A Dip in the Road | Heavenletters
SEP 1 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Whatever you are afraid of, there is no need for you to fear it. That you are afraid of your own shadow is very true. When there is no death beyond the body, what is there to fear? When there is no loss, what is there to fear losing? When you don’t own anything, what can you lose? Paths cross back and forth. Because a path is temporarily out of your sight does not mean the path is lost. What you perceive as loss is merely a dip in the road.
There is nothing for you to lose. And, if there were, you can’t lose it. You can’t lose what exists.
You may say, “Well, I can lose opportunity.” In terms of the world, that is so. And it is also only in terms of the world that there can be any loss at all. I realize that you live by the terms of the world you live in, and so you experience loss and regret and all kinds of anguish.
Picture yourself striding across the Universe. You see many sights along the way. The sights still exist even when you have gone past them and they are no longer before your eyes. They are still there, just not right in front of you. You have moved along.
In terms of the world, a love can be over. It can even turn into hard feelings. In My terms, love cannot be over, and it can’t be turned into anything else. Love is love and exists whether it is pasted onto any particular individual or not.
You do have love. Love is what you do have, beloveds. Love is yours. The object of your love is not yours. Love your loved ones with all your might, and release them from your possession. Along with possession comes control. And it is your sense of need of control that ties you up in knots. Beloveds, you cannot keep your finger on every pie.
Even when you are a great pianist and people pay to come see you, you take your fingers off the keys. You take them off quickly. To make beautiful music in life, it is the same. You have to take your fingers off the keys of life.
In the same way you free whales, now you free love and life. Let life and love adhere to themselves and not be obliged to conform to your ideas. Your ideas are controvertible. Love is much more powerful than your ideas, which change often and yet need to change altogether.
So, forget your ideas. Forget your old beliefs. You have had many things backwards. Admit to yourself that you do not know all you have liked to think you know. You do not need to hold on to past thoughts. Why have the idea that you have to know everything when you certainly don’t. Let go of the stands you take. They get in the way of your evolution.
Sometimes life won’t be the way you want. Sometimes you may have to do what you must do and not what you sincerely want to do. Move on in life, beloveds. You can’t move on and still cling to old ideas. If you are entrenched in your ideas and your appraisals, then you don’t get out of them, and you stay where you are.
You may have to let go of what you think is right and what you think is wrong. Confess, you don’t always know what is best for you and for others. Open yourself to new ways of looking at the world and at yourself. Open your heart and mind. Be your own hero, beloveds, and do what comes next and spare yourself from your old thinking.
Heavenletters™ #2872, A Dip in the Road, 5 October, 2008, on Facebook
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A Dip in the Road | Heavenletters
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9/02/2023 12:34:00 AM