Submitted to Voyages of Light on August 15, 2023
My Beloved Children,
I am Supreme Father, Father of Fathers, and I am back this time to explain, what the truth means in your reality.
The cruelty, killing innocent souls, torturing nature and Animal Kingdom dominated on Mother Earth for eons. Light didn’t prevail here too long. Atlantians, Lemurians and etc. fall down, as they couldn’t keep their minds in check by letting ego to take a full advantage and destroying their own advancement in high dimensions. Your planet absorbed all of this misery was created by humankind. Darkness dominated for millions of years. When humanity was striving in high frequencies, it felt on the top of world and eventually spiritual consciousness started to fall down, as it was not maintained by hard work of daily meditations and connecting to the Divine.
Mongol Empire under the name of Cabal or Controllers has been ruling and controlling every aspect of your lives on this planet. You became passive and followed the orders from the top. The ones, who resisted and didn’t obey them, they lost their physical vessels. The Collective Consciousness stayed in low frequencies for very long time, it’s only now on the rise. Finally, humankind started to say, we had enough of this nonsense.
You can make the changes and move into where you want to be by the work of being connected with Divine. Nobody will do that for you the spiritual work. It is only up to you, what the next step is going be to move into multidimensional space or stay in low gravity forever. Light Beings have been helping your planet for a long time. You have a set up expectations for them that their responsibilities to do for you everything. Unfortunately, it doesn’t doesn’t work that way in Cosmos. You need to create a new world yourself, no one it will bring to you. It’s direct your responsibility and you agreed on the terms, when you took this mission to this planet.
The truthfulness is about how you conduct yourself and what you are following Darkness or Light. Your reality is a total mirage, and humanity believes what it sees. Over 1000 religions were created just to control everyone. The truth is within you, which can be open through daily meditations. Reading false information or following pretenders, it is not going to get you into high dimensions. Your planet requested the approval to let go 3D shell into Cosmos. Divine is going to continue to transmit high frequencies to raise the ones who are ready to move into high realms.
The time lines have been adjusted once again, everything will feel like one long day. You need to make your decision soon, where you want to be in low or high realms. This low reality can’t last anymore for too long. My Beloved Children, please accept my Supreme Love and Blessings. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
Follow Divine Guidance
Supreme Father
Channeled by Erena Velazquez