Instructions for Life on Earth
You were not provided with instructions for life at the moment of your birth. And if you received it, it would look like this:
* 1. You will receive a body. You may or may not like it, but this is the only thing that will definitely be at your disposal for the rest of your current life.
* 2. You will have to study at a school called "Life on Planet Earth." Every person and every event is your Universal Teacher.
* 3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Failures are an integral part of success. There are no victims - only students.
* 4. The lesson will be repeated in a variety of forms until it is completely learned. If you don't learn the easy lessons, they will become harder. When you have mastered it, move on to the next lesson.
* 5. External problems are an accurate reflection of your internal state. If you change your inner world, the outer world will also change for you. Pain, melancholy, a feeling of emptiness inside - this is the way that Nature uses to attract your attention.
* 6. You will know that the lesson has been learned when your behavior changes. Wisdom is achieved through practice.
* 7. There is no place better than “here”. “There” is no better than “here”. When your “there” becomes “here”, you will get another “there”, which will again seem better than “here”.
* 8. Others are just your reflection. You cannot love or hate what is in others if it does not reflect your own qualities.
* 9. Life makes the frame, but you paint the picture. And you won't be able to leave it unfinished.
* 10. You will get everything you want. You just need to choose an environment that will give you the strength and energy to achieve your goal.
* 11. Change what you can change in your life. Seek the strength to accept what you cannot change and ask for wisdom to distinguish one from the other.
* 12. You will forget about all this when you want to show off in front of yourself or others, but you will remember about it when your heart wants it.

1. THE LAW OF THE EMPTINITY. Everything starts from emptiness. The emptiness must always be filled.
2. LAW OF THE BARRIER. Opportunities are not given in advance. A decision must be made to cross the barrier as a conditional obstacle. Opportunities are given after an internal decision. Our cherished desires are given to us along with the strength to realize them.
3. LAW OF NEUTRAL POSITION. To change, you need to stop, and then change the direction of movement.
4. LAW OF PAYMENT. You need to pay for everything: for action and inaction. What will be more expensive? Sometimes the answer is obvious only at the end of life, on your deathbed - the price for inaction is higher. Avoiding failure does not make a person happy. “There were many failures in my life, most of which never happened,” the old man’s words to his sons before his death.
5. LAW OF SIMILARITY. Like attracts like. There are no random people in our lives. We attract not the people we want to attract, but those who are similar to us.
6. LAW OF THINKING. The inner world of human thoughts is embodied in the outer world of things. One must not look for the causes of misfortune in the external world, but turn one’s gaze inward. Our outer world is the realized world of our inner thoughts.
7. LAW OF THE ROCKER ARM. When a person wants something, but it is unattainable, he must come up with another interest, equal in strength to the first.
8. LAW OF ATTRACTION. A person attracts to himself what he loves, fears or constantly expects, i.e. whatever is in his central, focused consciousness. Life gives us what we expect to get from it, not what we want. <What you expect is what you will get>.
9. THE LAW OF REQUEST. If you don’t ask for anything from life, then you don’t get anything. If we ask fate for something unknown, then we receive something unknown. Our request attracts the corresponding reality.
10. LIMITATION LAW No. 1. It is impossible to foresee everything. Everyone sees and hears only what he understands, and therefore he cannot take into account all the circumstances. It all depends on our internal barriers, our own limitations. There are events that occur against our will, they cannot be foreseen, and we are not responsible for them. With all his desire, a person cannot control all the events of his life.
11. LAW OF REGULARITY. In life, events often occur beyond our control. An event that occurs once can be considered an accident, an event that occurs twice is a coincidence, but an event that occurs three times is a pattern.
12. LAW OF LIMITATIONS No. 2. A person cannot have everything. He often lacks something in life. The secret of happiness lies not in indulging your whims and desires, but in the ability to be content with what you have. It is not easy to be content with little, but the most difficult thing is to be content with much. You can lose happiness in search of wealth, and that means losing everything. You can gain the whole world and lose your soul.
13. LAW OF CHANGE. If you want changes in your life, take power over your circumstances into your own hands. You cannot change your life without changing anything in it and without changing yourself. Because of his passivity, a person often misses the real chance provided by fate. Who sets priorities in your life - you or someone else? Maybe life itself arranges them, and you go with the flow? Become the master of your destiny. If you don't go anywhere, you won't arrive anywhere.
14. LAW OF DEVELOPMENT. Life forces a person to solve precisely those problems that he refuses to solve, that he is afraid to solve, and that he avoids. But these tasks will still have to be solved at another, already at a new stage of your life. And the intensity of emotions and experiences will be more powerful, and the cost of the decision will be higher. What we are running from is what we will come to.
15. TAXI LAW. If you are not a driver, if you are being driven, then the further they take you, the more expensive it will be for you. You didn't book a route, you could end up anywhere. The further you go down the wrong path, the more difficult it will be for you to return.
16. LAW OF CHOICE. Our life consists of many choices. You always have a choice. Our choice may be that we make no choice. The world is full of possibilities. However, there are no acquisitions without losses. By accepting one thing, we thereby refuse something else. When we enter one door, we miss another. Everyone must decide for themselves what is more important to them. Gains can also be made from losses.
17. THE LAW OF HALF THE WAY. In a relationship with another person, your zone is the halfway point. You cannot completely control the behavior of another person. Another may not move, you cannot go through the path for him and make the other person change.
