Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Coming Home to Ourselves | Whitney

By Whitney, October 9, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia

Steve: Beautifully put, Whitney, and conforms to/expresses my experience as well.

While the spiritual journey is rarely a linear one with clearly defined footpaths, signposts, and support, it certainly has a thread that runs through it. This thread is ourselves!

However our spiritual journeys move us, wherever they make take us, the one constant is us. Yet, ironically, how often do we overlook ourselves while trying to find out who we are and how to live? Realizing that the missing piece is us is the process of coming home to ourselves. And it’s core Ascension work.

So what does it mean to come home to ourselves? It means coming into full, harmonized breakthrough union with our spirits, our souls, our spiritual hearts. This is also known as the inner sanctum where the truest truth of our beings resides. (1) Our answers, our guidance, our purpose, our peace, all arise from the inner wordless voice and presence that is our own spiritual selves.

As clichéd as this may sound, our answers are within us, not outside. And yet how is it that we can spend a lifetime away from ourselves, instead living with our eyes, minds and hearts always gazing outward for answers, essence, and guidance?

Over time, as we learn instead to direct our psychic energy inward, we see not only the terrain of our mental and emotional bodies—the stories, beliefs, and accumulated identities that we think and feel unconsciously—but we see beyond the world as we know it, tapping into the vast field of awareness that we actually are and that we belong to.

This awareness is our unique spiritual energy, and it contains intelligence and light that can guide us if we tune into it and follow it. Navigating life at purely the mental or emotional level won’t work. Navigating life at the soul level will. (2) This is all that matters in our lives if we want to become our spiritualized selves. This is the only thing that carries weight even though the energy of our beings is weightless. (3)

Coming home to ourselves is also how we develop Deep Intuition and Integrity. We become unshakable in hearing, feeling, decoding, and acting upon the language of our souls—and this includes becoming skilled at sensing the truths of life and the ways of others around us, as we can only know another as we know ourselves.

So how do we find our way home to ourselves? How do we know we’ve made contact? Simply put, living in the truth of our hearts gets us there. We’ll know we’ve found ourselves because of the feeling. It’s light and free. It’s joyful and peaceful. It just feels right. We can’t know this by thinking about it. It’s a heartfelt experience, a deep knowingness that transcends moods, wounds, beliefs, and self-concepts, as well as the projections and ideas of others.

Understandably, it can feel challenging to make contact with ourselves, especially during times of change, struggle, or pushback. Yet these are the moments that serve as clarion calls to unite us with ourselves more deeply. The mental and emotional chatter can increase as we dare to enter our inner sanctums—the what-ifs and the shoulds can haunt us if we’re not vigilant about protecting against their lifeless assaults.

And so it’s especially at these times that it can be tempting to default to the outer world to guide us. It would be easy to assume that someone else has our answers, that someone else knows us better than we can know ourselves. Here then, instead of acquiescing to an outer authority, we must begin to forge the inner path back to ourselves. Yes, we can take someone’s hand and we can lean on them as we take these steps, but ultimately it’s us who has to walk ourselves back home.

There’s no turning back once we make contact with ourselves. The ping of our souls will call us more loudly and clearly should we veer off path. And this familiar force of positive feelings and warmth becomes our reliable guide map that will begin to show us the way, eventually steering us ever more skillfully on our journeys as we discover and abide by our soul selves and our personal truths.

Perhaps we have suffered, perhaps we have ventured down painful paths and experienced many injurious things. This is not a reason to avoid ourselves. Instead, we are encouraged by Life to listen more deeply, feel more softly, and act more carefully according to the wisdom of our souls. We mustn’t ignore or deny our knowingness. We must live it. We must become intimate with ourselves so that we unconditionally love ourselves as our very own best friends.

This journey home isn’t no big thing. Coming home to ourselves, our true selves, is the journey of a lifetime. Embodying our soul selves is an aspect of cultivating genuine spiritual mastery. And it’s what awaits us all as we move forward during this Ascension timeline.

Whitney is a passionate student of life and a psychic empath who offers Soul Readings and Vedic Astrological counseling. For a session, email her at sacredmountain@tutanota.com

(1) Steve: What I experienced at Xenia in 2018 as the bottom of my heart, the deepest part, the “seat of the Soul.”

(2) Which I’ve called the intellectual, experiential, and realizational levels of knowing.

(3) Realization alone carries weight.