Regain your Carelessness | Liberty


You don't need to get rid of your worries. But you can start to deal with them in an easy and fun way.

Dear Ones, Kryon greets you and sends you warmth, love and smiles. If you only knew how happy we are when you smile! But you smile so rarely...


Why don't you be a little more fun?

Why not learn to put aside your seriousness - at least sometimes?

We love you, dear ones. We love you just the way you are. We love you for your seriousness too - although your seriousness is so funny! If you saw everything the way we see... If a veil did not hide the truth from you... You would know that everything that happens to you is much more fun than you imagine. Everything is not as serious as you think! You could be much happier if you were constantly aware of this.

Remember yourself as children. You were cheerful and carefree. Life seemed like a riddle, a mystery, an adventure, promising so many new and interesting things. “Well, in childhood,” you say, “back when we were stupid fools and knew nothing about life.” Oh no, dear ones. You knew much more about life then than you do now. You had a close connection with Spirit - with your true Self. The spirit told you what you really are - cheerful, cheerful, carefree creatures, accurately aware of the playful nature of the world and life. Why do you lose this over the years, thereby losing connection with the Spirit and with your Divine home?

Yes, as a child, most of you did not have to earn your bread or take care of the roof over your head. You did not have to be responsible for the well-being of your family - on the contrary, your parents were responsible for your well-being, and you could only enjoy life carefree. Although in fact, every child also has many worries and many things for which he is responsible. But this cannot be compared with adult worries and adult responsibility, right?

Yes, dear ones, you have grown up, started families of your own, and the burden of worries has weighed you down. And you forgot about Divine lightness, Divine fun and Divine carelessness.

As a result, you have forgotten about the main thing - your Divinity. But only the one who remembers his Divinity and embodies it in his reality - only he finds the way to the Divine house, to the earthly paradise.

Are you ready to once again be among those who enter the doors of earthly paradise with Divine ease and carefreeness?

Then get ready for a wonderful, amazing and joyful adventure - because this is exactly what you have anticipated and been waiting for since childhood.

So, first, let's sort out your concerns. What should you do with them? After all, you won’t be able to just take them and throw them out of your life, and it’s impossible and, moreover, wrong.

But you can change your attitude towards these worries! Turn them into a fun game too.

In addition, you can entrust some of your worries to God and thus gain peace of mind regarding them.

Among people from time to time there are such seekers of God who decide to get rid of all worries and go into hermitage, into a hermitage, into the desert, away from people and from the world. You call them ascetics and saints. Their work is truly revered, and many of them have accomplished and are performing real spiritual feats in the name of God.

But are those less worthy who are burdened with many worries, who live in the midst of people, who take upon themselves all the hardships of the modern world - and yet find the strength and opportunity to go to God? I will tell you this: they are no less, if not more, worthy. It is easy to discover your Divinity, to live in prayer and in constant communication with God, if there is no one around, if you do not have to care about anyone or anything. Try to do this when the world around you constantly demands your attention, strength, worries... And you are already doing it. So who is the real hero here?

Dear ones, I repeat once again: you are all revered - all people, regardless of which of you has chosen what fate and what way of life. The main thing is that you yourself do not honor others more than yourself, just because these others are hermits and ascetics, and you are not. You are also ascetics, dear ones, and even more so because you are in more difficult circumstances.

If you, being in the midst of incessant worries, still do not give power to these worries over you, but still honor first of all the Divine in yourself and serve the Divine in yourself, then you are real heroes and ascetics.

Three conditions to transform the energy of your experiences into joy and lightness

The temptation to completely escape from worries can be very great for many of you... But still, you shouldn’t do this. Do you know why you need worries so much? Because you came to Earth to act. Contemplativeness is a quality of the Spirit, and those of you who live in close contact with the Spirit have a need for contemplation. But you are also given a body, your biological shell, which is created for action. Therefore, your time on Earth is a time of action. Your worries give you this opportunity. But these worries are given to you not so that you forget about your Divinity - but so that you make these worries themselves Divine.

You need to earn a living, take care of your family, build a house or renovate it, you need to keep all the things you use in order, go shopping, take care of your body and do a thousand other important and necessary things. Sometimes you get tired of it because you perceive these things as a burden, as something heavy that pulls you down and does not allow you to simply relax and remember your Divinity.

But why not start seeing these things differently?

