Monday, October 16, 2023
Become Disciples again | Liberty
A master is one who is constantly learning
Hello, dear pioneers, you who know the world and yourself in the world, you who seek God - if you only knew how much we love and honor you! Krayon has come to confess his love to you. Kryon has come to answer your questions.
Krayon didn't come to teach you - oh no. Krayon came for the reunion of the Divine family. You and I come from a common home - the Divine Home. The veil that separates us is the only reason you don't remember this. But the veil is thinning, and this is happening through your efforts. We are reunited, and this is happiness for both you and us.
Dear ones, today I want to express my admiration for you also for the fact that you are not afraid to be students. You, those who listen to these words and read these lines, are endlessly cognizing and endlessly learning, which means growing, developing, following the path of evolution and progress. There is no other way to restore heaven on Earth, there is no other way to regain your Divinity, but to follow the path of development, constantly learning and assimilating what is new to you.
Why am I talking about this today?
Because I see how many of you doubt the correctness of your role as a student.
You ask: “Krayon, when will we stop being students and become masters?”
Dear ones, you are already masters!
You all, each of you listening and reading these words, are masters of energy, transforming reality, restoring your Divinity and building paradise on Earth. Yes, you are masters, and we are proud of you. But this does not mean that you have stopped - or will ever stop - being students!
Asking “when will I stop being a student” is the same as asking “when will I stop developing.” Isn’t that what you want, dears? Your life makes sense when it becomes a continuous evolutionary movement, constantly setting new tasks for yourself and solving them.
And for this you need to be in the state of a student. For many of you, the word “student” is associated exclusively with your childhood years. Therefore, it may seem to you that remaining a student means being stuck in childhood, that is, in a state of ignorance, inability, helplessness and uncertainty.
We are not suggesting this to you - we are suggesting that you be who you are, independent adults, but at the same time retain the childish ability to learn.
Remember yourself as a child. Look at those who are children now. You will see that all children are endowed with the ability to learn. Now I’m not talking about school lessons, with which many of you do not have the best memories...
Oh yes, many of you were discouraged from learning by the school system of rewards and punishments, where you lived in fear of getting a bad grade. That’s why some of you, growing up, are glad that they finally don’t have to learn anything.
And they don’t notice that they cease to be interested in reality, stop learning about the world, which means they themselves fall out of life and stop their development.
Yes, children are constantly learning something new, because the state of ignorance and lack of experience is natural for them. They have many questions and they want answers.
But as people grow up, they sometimes begin to think that they have already received all the answers to their questions. They begin to think that there is nothing in life that they would be interested in knowing. It seems to them that they already know and can do everything and they don’t need to learn.
Many people are so reluctant to learn that they indignantly reject all lessons that could benefit them. They do not notice that they are thereby refusing new opportunities, happy turns of fate, a new level of knowledge of the world and themselves.
The world is infinite, and it is impossible to fully understand it, and therefore the process of cognition must continue throughout life, and there is no need to close yourself off from it behind the mask of omniscience.
Dear ones, I will tell you the difference between a master and a non-master. If some kind of trouble happens to a master, he first of all thinks about what his mistake was, what he may have done wrong, what and how needs to be corrected and what needs to be learned for this.
And the one who is not a master will not doubt himself, will not look for his mistakes, will not express the intention to learn - he will rather say that circumstances and other people are to blame, and will not change anything in his behavior.
Which one of them do you think is more likely to succeed?
Someone who doubts himself and admits his mistakes - or someone who may appear very confident and knowledgeable, but is not going to change anything?
Of course, the first one, because it goes from an error to a solution, from setting a problem to a result. The second one does not go anywhere, but remains in the illusion that he knows everything, understands everything and has achieved everything.
Are you ready to trade reality for illusion?
Are you ready to exchange real development, knowledge and the path to earthly paradise for the appearance of confidence and absence of doubt?
You can learn from everything that comes your way
Dear ones, do not be afraid of doubts. Don't be afraid that you aren't always confident, don't always act perfectly, and sometimes make mistakes. This is normal, this is correct.
Without doubts and uncertainty there can be no movement forward!
