How to Find your Path | Liberty


Today I want to teach you how to find the right solution in the most difficult situations.

Agree, each of you has had such moments in life when it seemed to you that you were in a dead end from which there was no way out.

First, let's try to figure out why such situations arise for you.

As a rule, this happens when it is impossible to put you on the right path in any other way - the one for which you were born. This is especially true for those bright and ancient souls who came to Earth with a great mission.

Remember how often you heard: “He is a wonderful, kind person, but so unhappy. What injustice! But this is precisely why misfortunes rain down on this wonderful man, because he turned onto the wrong road, followed the wrong path.

And all the Light Forces are trying to help him find HIS path, to awaken his Soul, which has forgotten about its purpose, plunging into the three-dimensional world.

You will say that this is cruel and unfair, but it would be much more cruel to let this Great Soul live his life in vain and return Home with nothing.

Of course, it also happens that a person falls too deeply into the world of duality, and there is no turning back, but if there is even the slightest chance to reach this Soul, then it will be used.

And they begin to wake the person up, sending him “troubles and misfortunes,” but in fact, a “life preserver.”

As sad as it may be, my dears, a well-fed and easy life rarely leads a person to the heights of spiritual growth. As a rule, severe trials, mental suffering and deprivation lead to it.

A person is placed in such conditions that the only thing that remains for him is faith in a miracle, which means a return to the Creator, and, by and large, to his Divine essence.

All this happens gradually. At first, it’s as if you are gently pushed towards what you really need to do: you are given one chance after another, signs and tips are sent.

But if you don’t see or hear them, we have to put you in stricter limits, literally fencing you off from that life that takes you far from the service - the one that your Soul has chosen.

And there is always only one way out of any dead end, my dear ones: a return to God, to your native Home, to your true essence, untainted by life in the three-dimensional world, internal cleansing and subsequent rebirth.

As soon as you realize the full depth of your spiritual fall, as soon as your Soul awakens, a way out of the dead end will be found in the most magical way - you won’t even notice how it happens.

But you will go in the other direction without looking back. And having chosen the right - YOUR - path, you will never experience difficulties again, since all the Light Forces will guide you, support you, give you all kinds of tips and help you.

I bless you, my dear ones, so that you do not stumble and follow your path to the end - the one that your Soul chose, for which you were born during this period of the Great Transition of your Earth to the Fifth Dimension!

The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian

How to Find your Path | Liberty How to Find your Path | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/07/2023 12:13:00 AM Rating: 5

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