They were not given to you so that you become gloomy, always preoccupied and overly serious. They are given to you so that you can fully experience the taste of life in the material world. So that your life is effective, creative and rich. So that you enjoy life, dears!

Do you know what makes you gloomy and gloomy? Not your worries themselves, but your anxiety about these worries. You worry too much about things you shouldn't worry about. You yourself know that very often your worries turn out to be empty and unnecessary, because the things you were worried about were suddenly resolved easily and simply. This doesn't happen so rarely, does it?

You can direct the energy that you spend on worries in a different direction. You can produce from it joy and ease with which all your affairs will be done.

How to do it? I suggest you follow only three conditions for this.

The first condition: start looking at your worries as something temporary (and therefore unreal for the Spirit, since time itself is unreal for the Spirit) that will pass very quickly, which literally won’t happen in a moment.

You can look at these concerns through the eyes of the eternal, immortal Spirit. You are the eternal Spirit, who goes through the experience of earthly life, consisting of very short moments. What seems to you as a person as something long, large, heavy and complex, is in fact just a grain of sand, a speck of dust, a moment. This is something very fleeting, transitory, small and insignificant.

Do you understand? If you look at your biggest problem from this point of view, you will see it differently. You will see it as something that you can not only not be burdened by, but something you can rejoice in, something you can appreciate as a vivid experience of a moment that will sparkle and disappear. Your worries and problems will become dear to you if you remember their illusory nature, weightlessness and transience.

Start making the most of the best for yourself from every moment, from every concern and problem. Start acting like this is your only chance to be your best self and do things the best you can. After all, in fact, every concern you have for the Spirit is such a rare chance to do something in the material world.

It is no coincidence that you are so happy and satisfied when difficult problems are moved out of place through your efforts. You have been planning to solve some problem for a long time, you were afraid, worried, and finally you took action, and things went exactly in the direction you needed. It's a very pleasant feeling, isn't it? Do you know why? Because your Spirit rejoices. It is a great joy for the Spirit to solve your human problems and deal with your human concerns. Start bringing joy to Spirit by solving your problems.

The second condition: begin to look at each of your concerns as a way to manifest your Divinity.

When you are overcome by anxiety, worry, when the weight of worries falls on you, connect with your Divine Self and ask yourself: “How can I best show love in this situation?”, “If I imagine that I am acting in the name of love, what will it be like? Is this an action?

Action in which love is manifested, action in the name of love - this is the manifestation of your Divinity.

Maybe this wish seems somehow abstract to you, unrelated to your real life? But if you try to do this in practice, you will understand what we are talking about.

Yes, you can show your Divinity in the way you wash the dishes, or the way you shop, or the way you garden, or the way you prepare food for your family.

Each of you has done this more than once - demonstrated your Divinity in the most ordinary things. And then ordinary things become joy. They cease to be a burden and something heavy - they acquire Divine lightness. Yes, when you show your Divinity in any matter, this matter becomes much easier, as if by itself and each of you has experienced this many times in your own experience.

The third condition: take a break between your worries.

This is a very important condition: find the opportunity to sometimes stop, at least for a minute, to relax, rest, look at your worries from the outside - through the eyes of Divine eternity, the immortal Spirit, through the eyes of love. When you constantly grab at one thing, another and another, you become too exhausted. When you become too stressed out, you lose yourself in these activities. To connect with Divinity, you need inner peace, you need tranquility, you need relaxation. And when you are wrapped up and stressed, you lose your sense of connection with the Divine - therefore, you lose contact with your true essence. This is losing yourself. This condition leads you to a loss of energy, to a feeling of weakness and helplessness.

Find a way to recover! Find time for peace and quiet contemplation. Find a way to create and maintain contact with your Divinity again and again.

Then your every action will also be Divine, you will not lose, but will find yourself in these actions. For some of you, prayer or meditation is suitable, for others verbal formulas, for others communication with nature, for others music or poetry, for others just a few minutes of silence alone with yourself... Find your own way to pause between worries - and worries will lose their overwhelming burden for you.

Why do you sometimes feel like God doesn’t hear your requests and doesn’t understand your concerns?

But here is the most important thing that I want to share with you in this conversation: you can make your worries stop being perceived as worries at all. You can make all your problems begin to resolve themselves.

To do this, you simply need to surrender control of these worries to God.

Once again, let's draw an analogy with your childhood: then you felt carefree because you transferred control of all worries to your parents. You knew that they would make sure that you were not left without food and water, without clothing and a roof over your head. You knew they would make sure you had everything you needed without you having to do anything for it.

