(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Judith Kusel
One of the classic and most loved children’s books is of course “Winnie the Pooh.”
I have often read this, or shown the Walt Disney version of it, when presenting Storyhour to kids mainly because it displays all the human traits beautifully.
Take EEYORE for instance: His face always hangs down on the floor, and does his bottom lip and consequencely, he constantly loses his tail. No matter how Winnie tries to cheer him up, no matter how many times his tail is put back again, it seems to not have any effect.
There are so many EEYORE’s out there and every time you meet them or see them, they are depressed. They seem to have these endless lists of what is wrong with them, and what is wrong with the world. When you try to show them the opposite, there are long excuses: “I suppose I have to… ought… need to…..” But you can see that words and whatever you say, is bouncing off them, like a rubber ball.
In truth, the more those stories repeat themselves, the more the old negative patterns continue, because they create a comfort zone for them. You would not buy into all of this, if there was not a pay-off somewhere along the way – so here one truly needs to look deep within oneself.
I have had my own dark nights of the soul, where I was feeling very sorry for myself having lost everything. Literally. I had no home, no money, no-thing. Indeed, this was the greatest wake up call of my life, when I realized that no one else was going to pull me out of this, except my myself.
A dear friend was the catalyst in all of this on a day when I was truly pitying myself. She said: “You can sit there and feel sorry for yourself for the rest of your life, or you can get up, dust yourself down and get on with the business of life itself!” To say, I was miffed with her is an understatement, but it certainly shook me awake.
Tiny piece by piece I started putting my life back again, indeed now a totally new life and new beginning, and as I healed I became so graeteful that the old life had gone, and a brandnew much better way of life beginning!
What all of this taught me, is get out and beyond myself. In times when I could not inspire myself, I would go and sit and write and inspire others. In inspiring others, I was inspired myself!
I started to be grateful of little things, like having a bed to sleep in, and a roof over my head, and somehow this always manifested into form and being. More than this, I always found such joy and inspiration in nature, in following my guidance and trusting my own inner voice, and then finding that miracles started happening, when one was open to all of this, and more.
When I look at how my life has changed since then, I hardly recognize myself. So many dreams have come true, mainly through sharing with others, through inspiring others, to always ask for the bigger vision, and then starting to follow it, even if it took great leaps of faith.
This does not mean that I still do not get depressed sometimes. Of course I do. I am human just like you. But I have learnt to go deeply within and connect with the Divinity within, for the Divine Source or God, is within you, omnipresent, and you are never without help in the form of angels, archangels and your own Ascended Masters.
More than this, I so often had to completely surrender all and everything, and in surrendering I found I was getting out of my own way, for so often we tend to get tangled up, by our fears and insecurities, and our own projections of how things should be like and manifest into form and being.
At this momentous time, it is that innate ability to get up and get on with life, to hold that vision of the New Earth and New Golden Age in your heart and nurture and trust it into form and being, by living it every single day, in all and every way you can.
Little baby steps, keeping your consciousness high, and when you get pulled back into the old dramas, to immediately pull yourself out of it again, and do deep cleansing and clearing work, and clear your energy fields and ask to the lifted into the highest states again.
We are here to anchor in our highest soul purpose and calling, to live and not to float up there somewhere. It means the mundane and the ordinary day to day schlepp as well and those moments of sheer bliss and much higher consciousness states.
Life is truth is always a blessing. There is so much to cherish, so much to love, so much that is there all around us, which brings joy and inspiration: the tiniest perfection of a flower, the song of bird, the sunrise and sunsets, the rain, the ripples of waters, and the wind playing with your hair. A smile, a word, an act of kindness. It can be simply giving yoruself a huge hug and loving yourself just the way you are, shadow and light. Laughter is the greatest gift of all and so is joy!
Indeed Life itself is a miracle!
And the deeper you connect with your own soul, the more you will realize that there is far more to the world and your own physical body than meets the eye and that in fact there is nothing that is impossible if one is willing to break free of one’s comfort zones and willing to expand into the Infinite higher consciousness states now available.
Pooh and Eeyore | Judith Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/19/2023 02:58:00 AM