(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Many have been consciously healing their own wounds and the wounds of the Collective for many, many years.
Some perhaps more recently, and none are “out of phase” for your own journey is perfectly “timed”.
Do not doubt yourself as you continue to feel the “ups and downs”, the expansion and contraction of your conscious awakening. Just continue to make and refine daily (and more frequently) your conscious choice between Love and Peace, over fear and confusion.
Not only are you experiencing the bliss of your expanding Heart but also you hold the space for more and more who have yet to make their conscious choice, and some who down right refuse at this time.
Remember this is a Collective Ascension and Healing and as you expand you make room for others in your
Heart and thus are feeling their “pull” also. The accumulated “tug” of the collective Longing
And so your own expansion is intimately bound to the “good of all”. Service to others and the conscious creating and exploration of New Community will become more and more a part of the common HUman Purpose, the increase and expand into the greater LIGHT that WE are.
Thankyou, thankyou.
Heart to Heart how can you tell any of us apart.
I So Love You
PS: REMEMBER ……Change your thoughts and feelings about and towards yourself and you change how you experience yourself.
And miraculously it will totally transform what you will experience and see “out there.
So when you see something that you feel needs “healing”, apply your love, forgiveness, and thankfulness to it in yourself and you are serving us All.
It really is all about Loving being You (Loving You) more than anything else and you become Love that endlessly gives to All.
Expansion | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/12/2023 04:54:00 AM