By Steve Beckow, October 18, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
The Company of Heaven tells us how it is.
At the most, I can only tell you how it is for me, one of the mice in the maze.
And even there, my view is partial, obscured, voluntarily or not, (1) and filtered through my self-serving interests.
And so it shall remain. If I were complete, as everything is for us angels (i.e., all of us) (2) when we’re outside the body, I wouldn’t be here. Except as an occasional visitor and certainly not wearing this Ironman suit we’re all wearing.
Minus the Ironman powers, it’s just a clunker, compared even to the next body up – the etheric/astral. I described this suit we wear, which I experienced in 1977, as being like an India-rubber lacrosse ball. You throw the ball at the ground and it does a dead-cat bounce and just sits there.
No conductivity. Refined emotions cannot register on it or be passed on by it.
In these dense suits, I (and we) can only give a socially-sanctioned, socially-approved, and socially-accepted view of reality. What we see is shaped and limited by our social boundaries.
If we didn’t conform in the Middle Ages, if we wrote some of the material I’ve written (eg., Father, Son, and Holy Ghost = Brahman, Atman, and Shakti), we could be burnt at the stake.
Moreover, if I wrote in an idiosyncratic style, you might not be able to make sense of it. Or backwards, like Leonardo. Or in code. Michael said:
Archangel Michael: If you venture, as you would often like, too far ahead of the crowd, then who are you speaking to? (3)
I have to remain aware of who I’m speaking to.
So it’s my job to keep the discussion within a common (as common as possible) frame of reference.
The ironic thing is, after the Ring of Fire/Wave of Love, (4) there won’t be any need for words.
Then how the world will be made to work for everyone will be crystal clear. That world will then enjoy the omnipresence of this totally-satisfying love.
But to return to our everyday reality, there is a middle discourse space that most of us agree to speak in and make the best of. It’s useless in describing love itself, great at describing its impact on us.
To resume, I’m clunking along in my Ironman suit, non-conductive, dense, heavy, keeping my conversation within various social bounds while talking about phenomena for which there are no words.
No wonder my view is “incomplete.”
Ask me what I know. I only know a very few things. I know that:
- The purpose of life is enlightenment.
- The love we go around looking for from others is best found in our own hearts.
- Our heart door (5) is a portal to the higher dimensions.
- Love must flow and, when we draw it up from our hearts and send it out to the world, we get to experience it as it flows through us. (6)
- The Self exists in the deepest part of the heart, the bottom of the heart, the seat of the Soul.
- We are pure and innocent, and not impure and sinful, at essence.
We grow out of many things. But the glimpses of reality that the Company of Heaven has gifted me (and us) with are things to grow into.
(1) We all agreed to have our cosmic memories “wiped” while in the Third and Fourth Dimensions.
(2) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/An-Explosion-in-the-Meaning-of-Humanness-12.pdf
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 21, 2015. (Hereafter, AAM.)
(4) See Ring of Fire, Wave of Love at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Ring-of-Fire-Wave-of-Love-R7.pdf
(5) I’m not speaking here of the heart chakra here, but of the hriydam or heart aperture. When the hridayam opens, we have access to all the higher states of consciousness.
(6) AAM: Love is a fluid energy. It has need to flow and so when it does not flow it becomes… Well, as you put it, it be can become dry and brittle. It has need to be given and received above, below, within, without and in every which way. (AAM, April 30, 2019.)
Grow out of or Grow Into? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/19/2023 03:02:00 AM