Make it Simple | Nicky Hamid

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Nicky Hamid

Let’s make things simple, because they are.

The real measure of success in your life is not money or influence on others. It is how much Love you have in your life. And you get this from relationship. And the real relationship you are looking for is your Relationship with Source through the relationship with Yourself.

Of Loving yourself Wholely, completely, and without reservation. Enjoying your own company and all the experiences that make you HUman. Looking always Kindly on your ‘personality self’.

All other relationships you have is a reflection of this. And as you open to this Prime Relationship you will find that you will open yourself to all other relationships. Be they “romantic partnerships, “soul friendships”, business and work partnerships, or family relationships, or interactions with ‘strangers’. You can heal them all.

And in Loving being You, and getting to know the fullness of the Love that you are you will open fully to sharing, to community and Unity. And you will have a lot more creativity, inspiration, and joy as a result.

The path to get there is very, very, very Simple .

Be amused how you want to make it so complicated through control, analysis, and authority. There are only two things we need to do.

Be Grounded and connected to the Earth. Why? Because you can complete your energetic circuit and Be Present.

And secondly to be Heart centeredly Present. This is your connection “up” and “within”. This is your connection to Source energy. It allows you to be Present and not to be filtering things through your “egoistic mind” ( where all the 3D fear programmes of lack, limitation and separation are).

There is nothing wrong with the 3D reality, we have set up far too many judgements of it. The whole fascination point of coming here was to see how far you could go into density and how you could you come through it creating your own “roadmap” of experiences.

Enjoy being here. The moment you can perceive that in separation of anything you experience, you have co-created with Source, you move out of pain and into a state of observation, acknowledgement, and gratitude, and fuller self-realisation.

Because you see the benefit of the experience of separation that you have had. And you create your reality 100% of the time. You do not get to pick only some parts and leave others out.

You are an Eternal Being, of Infinite Possibility.

Embrace it All.

Shine On.

I So Love You
Make it Simple | Nicky Hamid Make it Simple | Nicky Hamid Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/06/2023 11:24:00 PM Rating: 5

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