Ascension of the Earth: Transition Options | Liberty



In our conversation today, I want to dwell on something that worries so many of you and that causes you confusion.

This is your misunderstanding of the very moment of the Transition to the Fifth Dimension.

Despite the fact that so much has already been said about this, it is difficult for your consciousness to accept the very fact of an instant change in your usual appearance or, rather, state - both physical and mental.

And I will try to explain to you exactly how this will happen.

Of course, here too there cannot be a single recipe for everyone, since you yourself understand how different you all are - both in your perception, and in your preparation (awareness) for the Transition, and in the level of your spiritual development, and in your mentality and temperament.

Therefore, the Transition of each of you will be carried out taking into account all these factors, because what is good for one may be a shock for another.

And since each of you has been guided by the Higher Powers for a long time and each of you is someone’s ward, it is they who will “insure” you, that is, they will provide the most favorable conditions for the Transition specifically for you.

And now I will tell you about possible options for the Transition.

First option

Perhaps it is suitable for the most courageous and determined - those who have long been living with this thought: the dream of moving into the Fifth Dimension.

Such a person will be able to move into a new reality in reality - consciously, in order to fully experience the very moment of the Transition: what he has been waiting for for so long.

He will be given the opportunity to literally STEP into a new life. What will this look like in practice?

He will feel pressure on his body: it will seem as if he will be squeezed out of the space in which he is located. It will seem to him that his body is seeping through invisible membranes, after which it will suddenly acquire extraordinary lightness, a state of soaring and complete bliss.

The same thing will happen with his consciousness: it will seem to be squeezed out of the usual framework of the three-dimensional world, and it will seem to the person that his consciousness has become limitless - that it has contained the entire Universe, all its knowledge, that it has dissolved in the ocean of Love, which has no no end, no edge.

You will immediately understand that you are already on the other side of the veil.

Second option

This option is more suitable for people with rather conservative thinking who are afraid of change, although their souls are already ready for it.

In this case, your Transition will occur gradually, going through the following stages:

- you will learn to live, guided by the Universal Laws, even here on Earth of the three-dimensional world;

- you yourself will create a new reality for yourself, in which you will be, like in a cocoon, in the middle of the dual world;

- you will learn to move from one density to another at will, as if getting used to, adapting to new living conditions for yourself;

- and only when you yourself decide that you are completely ready for the Transition, you will do it consciously, choosing a time that is convenient in your opinion.

Of course, such a preparatory period cannot last very long, since you are limited by a time frame - the timing of the Ascension of your Earth.

And finally, the third option

This is a version of unconscious Ascension. And it is more suitable for those people whose souls have been completely cleansed of duality, but whose consciousness is not ready to accept such radical changes as a transition to another reality.

Such people will move into the Fifth Dimension in their sleep. It will be like in a fairy tale: they will go to bed in the world they are familiar with, but will no longer wake up in it.

They will move to the new Earth calmly and painlessly. They will simply begin to live on it as naturally as they lived before in the three-dimensional world.

Of course, my dears, I have described to you only approximately the possible options for the Transition.

In fact, there are many more of them. But I wanted you to have at least some idea of what the Transition is, which you have heard so much about, and so that it does not cause you feelings of uncertainty and fear, but so that you look forward to it as a holiday, as your Resurrection, like returning Home.

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light"

Ascension of the Earth: Transition Options | Liberty Ascension of the Earth: Transition Options | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 9/27/2023 02:31:00 AM Rating: 5

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