creative-Partnership-2.pdf
Or a Journal of Interdimensional Spirituality.
The JCS is anchored in time and space; the JIS is not.
The JCS would look at our terrestrial society and how all its spiritual parts fit. It might relate the experience of Buddha to that of Bayazid of Bistun. Or interpret Zen in light of the writings of Franklin Merrell-Wolff.
It would not observe disciplinary boundaries. In my view, disciplinary boundaries themselves have outlived their usefulness.
It would respect each individual’s experience as sacred to them and not dispute it.
The JIS would focus on fleshing out accounts of the higher dimensions – as far as words can convey!!!!
One section of it would integrate the knowledge learned from afterlife communicators, experiencers, etc.
Another section would connect with the knowledge related to us over many decades by our star family and starseeds from higher dimensions.
Mike Quinsey, Sheldan Nidle, Suzy Ward, and others, keep your archives open! Folks, support them to do so. Those archives will one day be precious.
Someone else, take a snapshot of the Internet or whatever we take nowadays! Oh, archives.org is already doing that? Good.
Gawd, the historian in me. The archivist. Later we’ll find the galactics have it all.
Wait a minute.
Something unusual is happening here. You remember I said it feels like something different happens almost every day since June 12th? (1)
Well, today, my mind is popping, as you can see.
And I bring it to your notice because I see this as another unusual, temporary incident which I think follows on from June 12th.
I seem to be plugged in, right now, to an electric socket, what with the ideas running through my mind.
Wow! I’ve stepped back from the flow of thoughts for a moment.
I feel overwhelmed, unsteady, almost nauseous.
Back in 2011, Michael predicted this time would come – and I feel self-conscious sharing this and what follows:
Archangel Michael: Yes, your mind is connected. You have done your work. And very often you are connected to what you would think of as Universal Mind. And that’s why we laugh when you say that your veil is thick. Your veil may be thick on your eyes but it most certainly is not on your brain.
And so you are keyed in and it is running at the speed of, shall we say, a Starseed computer. (2)
Reflecting on his words, I noticed I had failed to make a distinction between “mind” and “attention.” I did not give my attention to the flow of thought in the mind and so I never experienced before what I experienced today.
I experienced that flow as never-ending, each idea worth following up on.
Moreover, as I spoke about the JCS and JIS, taking time out from the flow, I felt the pressure of more ideas wanting a share of my attention. I’ve never encountered such a phenomenon before.
Many other things Michael said now arise as having become immediately relevant here. And again I feel self-conscious here and have to push through it to share on this:
AAM: You have come to Earth with a significant mental capacity, shall we say, that allows you to see solutions and thought patterns and ideations more clearly than many. (3)
AAM: Your blindfold is as thin as gauze.
[Yes, it’s that blindfold that keeps me from always being in this flow of thought. In this experience, I found I could part it if I so choose.]
You underestimate yourself. What you call hunches are visions, my friend.
S: Okay. That’s good to know. I certainly do feel more confident with what I’m saying.
AAM: It is coming from a place of understanding and knowing. Now, the next step, my dear brother, is to accept that too. (4)
Wow, hunches are visions! To trust them, I need to get bigger.
Now here’s the kicker. I found myself overwhelmed by being in that deeper mental flow for even a minute. How will I exist in it for any length of time? And yet he says do not resist.
Archangel Michael: Do not turn down anything! So sometimes you have thought… Well, maybe if I slowed it down a bit, maybe if I paid closer attention to the details of what the input… Because think of it as a constant stream. Think of a computer, a constant stream of input coming into your mechanism called the brain.
Do not turn it down because what you are doing in the upgrades is literally learning how to access what is important to you, what is meaningful to you and, yes, to the collective but we are talking about you at this moment.
And so you don’t want to start, consciously or unconsciously, editing the input into your brain. (5)
“Because what you are doing in the upgrades is literally learning how to access what is important to you.” Yes, I was telling Wendy Zammit the other day that I felt able in our interview to go into departments of knowledge and come back out and go into another department and that doing so felt like a healing, a re-integration.
That gave me confidence. So I do recognize what he’s asking of me here and I can do this.
But again what just happened? I just had a preview of what it means to be a co-creative partner of my chosen celestial partner, Archangel Michael. In this “miracle,” the stream of ideas did not stop and every idea was worth following up on.
Like any good rollercoaster, the process I entered by allowing my mind to just run threatened my composure, brought my vested interests into view, and was unexpected and so I stepped off the ride asap, like a frightened child.
OOOOOOO-Kay. Another level of acceptance of my mission just presented itself.
On June 12, I got what he wanted in terms of total outward persona and level of commitment. Now I get to see what it could involve in terms of the mechanism’s internal operation. Of course I accept, but I know there still needs to be prudence.
I’ll follow wherever Michael leads. But several surgical operations later and a creaky frame, I also know I can no longer be a reckless speedster. I only have so much energy now and only two hands and feet.
Will I go insane? Have I control of the throttle? Can I back out if I want to? These questions bubble up for me. But, if I’m not in safe hands with an archangel, when will I ever be? (6)
I’m starting to get on a personal level what Michael once called “the magnitude of our partnership.” (7)
I’ve just been given a glimpse at a “Starseed computer” and he definitely caught my attention with that one. He already had it from all the miracles I’ve seen. (8)
This may be as far as I get with this one until it raises itself again. Or I may not be able to let go of it. Could go either way.
My hunch is it’ll be something different next, all of it illustrating the rewards of co-creative partnership with an archangel!!! (I’m a walking billboard.) (9)
I won’t promise to continue the account from one day to the next. Too much happens in between. I don’t know where I’ll be tomorrow. And certainly a self-cleaning memory doesn’t help.
All articles which detail my post-June 12 experience of co-creative partnership are contained in The Rewards of Co-Creative Partnership, which can be downloaded here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Rewards-of-Co-Creative-Partnership-2.pdf
(1) On June 12th, see “Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,” June 12, 2023, at
(2) Archangel Michael, “The Master Electrician Rewires a Starseed,” Aug. 4, 2011, at http://stevebeckow.com/2011/08/the-master-electrician-rewires-a-starseed/.
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 3, 2015. (Hereafter, AAM.)
(4) AAM, June 16, 2011.
(5) AAM, Aug. 5, 2020.
(6) Archangel Michael: Who do you think you are working with, dear heart? (AAM, April 24, 2015.)
AAM: Do you think a few rogues are going to beat me at my own game? … Not to worry, dear heart. You are mightily protected. (AAM, July 22, 2016.)
(7) Archangel Michael: You have reached a point in your heart, in your being, in your life, in your consciousness where you are realizing … the magnitude of our partnership. (AAM, Aug. 17, 2018.)
(8) Concrete blocks made weightless, kitchen fires put out, toxic substances neutralized, electrocution. prevented, etc., I don’t need any more convincing.
(9) All of which is to encourage you to ask your chosen archangel to be in co-creative partnership with them. What happens to me illustrates what could be happening form you as well.
The Speed of a Starseed Computer | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/29/2023 10:56:00 PM