18. THE LAW OF CONSTRUCTION OF NEW. In order to build something new, you need to: a).destroy the old, if necessary, clear a place, allocate time, mobilize forces to build a new one; b).know what exactly you want to build. You shouldn’t destroy without knowing the ways to create. You need to know where you are going. If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up in the wrong place. <For those who don’t sail anywhere, there is no tailwind> /M. Montel/
19. LAW OF EQUILIBRIUM. No matter how much a person wants to change his life, his way of thinking, the stereotypes of his behavior will try to keep him in the old life that is familiar to him. But if a person manages to change something in his life, then the new, changed life will obey the Law of Balance. Changes usually occur slowly and painfully due to inertia in thoughts and behavior, one’s own internal resistance and the reactions of those around them.
20. LAW OF OPPOSITES.Our life is unthinkable without opposites; it contains birth and death, love and hate, friendship and rivalry, meeting and parting, joy and suffering, loss and gain. Man is also contradictory: on the one hand, he strives to ensure that his life is stable, but at the same time, a certain dissatisfaction drives him forward. In a world of opposites, a person strives to find the lost unity with himself, with other people and with life itself. Everything has a beginning and an end, this is the earthly cycle and the cycle of life. Things, having reached their limit, turn into their opposite. A pair of opposites maintains balance, and the transition from one extreme to another creates the diversity of life. Sometimes in order to understand something, you need to see, to know the opposite of it.
21. LAW OF HARMONY. A person seeks harmony in everything: in himself, in the world. You can achieve harmony with the world only by being in harmony with yourself. A good attitude towards yourself, self-acceptance is the key to harmony with the world, people and your own soul. Harmony does not mean the absence of difficulties and conflicts, which can be a stimulus for personal growth. Harmony between mind, feeling and action - maybe this is happiness?
22. THE LAW OF GOOD AND EVIL. The world is not created just for pleasure. It does not always correspond to our ideas about it and our desires. Anyone who is not able to do a good deed himself will not appreciate the good from others. For those who are unable to see evil, evil does not exist.
23. LAW OF THE MIRROR. What irritates a person in others is in himself. What a person does not want to hear from other people is what is most important for him to hear at this stage of life. Another person can serve as a mirror for us, helping us discover what we do not see or know about ourselves. If a person corrects what irritates him in others in himself, fate will have no need to send him such a mirror. By avoiding everything that is unpleasant for us, by avoiding people who evoke negative feelings in us, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to change our lives, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity for internal growth.
24. LAW OF COMPLETION. We need people, events, sources of knowledge who can give us what we want to have, but have only in small quantities. We try to become involved in the potential of other people. We build ourselves up externally. Our desire to possess someone or something is non-recognition, denial of our own merits, disbelief that we have them.
25. LAW OF CHAIN REACTION. If you allow your negative feelings to play out, one unpleasant experience will lead to another. If you live indulging in dreams and daydreams, then reality will be squeezed out by the illusory world of fantasy. It can be difficult for a person to stop the flow of his negative and unproductive thoughts, because... he develops the habit of worrying, worrying, suffering, dreaming, i.e. to escape from reality, from actively solving problems. To what you give more energy, there will be more. The thought to which you give your time acts like a magnet, attracting its own kind. It’s easier to deal with one disturbing thought than a swarm of obsessive thoughts. In the process of our communication with other people, we tend to adopt their moods through emotional contagion.
26. LAW OF SUPPRESSION. What a person suppresses in his thoughts or actions, what he denies in himself, can burst out at the most inopportune moment. You need to accept your thoughts and feelings, and not suppress or accumulate them within yourself. Accept yourself, accept what you don’t like about yourself, don’t criticize yourself. Acceptance and recognition of what is rejected and denied in oneself contributes to the internal growth of a person. This allows him to live his life to the fullest. We strive to find the lost unity.
27. LAW OF ACCEPTANCE OR CALM. Life itself is neither bad nor good. It is our perception that makes it good or bad. Life is what it is. You need to accept life, enjoy life, appreciate life. Trust life, trust the power of your mind and the dictates of your heart. <Everything will be as it should be, even if it’s different>.
28. THE LAW OF ASSESSING THE WORTH OF YOUR PERSONALITY. People around you almost always evaluate a person the way he evaluates himself. You need to accept and value yourself. Do not create idols for yourself, or an unattainable, ideal image of yourself. Do not accept the opinions of others about you as truth, without subjecting them to criticism. Trying to earn the love of all people (which is impossible), you neglect your own needs, you can lose yourself, lose self-respect. It is impossible to be a perfect person in everything. You are worth exactly what you value yourself at, what your self-worth is. However, a dose of realism never hurts.
29. LAW OF ENERGY EXCHANGE. The more a person has advanced in understanding himself and the world, the more he can take from the world and give to it. You need to be able to establish an adequate, fair exchange with fate. If you give more than you take, this will lead to your energy depletion. If you give someone more than you receive from them, you may develop resentment towards them. The world exists so that it can be shared with each other.
30. THE LAW OF THE MEANING OF LIFE. We come from the void, trying to find the meaning of life, and again we go into the void. Each person has his own meaning in life, which can change at different stages of life. What is the meaning of life - to strive for something or just to live? After all, striving for something, we are forced to let life itself out of sight, i.e. For the sake of the result, we lose the process itself. Perhaps the most important meaning of life is life itself. You need to be involved in life, accepting it, then you will be able to perceive life in its diversity and then it will paint a person’s existence with the colors that it itself possesses. A person can find the meaning of life only outside himself, in the world. In life, the winner is the one who does not ask fate for a single recipe, a panacea for all illnesses and all troubles.
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light"
Instructions for Life on Earth | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/17/2023 12:59:00 AM