How do you Change the Minds of Other Humans? | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton

How Do You Change the Minds of Other Humans? ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council

OCT 21 2023

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to continue to praise humanity for how far you have come, and we also praise you for the work that you continue to do towards becoming a unified, harmonious whole. You are already a collective, but you do not operate as one in the way that we do. Our knowing that we are a collective is not questioned by any of us who are a part of this collective, and therefore, it is so much easier for us to operate as a single, whole unit.

This is what humanity striving towards, whether you realize it or not. Whether you know it or not, you are moving in the direction of a unified consciousness that operates through the collective will to support everyone within the collective, rather than self-interest. It is a huge undertaking, especially when you think about the way humanity has operated there on Earth for so long. And with this intention comes a lot of challenges, because you are faced by those who do think more about themselves than others. And it’s hard to convince someone with your words that they need to care about the collective they are a part of, but it’s easy to do this when you radiate that oneness from within you.

When you see the world through the eyes of Source, and you see no separation between you and another person, you and an animal, you and the entire planet, then that is not only the vibration you put out, but it becomes the world you are creating. And so, it’s important for you to recognize how powerful you are and to give yourselves permission to feel that power, because the alternative is to feel powerless and give up. It’s important for you to recognize that you are not alone in the mission of bringing human beings together into one harmonious whole. There are many scattered all across the planet doing their work and accessing what they need to access in order to shine their light more brightly.

And when you shine your light more brightly, you do convince people without the need to address them at that level of the mind. There is a peace, a love, and a joy within each and every one of you, and when you find it and you radiate it, others will want to do the same. They will want that feeling that you have discovered to be within them as well, and then that will be your next mission; it will be to teach others how to discover within themselves what you have discovered.

You can all live on a very beautiful, loving, peaceful planet Earth together, and no one has be removed or incarcerated. No one has to die in order for this to happen. It’s when you see the world and everyone in it as you that you begin to see how much easier it is, especially if you’ve been thinking along the lines of, ‘How do I change all of these minds to get them to agree with me?’ That sort of thinking will overwhelm you and get you to the point of hopelessness.

Start with tuning in more consciously to what you’re thinking, feeling, believing, vibrating, and go from there, and you will see that it’s a much easier task than when you attempt to do it the hard way. It is in fact inevitable that you all come together in this way, and we see it happening all the time within individuals who are making a huge difference there on Earth, and that is why we will continue to praise you and to be confident in your success. Your evolution and ascension are happening, and they will continue to happen no matter what.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton
How do you Change the Minds of Other Humans? | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton How do you Change the Minds of Other Humans? | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/22/2023 01:09:00 AM Rating: 5

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