Trust your intuition, your divine connection.
(John Smallman)
The current worldwide chaos, conflict, and confusion is a major indication of the ongoing increasing awareness and consequent releasing of old and long maintained beliefs that are not in alignment with who you all are – Love. Only Love is Real, although for the majority presently in form as humans that idea is utterly untenable, because it appears that evil is everywhere abundant. No wonder there is so much chaos and confusion. Nevertheless, the Reality of Love is finally being seen and experienced by many who have for most of their lives lived in fear and doubt, while desperately hoping that an unconditionally loving God exists, offering them the possibility of eternal life. That fear and doubt arose out of the personal sense of unworthiness that so many have come to believe is the truth about themselves, while frequently seeing others as being holier and worthier beings, further intensifying their own sense of unworthiness. It is time to completely release any beliefs of this nature to which you may be clinging, because each one of you is Love incarnate, only Love is Real, and Love is unconditional, It envelops and embraces all, and that means each and every sentient being without exception.
Here in the non physical realms we continue to watch over you in every moment, answering your prayers and sending you evermore love and peace as you so powerfully continue to follow your freely chosen and arduous paths that are mightily assisting so many others to engage in the awakening process. All is proceeding exactly according to God’s divine plan, and your presence on Earth right now is enormously important as you quietly and most beautifully continue to set and reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises. For some of you that is extremely difficult because you have most courageously chosen to follow paths that lead you through zones of intense disagreement and conflict where the Love that you each are is most desperately needed, and yet often rejected. When you arrive Home and can see what an amazing job you have actually done your joy will be enormous. As humans you are beings of Light sharing and extending your energy magnificently while receiving practically no positive or encouraging feedback. Therefore, I would remind you that absolutely every loving word you offer, or loving action in which you engage, however insignificant it may seem to you, is of enormous value and is extremely effective. KNOW that just being your loving selves is precisely what God asks of you, and in doing so you bring Her enormous joy. All truly is well!
What you are presently experiencing, as you live your human lives, are the final stages of your collective awakening process. None of you are on Earth at present by chance! Everyone of you made the most generous and loving free will choice to participate in the awakening process in order to mightily assist the large numbers who are very deeply asleep and unaware of their eternal divine nature. Wherever they are on the planet their deep sleep is being aggressively disturbed because they now need to awaken. They too also chose to be on the planet as humans at this moment, but when they made that choice they could not envisage how deeply into the state of amnesia that being incarnate on Earth would place them. They need your assistance, and you all chose to be close to them when their need became intense, as it has now become. The presence on Earth at this time of each one of you is essential, each and every one of you is utterly irreplaceable, and you are assisting most gloriously in the collective awakening.
Your awakening process is extremely intense now, and many of you are experiencing large mood swings and energy shifts, frequently leading to unaccustomed and debilitating fatigue. Recognize this as a powerful escalation of your awakening process, which will not be delayed even though a few lost, misguided, and influential ones are totally ineffectively attempting to delay or prevent it. The divine Will is always achieved, and your awakening is the divine Will.
Your daily quiet time alone at your holy inner sanctuaries just being, while inviting Mother/Father/God to fill your hearts with Love for, and acceptance of whatever unfolds in your lives, is increasingly powerful as more and more of you choose to turn within to receive guidance as you deal with the difficulties with which your human lives are presenting you. You are never, even for a micro-moment, alone and without support. Mother/Father/God, along with many of us here in the non physical realms, are with you constantly extending loving energy to you whenever we see you in need, or whenever you call on us for assistance or reassurance that you are positively following the paths you chose prior to incarnating. Truly you are all fulfilling precisely and most effectively the preincarnational intentions you set before being born as humans, and you will not fail to bring them to fruition. You are indeed most highly honored for what you are achieving as, in spite of any anxieties or doubts that arise within you, you continue most successfully to fulfill the purpose of your present lives in form.
Do not let the news and drama on which most of the media attempt to focus your attention alarm or discourage you. Their intention is to intensify any fear you may be experiencing in order to hold your attention and to divide you into opposing fearful groups to more easily and reliably control you. You are divine sovereign beings, so do not buy into the lies and propaganda that they are promoting. Trust your intuition, your divine connection, it was given to you to assist you in your awakening process by strongly encouraging you to question any rhetoric that suggests that the ‘authorities’ know best. Be quiet and listen to your divine connection, that still small voice within, which will always provide you with the guidance you need to follow your path Home to Reality – Oneness with Mother/Father/God.
Oneness with Mother/Father/God is your eternal and uninterruptible state, but as humans you have lost your awareness of this divine state. However, most of you reading or listening to this message are aware that your lack of awareness is unreal, and so you are filled with a deep and authentic faith in God’s eternal love for you. This faith is completely and utterly justified because it is the Truth. Whenever doubts arise, find a moment to go within, and remind yourselves that this is so, and ask God to send you a sensation or feeling of Her endless Love for you, and She will. In every moment you are at One with God, just allow yourselves to let go of any doubts, and allow your deep inner knowing – your intuition – to confirm it for you.
With so very much love, Saul.
Trust your Intuition and Divine Connection | Saul via John Smallman
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/22/2023 06:54:00 AM