Monday, September 18, 2023

A Drop of Change | Alcazar

A Drop of Change

There's a morphic field that connects us all, and it's unseen. It's part of the Quantum Field, an aspect of the Quantum Field. And so, as we change, as each one of us makes a little shift, it's a drop in the ocean, but it's a drop of change. And there are hundreds of thousands of people around the world choosing to meditate now, choosing to live a different life, saying, “I've had enough of the old.” And they are starting anew, just searching for something new. Because as the vibration of the planet goes up, as the vibration of the morphic field goes up, then people start to realize, “I am more than this. I'm more than I am currently living.”


Stargate Experience, 2018

Summer Adventure - Day 2 - 11 - Share 3