It’s just important not to get stuck in a state of doubt and uncertainty. It is important to treat them correctly: as a sign that you need to understand something, learn something and change something.
If you only beat yourself up for your doubts and insecurities, if you indulge in self-criticism and do nothing, you will only waste your energy. Even in doubt and uncertainty, do not lose your sense of Divine dignity. Don’t forget that in the eyes of God you are always worthy and always perfect, no matter what happens, and most importantly, you are always loved no matter what, dear ones.
If you remember this, then your mistakes, doubts and uncertainty will not become a brake on your path, but, on the contrary, a powerful incentive to move forward.
This is exactly how masters go towards their goal - through uncertainty and doubts, through mistakes and failures, through thorns - to the stars. This is your path, dear ones.
Make it a habit to learn from literally everything you meet and see around you. No matter what happens, ask yourself the question: “What is the lesson here for me?”
Whoever you meet along the way, ask yourself:
“What can I learn from this person?”
Dear ones, your earthly life is one of continuous learning. You all learn from each other because that's what you agreed upon. You have decided in advance what you will teach each other. And those situations that irritate you most now are your most important lessons. And they were planned in advance - planned by you.
Please understand correctly: when I encourage you to always maintain your Divine dignity and always put yourself first - yourself in the highest sense, your Divine Self, and not your earthly ego, do not forget this - this does not mean that you must turn into proud people, confident in their infallibility and omniscience. Self-esteem and pride are not just different, but directly opposite things.
When you are filled with a sense of Divine dignity, you are not embarrassed to learn, are not afraid to make mistakes, are not embarrassed by your ignorance or misunderstanding of something, because you are sure: all this cannot shake your sense of self-worth.
And the one who, deep down in his soul, is not confident in himself, due to the fact that he has lost (or has not yet gained) connection with his Divine “I” - he tries to prove to himself and others that he is worth something through arrogance and boasting , defending your rightness and demonstrating your confidence.
But if there is no true, Divine confidence, then any confidence will be only an appearance, something external and ostentatious, which in reality does not exist.
Therefore, know: your status as an apprentice (which does not in any way detract from your title of master) testifies to the highest degree of your Divine dignity.
Only a true master, one who is marked by Divine light and love, can voluntarily accept the status of apprenticeship and carry it with dignity.
Pay attention to the person who causes you irritation or even hostility. Pay attention to the one whom you would not like to see in your life at all. Ask yourself what you can learn from him.
Oh yes, this is a challenge for you.
Take this challenge.
Consider that life has thrown this challenge at you, although in fact it was you who chose this lesson for yourself. But now you don’t remember this, because it seems to you that life is tormenting you, that people and circumstances seem to have conspired to deliberately fray your nerves.
What if this is not the case? If no one was going to torture you? What if there is something good in this situation for you? But to get this good, you need to look at what is happening through the eyes of a student.
Through the eyes of someone who is ready to learn when faced with a lesson - to learn, and not to get annoyed or angry. Now do you understand that the status of an apprenticeship implies a calm and even humble attitude towards lessons?
Why rebel against what is given for your own benefit?
What have you planned yourself?
Treating the lesson humbly does not mean feeling like a victim and starting to suffer.
This means not rebelling, not being offended, not asking: “Why do I need this?” - and calmly do what is required of you. And see what happens. And if the lesson is completed correctly, you will probably get something good, something that will make you happy.
The main goal of all lessons is to help you remember your Divinity
The question “What is the lesson?” may be the most interesting and exciting question in your life.
This is a question that involves moving forward along a fascinating path. This is a question that involves searching and finding. This is a question whose answer promises wonderful rewards at every turn in your life.
The lessons are varied and varied. And if you are wondering what someone who has only annoyed you so far can teach you, then the answers can be very different, sometimes unexpected, but always for your benefit.
Ask your Divine Self this question, listen to your intuition, think about what you would like to learn, and you will be surprised at the clarity and accuracy of the answer that you will certainly receive one way or another, and also how this lesson situation, it turns out that it is necessary for you and inevitable for you at this particular time and in this place.
Remember: the main purpose of this lesson is to help you remember your Divinity.
