By Steve Beckow, October 3, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I had a running discussion with Archangel Michael about whether love could be sent and received from one person to the other.
I had previously believed that you can’t send love like a postal letter to another person. And then Matthew Ward said, no, you can. This discussion with Michael flows out of that initial Message from Matthew.
He also confirms several points that I experienced but would have liked confirmed. Chief was that love must flow. Here he confirms that.
He also underscores the importance of the cycle of giving and receiving love in relationship. If one person is not giving or receiving, an imbalance develops that usually leads to … wait for it … the cycle of conflict. (1)
The cycle of giving and receiving love is the long-term answer to the cycle of conflict.
When the former cycle is not operating, imbalance sets in and we cannot reach the state of higher-dimensional or transformative love. We often then lapse in disappointment into the cycle of conflict.
I’ll use emphasis to mark what for me were his central confirmations.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, April 30, 2019.
Archangel Michael: Love is a fluid energy. It has need to flow and so, when it does not flow, it becomes… Well, as you put it, it can become dry and brittle. It has need to be given and received above, below, within, without and in every which way.
Now very often, in fact normally, in the realm of human affairs, what occurs is that there is an ebb and flow and it is usually, actually, uneven. But while you may give, for example, 80% and the person receiving is only giving 20%, it balances out. Then they come to 60% and you are at 40%.
And then eventually, what happens there is this, not just a 50-50… It is very rarely a 50-50. But the ebb and flow is there. And so when the flow is not there, then the love is not being received and it makes one in human or in any realm, sweet one, feel less than.
Steve: Makes the person loving feel less than?
AAM: Yes. And it also makes the person not receiving the love and the weight [with which] it is given and it is shared, feel less than. Because what happens is they feel that they are stealing or incompetent at receiving and sharing.
So the factor here that the Mother has taught you about is the free-will aspect of love. That love is freely given and freely received; exchanged, exchanged, and exchanged, in the infinite flow.
I can’t resist jumping in on that last point.
First of all, love is freely given because it is endless and flows in our hearts and so there is no sense of running out of it.
Secondly, the love we feel is so wonderful and uplifting that all we want to do is to share it with others. To receive transformative love back would be fantastic but seldom occurs. Not yet, anyways. Not until the Ring of Fire! And then whoopeee!
(1) See Leaving The Cycle of Conflict at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Leaving-the-Cycle-of-Conflict-18.pdf
The Cycle of Giving and Receiving Love Replaces the Cycle of Conflict | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/04/2023 05:19:00 AM