Learn to Accept the World as it is | Liberty


You can change what you're unhappy about... But first, stop being unhappy!

Hello dear! Kryon warmly welcomes you. Oh, how we love everything connected with people! We love your custom of heartfelt greetings. We know what it is, despite the fact that we have never been human and have not incarnated on Earth. But you people teach us a lot. Yes, in many ways you are more experienced, because you know something that we do not know from experience. And we are grateful to you for passing on here, to your Heavenly home, the experience that you gain on Earth.

We like you! We love how you know how to interact with each other from heart to heart... We love how you live on Earth, how you remember your light and are not afraid to kindle it in the dark! In the darkness, your light is visible brighter... You shine, dear ones, you shine so much that you delight the entire Universe with your brightest radiance!

You see how much we love you! “But, Kryon,” you say, “you are mistaken, everything is not so good with us, and we ourselves are not so good...” You are beautiful, dear ones, you are beautiful even in your doubts - you are beautiful in the fact that you yourself are not you know how beautiful you are. This is clearly visible from here, from the Divine House - how beautiful you are, how beautiful your Earth and your life on Earth are. From there, from Earth, you can’t see it so well, and that’s normal, that’s right, that’s how it was intended. Therefore, you doubt - doubt yourself, your life, whether you live correctly and well enough...

Dear ones, today we want to talk to you specifically about your doubts - which spoil your life a lot, don’t they?

Many of you are not happy with the way you live. You feel like everything in your life could be better. You would like to live in a better house, or maybe in another country. You would like to receive more money and afford yourself more benefits. Some of you would even like to have a different appearance and a different age! Do you think your life becomes better because you do not accept yourself and your circumstances as they are? As if if you are unhappy with something, it will change for the better... No, dear ones.

What you are dissatisfied with does not change for the better, but usually only gets worse. Only what you accept as is changes for the better. What you perceive as the only possible and even the best possible at a given time.

Did you know that everything in your life is chosen by you? You may say: “But, Kryon, that’s something - but I definitely didn’t choose my age and appearance.” Yes? Are you sure? Do you think you didn’t choose to be born at this exact time, in the exact year, day and hour when this happened? Do you think you didn’t choose to be at this age at this moment in earthly time? Do you think you didn’t choose to be born with this appearance, with these physical characteristics? You did this - you, as an immortal Spirit, who planned this incarnation down to the smallest detail...

But it was not only the Spirit who made the choice - you as a person continue to make choices every moment of your earthly life. You continue to choose your appearance, because it changes, and it depends on many factors that you also choose. You, strange as it may sound to you, choose your age too - after all, your internal age can be very different from the simple sum of the earthly years you have lived. Don't you know this? Someone may already be an old man at thirty, while for others, at seventy, true blossoming begins. And this is also a matter of your choice - which you do not always make consciously, but you still make it yourself, and not someone for you!

I say this to mean that you choose everything in your life yourself - and you yourself are often dissatisfied with the consequences of this choice. It seems to you that there is something better in the world that could have awaited you if not for these circumstances... To be honest, you think correctly. Each of you has wonderful gifts that you can claim. But to do this, you must first calmly and without dissatisfaction accept what you have now, what is the consequences of the past choice that you have already made. Only then will you be able to change this - when you do not deny it and express dissatisfaction, when you accept everything as a natural and necessary result of your own choice.

As a child, you were closer to the Divine home and therefore knew for sure: everything was going as it should.

How can you accept everything in your life as it comes? Remember yourself as a child. After all, most likely, then you were sure that your parents, and you yourself, and your home, and the circumstances of your life were exactly as they should be. Doubts about the correctness of the way you live and what surrounds you usually come with growing up. Childhood is about accepting everything as it is. This is why childhood is perceived by most of you as a happy time. Whatever it was, it was perceived as correct and the only possible thing.