Sometimes you receive lessons of dislike, sometimes even lessons of hatred with one goal: to remember that love exists in the world, and to become the source of this love in spite of everything.
All other lessons flow from and are related to this.
You can learn to maintain peace and love in your soul, no matter what.
You can learn patience and peace in any situation.
You can learn to transform energies, turning what seems dissonant in your life into the light and love of God.
You can see in someone you don't like a reflection of the qualities you don't like about yourself and change that.
Even when faced with manifestations that are essentially opposite to the light and love of God, you can learn something - at least what not to do and how not to behave. Yes, learning from a negative example can sometimes be the most powerful and empowering experience.
And each of you can remember what the lesson is, and each of you is given the strength to pass each lesson with dignity.
Dear ones, nothing in your life is accidental. Including what seems like little things. There really is no such thing as change. Everything is important and everything has a message for you. Pay attention to the “little things”! Why did this person cross your path? Why did he behave this way and not otherwise? Why did exactly what happened happen?
Yes, your life may seem like solitaire or a giant puzzle in which it is so exciting to find the missing pieces. But to do this you must want to find these parts. And when the mosaic comes together, when all the pieces fit perfectly together, when you understand what, why, how and why in your life, you will receive enormous pleasure, experience joy, and most importantly, gain clarity about where and how to go move on.
When you need to learn or understand something, the necessary lesson will certainly appear in front of you. And when you recognize and solve this lesson, you will certainly say: “How wonderful and beautiful the world is!”
Don’t be afraid to recognize each other as teachers, dear ones! Remember that you are all teachers to each other in different situations. Recognizing someone as a teacher does not mean putting that person above yourself. No one is higher or lower. Today you will become a teacher for someone, and tomorrow he will become a teacher for you.
Most people become each other's teachers unknowingly. The winner is the one who can understand what the meaning of the situation is. The winner is the one who does not consider that studying is beneath his dignity. The winner is the one who can thank the offender as a teacher. You don't have to do it out loud, dear ones! It is not necessary to inform the other that he has become your teacher in this situation. Look at the circumstances - if you consider it appropriate to personally thank someone, thank them. If not, let your gratitude remain in your heart.
Remember: it doesn’t matter how your gratitude is expressed outwardly or whether it is expressed at all. The main thing is what you experience, what happens inside you. If there is no warm feeling of gratitude inside, then any words are in vain, any external manifestations are in vain. Your feelings, the degree of their sincerity – that’s what’s important.
Regain your interest in life and childhood curiosity
Dear ones, being disciples is a wonderful destiny. Remember often how inquisitive you were as children. As a child, each of you perceived the world as a wonderful, mysterious, mysterious and incomprehensible place. It was the right feeling, because that's how the world is.
As you grow up, you become immersed in everyday life, and the world begins to seem familiar and even boring to you; you no longer see or look for anything new and unusual in it. But if you remember that childhood perception, you can regain all the colors of the world. You can remember again that the world is huge and that it is impossible to fully understand it. Do you think that you have already learned everything, experienced everything and there is nothing to surprise you?
You are mistaken, and it is completely in vain to drive yourself into the cage of the known and familiar, simply not giving yourself the opportunity to see the unknown and unusual that awaits you around every turn.
Yes, many of you are afraid to learn new things, because this entails danger - the danger that the old, familiar picture of the world may collapse. Do you know why your science in many areas still adheres to outdated, and most importantly, beliefs that do not correspond to reality?
It is because of this fear. Fear of learning something new about the world stands in the way of progress and evolution of humanity. Choose what is more important to you - the truth or the opportunity to sleep peacefully in the darkness of your own illusions, not wanting to know that the world is not really what you imagine.
You are researchers, you are pioneers, be worthy of your title!
I do not urge you to rush headlong into any adventures that involve unjustified risk. But I urge you not to be afraid of the truth, to strive for it, to recognize it, to reveal it to other people following you. And I also encourage you to be more curious and attentive to every moment of your existence.
The world is multidimensional, and every millimeter of space in front of you can hide entire worlds, galaxies and universes.
These worlds, galaxies and universes constantly speak to you, send you their signals. These signals can come in the form of a light breeze, a bird singing, the nightly call of cicadas, an unusually shaped cloud, a rainbow or rain...
