Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Change is Gaining Momentum | Alcazar

The Change Is Gaining Momentum

In the past, you evolved in such small increments in a whole lifetime. Just a slight change would happen. But now, more recently, in your more recent lifetimes, you have been waking a little faster. And in this lifetime, Beloveds, it is accelerating. And it is going to accelerate much faster whilst you are still in this body, because the change is gaining momentum. More and more [people] are recognizing, wanting, those things that you are striving for -- love, beauty, friendship, abundance. No war. No separation. No hierarchy. You are creating that now. And as your vibration, as your consciousness gets stronger, you start to reconnect to the abilities that you used to have when you incarnated here way back when you arrived from some other civilization in the stars.


Meet Your Star Family

Evening Intro 1