By Catherine Viel, October 27, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
October 26, 2023
…maybe I dreamt it
Or made it up, or have suddenly lost
Track of its train in the hocus pocus
Of the dissolving days…
~Charles Bernstein, In a Restless World Like This Is

Oh, we humans are so amusing. On the one hand, we’re very glad that the allopathic medical system can repair a physically injured body. I can’t think of anyone (other than members of certain religious sects) who would refuse emergency medical services if broken bones or profuse bleeding is involved.
But on the other hand, we who are on the woo end of the spectrum tend to have caveats about relying on conventional medical treatment (like, “only if nothing else works”). In 2017, I had the experience of a Trans-Scalar energy healing that did work. It mysteriously removed “something” that had been causing severe pain in my hip, and immediately after treatment I stood up straight for the first time in two years. But since then, I’ve gotten almost no bang for my buck from any alternative or energetic healing modality.

So I’m becoming a hybrid, knocking on the door of Western medical treatment while keeping alternative / energetic healing close to my chest like a high-stakes hand in a magical game of poker.
Will I move from information gathering (the X-rays I just got, an upcoming appointment with Orthopedics) to action? Will I be so distraught by what the X-rays show that I reluctantly acquiesce to a surgeon’s recommendation of “not later, but now”?
Not without first plying my woo tools of pendulum and Tarot, and debating with like-minded friends the merits of going under the knife…or waiting (and waiting, and waiting) for med beds.
Like most things, I reckon I’ll know precisely what to do when I know, and not one minute sooner.

It seems that whenever fear is pushing us away from some course, that is exactly the course we must follow to proceed past the thing we fear.
That sounds like a Tolkien riddle. Which brings to mind dragons and dwarves, fears faced, journeys taken and battles fought despite those fears.
What do we wind up with, at the end of that journey? A dragon’s horde of riches? Woundedness and weariness requiring Elvish healing (which could teach med beds a thing or two)?
I’ll probably always fear the unknown. I will always cringe at the notion of opening the human body with sharp instruments and poking around in the holy creation of the flesh. My guess is that only surgeons, or ghouls, become inured to such crude cutting and manipulation. As I’m sure Bones McCoy said on Star Trek, “They were barbarians back then, cutting and radiating themselves in the name of healing.”
I’m neither surgeon nor ghoul, so I’m not inured. I don’t know what I want to do about “the hip problem,” but I do know I won’t discount the notion of cutting into the holy flesh to fix that which needs repair.
I hear the echo of a channel saying, “There’s nothing to fix. Everything is exactly as it should be, even if it is not your preference.” I quietly but firmly reply, “That might be so, but I may still elect to fix that which is not my preference. At which point, that would be exactly as it should be, because that is now what is.”
I’m not quite sticking out my tongue and twiddling my fingers at my ears, but pretty close. I’m sure Spirit knows that no disrespect is meant, and I sense the echo of a quiet laugh and feel an etheric hand gently patting my shoulder, prompting a secret smile that doesn’t want to leave my lips.