By Catherine Viel, October 11, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
October 10, 2023
The black speck of it, then the outsize sting…
The flea that looks, through the magnifier,
like the villain spaceship from a science-fiction movie…
~Rick Bardot, The Flea
A flea! Talk about a triggering event. Last night (while he was sitting in my lap), I complacently observed a tiny black speck in front of my cat’s ear. I assumed it was earwax he’d dislodged.
Then it did something no self-respecting earwax would do, and moved.
Insert whatever inner shrieking noises you can imagine, and you’ll have an idea of my alarm. I know it’s not Armageddon, but it’s still a fabulous freakout opportunity.
I’ll skip past last night’s frantic abatement efforts and go to the relative calm of today. I had a fairly civil conversation with God, maybe a little bit demanding, but not rude. God can do anything, right? Therefore, he can vaporize those little suckers without me having to do a thing. And if God does want me to do a thing (or two), if I’m open to guidance, I will know what that is.
Taking it a step further, even though I am seriously creaky today and would better serve my well-being by staying still, if I should vacuum all carpeting and spray the mint-scented “natural flea killer” here and there, God is going to have to infuse me with enough stamina and mobility to do that.
How do all-indoor cats even GET fleas, anyway? Matthew Ward has said that fleas were created by the dark forces eons ago solely to cause misery to Earth’s animal population, including humans. And that fleas won’t survive into Earth’s rising vibrations.
Maybe it would be easier, and just as effective, if I sat quietly and raised the vibration of the house. I could do a total Reiki clearing, a long-neglected item on the etheric to-do list. Anything rather than the strenuous work of cleaning, flea spraying, and loads of cat bed laundry that I probably should be resigned to doing.
I’m drawn to play with a colored-pencil sketch I started yesterday. Sketchbook and pencils sit next to me, exerting a magnetic force much stronger than freaking out over fleas.
Is this what 4D might be like? Knowing an etheric action might dissolve an undesirable situation, yet still certain that purely physical solutions are needed, too?
The fact that I briefly considered foregoing 3D abatement in favor of asking (not demanding!) that God do the heavy lifting is revelatory. Absurdly enough, this feels like a benchmark of growth for me.
Still, I weigh my creakiness against the possible toxicity of conventional flea treatments, use my pendulum to check the options, and elect to use flea spot treatment and mist here and there with the natural flea spray. I’d like to think God doesn’t need mundane help banishing the pests, but most of me is still in 3D, where Cheristin is the flea-beating champion. My practical self whispers, besides, strenuous cleaning and hands-on flea abatement are better left to households blessed with robustly healthy and mobile denizens.
I’d better give the cardboard box “cat beds” a couple of good whacks against the avocado tree to dislodge tiny hitchhikers, and bring them back inside. Until the Cheristin and flea spray kick in, I’m envisioning God, perhaps through the enforcement arm of St. Francis or the Devic kingdom (or even the fairies), plucking stray trespassers from carpet and cats with a magic transporter stick, and sending those misbegotten pests where the sun don’t shine.
Or wherever is for their best and highest good. That might be straight back to Source, where their infinitesimal specks of energy could add to that ineffable brightness, and by giving their energy and giving up their sinister origins, they could turn into pure light themselves.
I pick up the Sky Blue Koh-I-Noor woodless pencil, open the sketchbook, and shine my own humble light upon the creamy, textured page.
Fabulous Freakout Opportunity | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/12/2023 04:56:00 AM