Open up and Trust | Nadina Boun

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Nadina Boun

Open up to the surprises.

Stop trying to figure it out or find the best solution.

Instead, open yourself to receive the miracles, the surprises, the magical, unexplained ways that will delight you nevertheless. Allow the higher in you, around you, working for you, to help you, to support you, to surprise you.

What does it mean ? It means you let it go and you enjoy where you are and stop fighting and arguing and do what you can with what you have with where you are, which is always where you are, here and now, and you let everything else unfold in the best way it needs to for you to be surprised.

It takes trust and the willingness to remind yourself that there are forces on your side, powerful forces working behind the scenes, working with energies not stuff, energies that affect stuff and everything else. It takes trust to surrender otherwise you are on guard. It takes faith in the unseen, in the forces of the universe behind you, in order to release the fight and trust your good is always coming one way or another.

You are always supported in all that you want to do and experience. Your ways, your hows, may not be the best, that’s why it is not your part to figure out because your vision is limited to what you see, to what you know. But the higher forces working for you, on your behalf, for your highest good, see more of the picture. We calculate past, present and future all at once because we can see it all happening right now.

If you can just trust and believe we are on your side working in the shadows, in the background, working with a higher power, a higher perspective, a wider view, then you can allow yourself to finally receive and be delighted without much effort on your part, in other words without struggle.

And that is how you wanted it to be.

The higher and the lower working together. You asking and us delivering. You making your choices and trusting in us to turn it all to your advantage. You receiving with trust everything we deliver even if you cannot make any sense of it.

It takes time to trust when you have been believing you have to do it all on your own. It takes time to trust when those around you have betrayed you or broken your trust. But you are not asking from humans who can also falter, make mistakes, be selfish at times, fearful and so on. You are asking from the invisible. You are asking from the field of all potential. You are asking from the father who has it all. You are asking from the higher realm.

And so it requires trust to know, trust, believe, be convinced that not only we exist, we are there, but that we are also helping, delivering, answering out of love. Out of love meaning without asking anything in return.

To finally surrender is to come to terms with this truth. That we are all connected, all part of the same whole, each playing a unique important part. And while you are on the ground having that experience, we are in the non physical aiding you along the way.

This universe is one of joy, there needs to be no struggle. Sometimes the struggle is on your end because you believe you must struggle, you must prove yourself, you need to process something, but the struggle is not a requirement.

A life of ease and joy is your destination and that can only happen when you finally let go, surrender and accept the help and support of the higher in you. And we say in you because we are all within each other. We are operating at a higher perspective but we are still within you. You are operating at a lower dimension but you are still within us.

It is difficult to understand wholeness and oneness when you still see every thing separate. We said think of this universe like being a big machine and everything in it is a part however small and it all works together to achieve a greater purpose. We are all achieving a divine purpose and we are all within that gigantic machine if you will, operating at different levels, accomplishing different tasks, all with the same goal and to the benefit of the all, for we are part of the all.

Every once in a while you are faced with a challenge and the challenge requires that you let go wrestling with it, so you can allow everyone on your side to play their part, while you hold the vision, the faith, the trust that it is all working to your highest good, and allow yourself to then be surprised.

You do that enough times and the day will come when you will experience a life of ease and joy, of magic and miracles, of surprise and wonder, and isn’t that how you wanted it to be in the first place?
Open up and Trust | Nadina Boun Open up and Trust | Nadina Boun Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/07/2023 10:42:00 PM Rating: 5

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