Once again, I would like to return to the topic of the Fifth Dimension, because I see that many of you do not fully understand what it is.
Today I will try to give you a full description of it and show you the signs by which you can determine that you are in it.
So, let's start with the fact that this reality is manifested only for those who can coincide with it in vibrations, and therefore is not visible to the main part of humanity.
It has different physical parameters. The law of attraction hardly works there. This is a little like weightlessness, but there, unlike it, you can walk and fly at will, that is, you can consciously control your body, compacting it if you wish, and, conversely, making it weightless if you need to quickly to move somewhere, that is, to teleport.
The same thing happens with your consciousness. It becomes flexible and mobile. And there YOU already control it, and not it controls you, as often happens on earth, when it drives you into certain frameworks established by someone.
In the Fifth Dimension, your wishes come true instantly. It’s like you’re painting your life on an invisible canvas that comes to life before your eyes. This is a very exciting activity, but it needs to be learned, because at first it will be difficult for you to realize that your possibilities are truly endless.
But, of course, the main difference between the Fifth Dimension and the third and fourth is the atmosphere of overwhelming Love, which permeates its entire space, and everything that you see there will seem incredibly familiar, close, loved to you: a piece of yourself - eternal and inalienable.
And this feeling of UNITY with everything that exists on Earth will, perhaps, become the most beautiful, the most long-awaited for you - what you lacked there in the dual world on Earth of the third dimension.
But this is what I would like to warn you against, my dears. Moving into the Fifth Dimension, you involuntarily pass through the border of the worlds where the essences of the higher astral live.
They can offer you their help, take the form of Saints, Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels. And here are the signs by which you can determine that they are fake.
They speak too beautifully about divine things - exaggerated and sweet. The energies emanating from them can be very strong, which misleads many people.
Remember that the true energy of Light and Love is always tender, affectionate, enveloping, warming the soul, filling you with Divine grace.
You can ask those who meet on your path: “Send me Light and Love,” and you will feel in your heart what kind of energy they are sending to you.
These entities really do not like being tested, so even by the expression on their faces you can determine whether they are true Saints or fake ones.
As a rule, such entities can be encountered by those Souls who themselves have not yet reached the level of vibrations that allow them to freely enter the Fifth Dimension.
And if this happened to you, think about what you still need to work on, what inharmonious qualities to overcome.
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/voznesenie-zemli-o-pyatom-izmerenii/#ixzz8EzNb2H2c
About the Fifth Dimension | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/02/2023 11:26:00 PM