Did you know that the ideal relationship between parents and children in the family was conceived as a model of the relationship between man and God? You yourself sometimes call yourselves children of God, and God the Father, and there is truth in this. Yes, in practice everything is different, and it is rare to find a family where the attitude of parents towards children can be compared with the attitude of God towards people. God loves everyone without exception with a love that does not depend on anything, a love that does not set conditions. And in the family of parents, people sometimes become accustomed to conditional love, which requires reasons.

As you grow up, you can understand the difference. You can make a choice - whether to continue to follow love, which sets conditions and never makes you happy, or to follow truly Divine love, unconditional, not dependent on anything. Growing up, you can change everything and begin to love your children with unconditional love, while maintaining gratitude to your earthly parents for giving you life, for the lessons that you learned thanks to them, and, of course, for that feeling of confidence and the security you experienced as a child.

That feeling of confidence and security you had because you agreed to hand over control of your life to your parents. As you grow up, you can relinquish control of your life to your Heavenly parents. According to tradition, you call God Father, but many of you already know that God actually has no gender, God is neither a woman nor a man, and at the same time God combines the masculine and feminine principles, and it would be more correct to say, that God is the Father-Mother, or Mother-Father of all things, including every person.

God combines your Heavenly parents, Father and Mother. And do you really think that God will take worse care of you than your earthly parents did? Do you really think that He has fewer opportunities, less strength and means for this?

Oh yes, many of you say, “But, Kryon, I have been through a lot of difficulties in my life, I have faced problems that seemed insurmountable to me, there have been times when I desperately needed help - and I begged for help, so no say I didn't ask! I asked, but help did not come, and then I felt terribly alone and abandoned. And after that you say that I have heavenly parents who will always help me? Either this applies to anyone but me, or these parents are not so caring, or they simply do not exist in nature. Perhaps they are just a figment of my imagination."

Dear ones, do not think that your worries and worries are incomprehensible to me. I know that your prayers sometimes go unanswered—or rather, you feel like they go unanswered. Your every prayer is heard by God, dear ones. Each! If you pray from the heart, sincerely, if you pray with passion... Such a prayer cannot fail to be heard.

Why do you sometimes feel like there is no help?

Let's look at this example. Here is a small child who is just learning to walk. Without the help of his mother, he cannot take a step - and the mother is always there, she offers her hands, she does everything so that the baby learns to walk and does not fall and harm himself. But what happens if she never lets go? What will happen if she continues to hold him even when he should not only walk, but also run on his own? That's right, he himself will never take a step. He will wait for support, support, he will crave help from his mother's hands all his life.

Therefore, any mother knows that at a certain point she must let go of the child and let him go on his own. And it hurts her to watch him fall - fall again and again! And she comes to his aid so that he gets up - but still again and again gives him chances to step on his own, and again to fall, and now to rise up on his own, and again to walk, walk and walk.

You understand? What you sometimes perceive as a lack of help is actually a call addressed to you: “Get up! Go! Take this step yourself! You already can! Otherwise, you will never grow up, you will never be able to do anything on your own!”

It happens that your Divine Self and your angelic helpers shout in both ears: “Do it! Turn here! Turn around and you will see a wonderful opportunity!” But you don't hear. You are too busy with your worries and therefore do not listen to the voice of God. And then say that this voice did not exist and no one wanted to help you. This is another reason why you feel that God is not helping you.

And finally, another reason is very well reflected in the well-known joke about a lottery ticket. Do you think God doesn't know what humor is? Do you think God doesn't know jokes? God loves jokes! We laugh at them with you. So, you, like the hero of the joke, also often ask to win the lottery, but you yourself don’t even think of buying a lottery ticket!

It’s not enough to just ask for help—you have to actively seek that help. Don't expect God to just give you a lucky chance... Although God does nothing but give you lucky chances!

But you have to do something about these chances yourself.

You must meet them halfway. You must open the doors that appear in front of you. And even if you sometimes make mistakes and open the wrong doors, you still don’t have to be afraid. Take risks again and again. Open more and more doors until you find yours!

If one day you were left without a job and without a penny of money and it seemed to you that God did not help you in any way, that you were forced to cope on your own... But you managed it in the end! And why do you think that there was no Divine providence in this? And if you still haven’t coped with this situation, why do you think that God doesn’t show you the way? Maybe it’s you who don’t hear His promptings?