You will say: this happened because you did not make a choice as a child. But in fact, it only seems to you that you did not make the choice. It was an illusion of human perception, nothing more. In fact, the reason is different: that a child is closer to the memory of the immortal Spirit than an adult. For a child, the veil is more transparent - the veil that separates you from the Divine home. Therefore, the child knows deep inside himself: everything is going as it should . He lives precisely in that family, in that house, in that country and in those circumstances that were chosen by him as the Divine Spirit and that best correspond to the tasks that the Spirit has outlined for himself in this incarnation.

It is only when you grow from children to adults that you begin to doubt . You begin to feel like your life has been determined by chance. That everything could have been different - much better! - if not for a series of failures and unfortunate coincidences. But in fact, everything in your life is right, and has always been right - both in childhood and now. Everything was - and is - as it should be, and nothing else.

Your task on Earth is not to criticize your reality and be dissatisfied with it - but to extract the best opportunities for yourself from the conditions that exist. Accept these conditions as they are - and make the best of them.

Do you understand?

Being dissatisfied with the conditions of your life, you cannot see the best that is inherent in them. You cannot take this path that leads to better things. There is a germ of the best in everything, even in what seems very bad to you. But to see this beginning, you must look at the world with a pure child’s gaze - an accepting gaze, not clouded by adult dissatisfaction and criticism.

Please understand correctly, dear ones, I am not calling you to completely abandon your critical view of things. I'm not telling you to close your eyes or put on rose-colored glasses and begin to see light where in reality there is only darkness. I do not encourage you to deceive yourself. You know that Kryon always encourages you to boldly face the truth and not hide from it. You must accept reality as it is with all that is in it - both light and darkness... If there is no light, you should not pretend that it is there. But you may find an opportunity to shine a light in the darkness. You can make light appear even in the deepest darkness.

To do this, you must first understand that it was not by chance that you found yourself in this darkness. This is not some kind of unfortunate coincidence - it is your choice made for your own good. So that you can remember your light and make it brightly illuminate the space, driving away the darkness.

You know how to do this, don't you? These are not just words for you, are they? You can disperse any darkness if you hold on to your light against all odds. If you remain in light and love, no matter what. Yes, it is difficult, dear ones. But you came to Earth to do difficult work, and you succeed!

Remember: the thicker the darkness around, the brighter your light is visible. Let this inspire you to shine against all odds!

When you were a very small child, you already did this. Do you know why adults are so happy when a baby appears in their family? Because the sun comes into the house with him.

And even when clouds come over this sun over the years, the sun still remains in your soul. It doesn't go anywhere and can't go away. Remember this.

Yes, as a child you also might not like something. Because of something, you were upset, worried and even grieved... But still, most of you did not think of going somewhere in search of other parents, or other friends, or another home. Because inside you were convinced: everything is as it should be. Even if you don’t like something, it’s still the way it should be. It gave you confidence. It gave you stability and a sense of security. This saved you from fruitless doubts and tossing around. You walked your own course through life, firmly knowing that this was your course.

You can regain that happy childhood quality. To do this, no matter what happens to you, you can remind yourself: everything is as it should be. Even if you don’t like something, you can still accept it as it is. Acceptance is not about putting up with what you don’t like, and not about suffering from it. Accept in order to change it for the better.

Say: “Everything is as it should be!” And then add: “But I can choose something better.”

You always have a choice. You can change what you don't like. But to do this, you must first say: “Everything is as it should be.” And then you need to add to this: “But I have a choice, and I can change this.”

How to change what you don't like? Find something you might like about it. Or something that can be changed to suit you. To do this, you can learn to find a favorable opportunity in every unfavorable situation for you. Think about how you behave in an unfavorable situation. You say: “Oh, everything is so bad!” Thus, you yourself look for what is bad in this situation. But why not start doing things differently? Why not start looking for what is good in this situation?

This may not be immediately visible. A superficial glance really only shows the bad. But you can learn to look deeper into the situation. And then you will find what shines there at the bottom - precious pearls, sprouts of a new choice favorable to you.

