(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Stepping Beyond Victim
When we react to what another says or does there is a process that may be Helpful.
First you must be able to say to yourself even for a moment “This reaction is not about them, it is about me”
Second you must remove yourself from the other internally and/or physically when you can.
And ask yourself:
1. What emotion am I feeling ? Get in touch with it without judgment, and with simple acceptance of what is happening within you..
2. Where is it in my body?
3. What does it feel like? (no label just the experience). Now observe how it changes or moves to other parts of your body.
Allow it to be what it is.
4. What is this feeling saying about who I thought I was?
5. What is the judgment I have made about myself that has downgraded who I truly am? eg, unworthy, unlovable, stupid, etc, etc…
6. Is this True?
7. Now tell the Truth to yourself about who you Truly are?
8. Give yourself a hug and SMILE internally and move on to what is next.
After this you will be more empowered and step by step your reactions are dissolved.
Thankyou, thankyou.
Shall we call it “Shining the Light of Soul Being on Shadow belief”.
I So Love You Beautiful HUman.
PS And it still may mean that you have to face other’s reactions to you but now you will be able to handle them from a point of Power and True choice rather than conditioned habit of hurt, withdrawal or anger.
You cannot hurt me. I hurt me when I tell myself unkind lies about who I am.
Stepping Beyond Victim | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/18/2023 04:53:00 AM