(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Am I really a spiritual being having a human experience?
Some subtle separation going on here.
Or am I HUman AND Divine Soul Being?
The really amazing thing about this ascension experience we are all moving through is that we get to experience all the ups and downs of our human experience in full wakefulness.
And it is not about attaining enlightenment and a state of eternal bliss or nirvana without any “negative” happenings. Separation once again.
It is about a mindfulness, curiosity, and a joyful expectation of the adventure. Of experiencing the constant change (expansion/contraction, within/without, ”above/below” ), apparent unpredictableness ( “chaos”), and yet continually making choices and seeing with a calm, warm, and often delighting attitude towards everything including our own thoughts and emotions.
In this warm, kindly, and grateful feeling towards all our experience, being open and alive, anything and everything becomes fair game for the watching, the choosing, the allowing and the experiencing.
Every choice leads to greater depth of Knowing through Divine Openings. Change is the name of the game, so much so that I can hardly remember what I did a few moments ago, and I am up for it.
What an amazing adventure this is turning out to be. The thrill of the Unknown.
So stop trying to control, manage, and preempt what you will experience next.
Feel and Love fearlessly vulnerable…….jump……….negotiate the flight……….and delight in the whole experience.
Shine On
I So Love You
Experience it! | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/04/2023 11:39:00 PM