Sunday, October 29, 2023

An Integrated, Interdisciplinary Approach to Human Unity | Steve Beckow

Credit: “Connection with the Creator” by Olga Kuczer

By Steve Beckow, October 28, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

This commentary illustrates a deepening that has been taking place in me since realizing my “co-creative partnership” with Archangel Michael on June 12, 2023. (1)

We lightworkers and loveholders seem to be on a moving frontier of investigation into all aspects of reality. I imagine it’s occurring around the world, based on recent introductions and subsequent poking around. It’d fit with descriptions of dramatically-rising love energies.

So far we’re investigating all the phenomena of the Fourth/Astral and other dimensions/planes. And, in my view, this is as it should be.

But, at the same time, I want to add another line item to the agenda, if you’d permit me.

We’ll soon be meeting our star family – probably after the Ring of Fire. (2) If we want to present a united face to them, like a race that can speak as one, then I think we might consider doing two things.

First, we need to shed some of our philosophies or paradigms that don’t work and stand as a barrier to successful discussions between us and our star family.

Chief among them, in my view is the outdated paradigm of empirical materialism. That’s the philosophy that only what we can see, hear, feel, or touch is real; nothing else. It permeates our culture and is an unspoken boundary we have with each other.

Well, our visitors will probably be from higher realms, existing above us in ships that are cloaked from view. Empirical materialism would make us as blind to them as the natives were to Captain Cook’s ships.

Empirical materialism won’t serve us in the multidimensional world we’re about to enter and needs to be discarded.


The second thing I think we may want to consider is integrating our knowledge beforehand, wherever possible. Make it interdisciplinary where that’s possible. Connect the dots among our principles, information, and philosophies. End our endless academic – and sometimes religious – disagreements.

Let me demonstrate what I’m talking about by connecting two dots that I hope will prove useful at some future time to make sense of what is and was Third-Dimensional spiritual reality:

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Christianity) = Brahman, Atman, and Shakti (Hinduism).

I’ve spoken about this matter at length elsewhere. (3) If we want to connect Jesus’ teachings with Vedanta, this equation is the USB plug to the USB port.

When we have them connected, they unlock the mystery in many if not most other terrestrial, 3D scriptures and the religions they gave rise to.


So I repeat, if we want to meet our star family and speak with one voice for Planet Earth, (4) if we want to open to the new knowledge not available to us as a divided terrestrial community, then we now need to take down the intellectual boundaries and barriers that have kept us divided since antiquity.

We need to end the squabbling and focus on the truth – the whole truth of life, the cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, and multidimensional truth – the spiritual truth.

I assert that Self-Realization is the purpose of life. (5) A cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, and interdimensional knowledge, I also assert, integrates us and advances us toward the goal of a Self-Realized, ascended society: A world that works for everyone. (6)

Those we shall meet are already there and waiting for us. They won’t meet with us until we’re at peace, as they are.

As we reveal more and more of the Self in us, we’ll be better and better able to converse and work with them. Everything is conspiring to bring that meeting to us, that re-union of us with our ancestors and our future.


(1) On that date I realized what my co-creative partnership with Archangel Michael meant. It came alive for me. See “Co-Creative Partnership” in What’s Next? Vol. 4: Global Leadership and the Reval at

(2) On the Ring of Fire, see The Ring of Fire: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia at

(3) See:“Christianity and Hinduism are One,” December 2, 2017, at
“A Cross-Cultural View of Spirituality,” December 23, 2014, at
“On the Nature of the Divine Mother,” ibid.

(4) Not for Gaia, the archangel inhabiting Planet Earth, who speaks for herself. For her terrestrial family.

(5) See The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at

(6) The phrase originated with Werner Erhard.