Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Flow of Creating and Other Subjects | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, August 16, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Again, the ideas are coming so fast to me that I have no time for researching them. I gather them together here.

Creating as Flowing

All I know of the higher dimensions is that they’re all characterized by the ubiquitous flow of love in one of its forms. Michael discusses being in that flow, especially in creating:

Archangel Michael: You have been engaged in understanding this co-creative process….

You have this expression of “being in the flow.”

But in truth you (and when I say “you” I mean the human collective but particularly at the head of that parade are the lightworkers) and so you are learning more about the joy, the pleasure, the ease, the grace of being in the flow.

And being in the flow is about creation and co-creation. (1)

Leaving co-creation aside for the moment, I’ve been exercising my own creative flow for the last few months, taking interestingly shaped bottles and decorating them with Dollar Store glitter glue, nail polish, and acrylic paint. The photograph above shows three of them.

Why I mention it is that I treasure the feeling of love that arises when I’m “creating.” It arises in “whooshes” when I let my guard down and just flow/create. Painting is all about flow: The flowing of the paint onto the canvas. Every stroke is a whoosh of love.

I think everyone should have an art form they participate in, just to experience the whoosh of creating, the flow of love.

This is how Michael appeared to me in a lucid dream,
without the wings. He was only half a body.

Time to Apply Experiences

I was re-reading Michael’s instructions to me yesterday and I came across a passage where he said something like you’ve had more and more expanded experiences of yourself and now it’s time to apply them. A year ago I would not have been ready to make the transition from busy writer to CEO, but I am now.

So it’s a perfect time for me to be stepping aside and allowing Michael increased use of whatever he wishes to make use of. I’ll need his help as a CEO.

And thank heavens I have time to make the transition. If the Reval had happened yesterday, there’d be no more time to fine tune the instrument, so to speak.

In future, I’ll probably have less and less time for research, despite the fact that I have well-organized databases to assist me. More and more it’ll be in the flow of life; once the Reval hits, totally so.

Agents of Change Griping about Change

Archangel Michael: It is ironic, is it not? You are amongst ― and I do not just mean you, Stephen ― I do mean this little circle; you are the group that are worrying the most and yet effecting the biggest change.

And then you say, “Should I trust in the change? Should I count on the change?” when you are in fact the agents [of it].

Steve: Right. And after all our griping, watch us in the end say, “We did it!” [laughs]

AAM: Yes. You will want full credit. (1)

Well, isn’t that the way it is?

But of course 95% of the credit goes to Michael.

Since I realized some of what was expected of me in being one of Michael’s many co-creative partners, (2) I’ve been growing exponentially.

Today for the first time, when I cut a corner and broke a rule doing so, I felt a twinge of guilt. Actually it’s still there a few hours later.

I so welcome this. The return of conscience. Isn’t that what “conscience” is? Our guides saying, “Uh, no, not that.”

I imagine he’ll begin to use the twinges of conscience to guide me now. That’s what I’d do. I feel reassured thinking that guidance will be this close and intimate.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 20, 2017. [Hereafter AAM.]

(2) AAM, Feb. 20, 2017.

See “Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,” June 12, 2023, at