Sunday, October 29, 2023
As the Cauldron Boils | (Reader) Holly
Submitted to Voyages of Light by Reader Holly on October 29, 2023
The Oversoul of the Worlds | Catherine Viel
Just wanted to write and thank you for this article. I still find anger bubbling up from time to time over the 'healers' and 'energy workers' that never helped... at all.. with not one thing I went there for. I also had to deal with a lot of anger at myself for believing them, giving my power away. My experience is that they're on the lookout for people just waking up because who else would fall for it? At age 68 this time has long past and I'm aware I learned a lot from that... I'm sovereign now and one with my own inner divine voice and won't seek help until I get a yes from her. I laugh at my self judgments on not 'getting it right' here on Earth the first time and have to remind myself that this is a place of learning, of evolving... where did I get the idea I was supposed to know everything and not make mistakes? Anyway, I chuckled when I read your article thinking hmmm, I'm not the only one. Thank you for writing it. And also I'm very sorry for your hip pain, here's to you getting relief soon.