Dear ones, don’t get used to this, don’t consider the world something ordinary. For the Spirit, earthly life is a wonderful adventure and unprecedented pleasure. Remember this - and enjoy.
Your Divine family sends you waves of love and warmth!
I, Krayon, love you immensely and am always there for you, at your first call.
Exercise 1. Learn to stop the moment
We get a feeling of the fullness of life only when we do not pass by life. We can learn something new only when we live in a state of attention and sensitivity to every moment. Very often everyday bustle, worries and problems interfere with this.
But at least sometimes, from time to time, we simply need to stop in order to feel the essence of the present moment, penetrate into it and feel life not as movement, running along one line, but as a volume that contains infinity, into which we can immerse ourselves with all our being.
Stay alone with yourself in a calm environment for at least a few minutes. Close your eyes and mentally immerse yourself in your inner space - the microcosm, the world of the soul. Connect with your Divine Self by focusing on the heart area and imagine stepping back from your human self.
You are a Spirit, a Divine angel who looks at you as a person a little from the side and from above. You perceive both yourself and the world as if from the inside, you are now focused on the inner world, and not on the external, you are connected to your depth - to your true spiritual “I”.
Continuing to perceive the world from this depth, listen, or rather, feel what is happening around you. What sounds do you hear, how do you feel the weather and season outside the window.
Feel that life is going around you, which you perceive from your depths. You are an observer, a contemplator, you are a Spirit who came to Earth for a very short time, and for him everything that happens around is important, valuable and incredibly interesting.
Mentally say to yourself: “ I am now moving out of linear time. I am eternal. And I watch from eternity. I perceive from the space of eternity and infinity everything that happens here and now .”
Imagine that time no longer has power over you. You have stopped, you are no longer moving with time.
Time passes by, but does not affect you. You are in your space of eternity and infinity and watch from there how life flows.
You may notice and feel a lot of things that you didn’t notice before. You can feel the delight that you are alive, that you are on Earth and that you can perceive everything that happens here.
You may feel that all this is temporary, fragile and very fleeting, and therefore immensely valuable. You will feel how important it is not to miss the moment, because after some moment it will be gone and everything that was in that moment will be gone.
With this perception, time will stretch for you. You will feel how much each moment contains. Every moment you will be able to live a whole life - which you previously missed, not noticing its value, fragility and transience.
In the future, you can devote time to such mini-meditations whenever and wherever you have a free minute. You will learn to perceive the world in this way with your eyes open. And then you will notice how much there is in the world that is still unknown to you, how much is interesting, what you want to notice, see, explore.
You can see the whole universe in a drop of dew, you will begin to enjoy what others seem to be little things - summer rain, the sound of a child's laughter, a gust of wind, thunder, even the noise of a car passing outside the window or other seemingly quite ordinary phenomena.
This will mean that you are living to the fullest, you feel and experience the world as befits the Divine spirit on a wonderful journey through planet Earth.
Exercise 2. Verbal formulas - an attitude of sensitivity to truth
These verbal formulas will help you better hear the voice of your heart, the voice of intuition, the voice of the highest truth that sounds in your soul - including in order to better understand the meaning of the lessons life offers you. You can say them both out loud and silently at any time and anywhere.
I am part of a single whole, part of the Divine Universe. As part of God, I have access to all Divine truth and Divine wisdom. I trust God, I trust my Divine Self, I trust myself and I know that all the necessary knowledge will come to me at the right moment if I am sensitive and attentive enough.
Now I am giving myself a Divine mindset to perceive the truth that I need. Now I see everything as it is. I see the truth, the truth about myself, the truth about the world, about people and situations. I boldly face the truth, because I know that this knowledge is necessary for me, it is for my benefit.
Now I am beginning to clearly and clearly see the meaning of all the lessons that life teaches me. I discover in myself the capacity for inner knowledge, knowledge without words that comes as insight.
I am able to get answers to all my questions. I already know the answers to all my questions.
I thank the Almighty and my angelic helpers for their help in comprehending the truth. I am walking along the path to light and truth and I intend to follow this path further, always and everywhere, without turning aside. Let it be so.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian