Monday, October 16, 2023
Shoulds | Nicky Hamid
(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
You have to start caring about how you feel. Knowing that whatever emotions you are having they are guiding you to what really matters for you with regards to your use and Mastery of your own feelings and thus energy.
You have to be courageous enough to follow your feelings. If you do something you don’t want to do because you think you “should”, in contrast to what makes you feel good. With such discernment you are really caring about the way you feel?
How many “shoulds” are you still clinging to?
If you can focus towards directing your life to feeling and being more aligned to your inner Knowing then you are beginning to practice “self love”.
To be happy you have to be able to live from the heart. The courage to trust and follow no matter what. To have the Heart.
In fact the word “Courage” has the same Latin route as the French word “coeur” meaning “heart”.
The Courage to live from the heart. To have HEART. To travel at the speed of Love.
What do you Love?
What makes you feel happy, not just think that you might be happy.
Follow it.
Your heart knowing will take you there every time.
Be honest with yourself and Trust your Heart and action it.
I So Love You
PS: And to follow your Heart is not to follow your emotions. which pull you through a “neediness”.
Heart propels you through honesty, integrity, authenticity, sovereign Beingness.
And I am told that the speed of love is “the speed of light squared”.
I have never measured it.
All I know is that it appears instantaneous because as soon as I feel it, it is EVERYWHERE.