If you see only the bad, if you insist that everything is bad, you will never find the seeds of opportunity. You will miss your chance to turn this situation into a favorable one or create something new and favorable out of it. Do you understand why so many people complain - but don't move anywhere from the state they complain about? Because they themselves see only the bad and do not try to look deep into the situation to find opportunities for something better.

Even if you find yourself in an unfavorable situation because of your own wrong choice, you can fix everything if you do not lament, suffer and complain too much, but accept the situation as it is. Perhaps you made a mistake, made the wrong choice and because of this you are suffering some kind of hardship or inconvenience. But you can learn something positive even from a mistake. Moreover, you came to Earth to make mistakes and learn from them. So if you think that a mistake is something wrong, that you should not have done it, calm down, dear ones.

Everything is correct!

And it is possible that this mistake was planned by you. It seems to you that you did not make the best choice and ended up in some dark place... And your Spirit rejoices: he himself chose this dark place in order to properly illuminate it, so that the light of the Spirit would be visible in this dark place much further, than where there is enough light without it.

You can begin to rejoice with the Spirit instead of suffering and lamenting. Even if you suffer hardships, think about what good these hardships ultimately gave you. Realize that they taught you a lot. They gave you experience. Imagine that you would not have made this mistake then and would now live calmly and prosperously. You wouldn't have the troubles that you got as a result of the mistake, but you wouldn't have made a colossal leap forward in your development.

Yes, dear ones, it is deprivation, adversity and trouble that most often become a powerful catalyst for your development. They push you forward to remembering your Divinity much faster than peace and well-being. Your Spirit knows this. Therefore, he makes mistakes and troubles for you, while not forgetting to tell you how to turn these troubles into benefits!

Learn to choose the best of all real possibilities in every situation.

Dear ones, I want to console you: the further you move along the path of remembering your Divinity, the fewer mistakes you will make. You sometimes make mistakes only because you forget your Divine nature. You don't make the best choices because you don't think you deserve better. This subconscious feeling that you are too small, worthless and cannot aspire to something big, prevents you from choosing what you truly deserve. If you look at your life in terms of the choices you've made, you may see that sometimes there were other, better opportunities nearby, but you either didn't notice them or didn't realize they were better than what you had. in the end they chose.

You can avoid these mistakes in the future. Just ask yourself every time you make a choice:

Is this the best choice for me in this situation?

Make a decision only when your heart answers with an unconditional “Yes!” Don't settle for less when there is something more nearby just waiting for you to choose!

Dear ones, please understand correctly: I do not encourage you to sit and wait for some ideal conditions to arise or for you to have the ideal opportunity and be able to make the ideal choice. When you went to Earth, you deliberately chose to live in less than ideal conditions. I'm not advocating making the perfect choice—but I am advocating that you really evaluate your situation and make the best choice possible at a given time, in a given place, and in a given circumstance.

It is very rare that you only have one choice. Yes, you often say that you had to choose “the lesser of two evils”, that you had no other choice. In fact, you always have not one, but many choices, and if you do not see them, it is only because you yourself limit your options, you yourself involuntarily close your eyes to what could be your best choice. To do this, you have many favorite phrases like: “This is not for me,” “I can’t afford it (or I can’t afford it),” “Where am I going?”, etc. While the Spirit and the angels are screaming at you at the top of your lungs ear: “Take it! That is yours!" – you step aside, saying “No, no, this is not mine, this is a mistake,” and choose what is worse!

Dear ones, you are perfect, always have been, are and will be perfect. It’s just that in the earthly material world you cannot fully demonstrate your perfections. That's the nature of the 3D environment - it limits you. You strive for perfection, you yearn for it, you suffer when you fail to be perfect, when you do not have the opportunity to make an ideal choice. This is understandable, because in each of you there is a memory of the Divine home, where you can fully demonstrate your perfection, where every action, every intention, every choice is perfect. But, being in earthly conditions, you should not reproach yourself for the fact that your perfection is not manifested in all its beauty and strength.