Trust God - and listen to your heart

Dear ones, listen to your heart - it leads you along the path that God shows. And don't be afraid to tell God about your worries. Tell us what worries you, what area of your life you would like to ease, what worries you would like to turn into Divine joy and lightness. Give God the care of yourself. Give God your worries. Do you think God will be offended that you overload Him with work? No, dears. God longs to receive more assignments like this from you. God likes it when He has a lot to do!

Remember how you trusted your parents - and trust God in the same way. Try at least once to entrust God with the care of your daily bread and other earthly needs. Do it sincerely and without fear. Do this with complete confidence that the situation is under control and nothing bad is in store for you.

And see what happens.

What will happen is that your problems will be resolved, and your needs will be satisfied almost by themselves. By trusting God, you will follow Him, listening to your heart. And your path will invariably lead you to the resolution of your needs and the relief of your worries.

But once again I want to remind you: entrusting your worries to God does not mean retiring from work yourself. This means following Him, but with your own feet. To entrust your worries to God means to work with him, but to work, and not to sit back.

You came to Earth to work, dear ones, and, having entrusted your worries to God, you can work easily, joyfully, walk along roads where there will be no obstacles in front of you, where everything will be solved quickly and simply, but this does not mean that you should look at all this from the outside! Act, follow the path of God and enjoy your activities, your joint creativity with God - for which you came to Earth!

We love it when you laugh carefree, when you simply enjoy life. This does not mean that you should become frivolous and do nothing at all. But this means that your life can become much easier and you yourself can be much more cheerful if you understand and feel that God really cares about us, giving us our daily bread and much more.

Dear ones, we love you, we are always there for you - even when you feel lonely and abandoned. But in reality they never leave you. Accept our love, our help and support.

I, Kryon, am always with you, at your first call.

Exercise 1. Verbal formulas for the joy of life

These verbal formulas can be pronounced both out loud and silently at any time and place convenient for you.

I am the Divine Spirit, experiencing life in a human body, participating in an exciting game on planet Earth.

I came to Earth to remember and manifest my Divinity in material reality. I came to Earth to embody such Divine qualities as love, wisdom and joy. I know for sure that joy is a magnificent Divine property, and I embody joy in every moment of my existence.

From now on, always and everywhere I look at the world with a Divine gaze and see millions of reasons for joy in everything that happens around me. Life is a miracle and joy, and all its components are a miracle and joy.

From now on, I transform into joy even those moments of existence that previously did not seem joyful to me. Now I see Divine providence in everything. Now I trust God and know that God will only lead me to what is best for me. The way of God is the way of joy. I walk the path of God, from joy to joy, from earthly joy to Divine joy, and fill my entire earthly life with Divine joy.

Exercise 2. Gain the experience of turning over your worries to God

If you find it difficult to immediately entrust some important concerns to God - for example, caring for the well-being of your family - start with something small, not so significant. For example, if you need to make a purchase—small, but still meaningful to you—while going to the store, say: “ Dear God, dear Spirit, dear Hashem, I relinquish control and charge You to choose the best thing for me.” . Please lead me to a place where exactly what I need awaits me .”

It is very important that you truly release control sincerely. If you still have doubts, a second thought: “Of course, I’ll try to believe, but just in case I’ll calculate and double-check everything,” you simply won’t hear that inner voice - the voice of God - that can lead you exactly where you need to go.

It is important to trust with all your heart God, who leads you. It is important that you have confidence that God will truly lead you to the best that you need.

To strengthen this confidence, say: “ Dear God, I trust You with all my heart. I am sure that You know better what I need. You will unmistakably lead me exactly where I need to go .”

After this, all you have to do is let go of your doubts and literally go where your feet take you - but it is only important to remain in contact with your heart, with your Divine Self, all this time. Pay attention to those things that will catch your eye. Give yourself the task in advance to record this and not pass it by. Usually, what we are looking for and cannot find, we do not need. But what catches our eye, even when we are not looking for it, is the most necessary things.

Train like this every day - let go of control for at least a few minutes, in situations when you need to do something, find something, come somewhere. Let God lead you as often as possible. Ask Him to solve some problems for which you yourself do not see a solution. You will be surprised at how many problems in your life will literally begin to resolve themselves.

( translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Regain your Carelessness | Liberty Regain your Carelessness | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/14/2023 12:44:00 AM Rating: 5

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