It would be wrong to try to live on Earth the same way you live in your Divine home. This would be a misunderstanding and rejection of reality. Accept earthly reality as it is, remember that in this reality you are not obliged to be perfect and are not obliged to always make only the ideal choice. This is impossible while you live on Earth - but you can make the best choice of all possible, the best - taking into account real conditions, real circumstances. Every moment of your life, you can find the best that this moment brings, and choose this best.

By choosing the best for yourself, you are choosing the best for the Earth. You make it more perfect every moment, you bring earthly paradise closer. But for this you must not conflict with reality. You have to take it for granted, with all your soul, just like children do.

Dear ones, we like you in everything you do. I’ll tell you honestly: for us, members of your Divine family, it doesn’t matter whether you do the right thing or not, whether you make mistakes or not.

You have the right to do whatever you want. You have the right to choose whatever you want and not beat yourself up about it.

You are playing a wonderful game on planet Earth, and this game is impossible to lose, no matter what or how you do it. You've already won. And everything else doesn't matter as much as you think.

Therefore, from our point of view, you are doing everything right. Start counting the same way! Don't let unnecessary doubts and worries eat away at your life. You are who you should be. Each of you - believe me! - exactly as it should be. We look at you with admiration - at each of you - and admire how well you embody the Divine plan. You do it perfectly – from our point of view.

Please accept our love, honor and respect. Please accept our help and support on your journey. Shine always and everywhere!

I, Kryon, am always next to you, at your first call.

Exercise 1. Verbal formulas for accepting yourself as you are

You can pronounce these verbal formulas at any time, preferably out loud, looking into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror (at least the first few times - then you can either out loud or to yourself, both with and without a mirror).

I accept my true essence, knowing that I am the Divine Spirit who has taken on human form for play and experiment on planet Earth.

I know that everything that happens is in accordance with the Divine plan.

Everything in my life is as it should be.

I came into this incarnation of my own free will, having been born where and when it was necessary.

I was born into exactly the family that I needed to best carry out the lessons intended for me and to gain the experience I needed.

I accept, as they are, all the circumstances of my birth and my life, I accept as they are my earthly parents and all the conditions of my growth, development and upbringing.

I accept myself as I am. I am what I should be. The circumstances of my life are as they should be. Every choice I have made throughout my life is what it should be. Even my mistakes are what they should be. Everything is going according to plan and everything is for the better.

I trust my Divine essence to guide me through life.

God leads and guides me - which means this path promises me only the best. Wherever this path leads, it leads to the best. Now I firmly know this, and this knowledge allows me to go through life joyfully, with enthusiasm and pleasure playing all the games that earthly reality gives me.

Exercise 2. Learn to find benefit in any choice

Take a piece of paper, a pen and list all the most important moments of choice in your life when you truly chose your destiny, or at least determined how you would live in the coming years. This could be the choice of profession, life partner, place of residence, etc.

For each point in turn, ask yourself questions.

• Did it seem to me then that this was the only choice?
• What is it really like?
• As it seems to me now – were there other possibilities?

List all the other possibilities - both those that you saw then and those that you saw only now.

Now answer the question: “Was my choice the best possible?”

Surely in many cases you will answer “Yes”.

If you answered “No,” ask yourself this question: “What good did I get—or can get—by making this choice?”

You may not be able to answer immediately. Give yourself time to think about it - maybe even more than one day. But in the end, you must list at least five points, where you name the advantages that you received as a result of this, not the best, choice. Maybe you learned something important about yourself and about life, learned something, received some new opportunities that you would not have had if you had not made that choice.

This way you will understand that even imperfect choices have their advantages. You may have lost something, but you also found something! So, in any case, we ended up winning.

Gradually look through your whole life in this way and list all the advantages, all the good things that you received due to the fact that life turned out exactly this way and not otherwise. As a result, you will accept your life as it is - and you will do it with joy and gratitude.( translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Learn to Accept the World as it is | Liberty Learn to Accept the World as it is | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/13/2023 02:36:00 AM Rating: 5

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