Sunday, August 6, 2023

Prepare for Joy | Catherine Viel

By Catherine Viel, August 6, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

August 5, 2023

Life may not let me choose my lot,
But whether I’d be happy or not…
That is my choice.
To leave hurtful memories behind
Or allow them to bother my mind…
To be bothered by all that people say
Or ignore them and go my own way…
The choice is mine.

~Abimbola T. Alabi, The Choice Is Mine

I feel like I’m doing this Ascension thing wrong, but luckily, I think I got one part right: it doesn’t bother me.

Part of cranking ourselves into the higher gear of 5D is trusting ourselves. Self-confidence is another way to put it. I also think of it as losing interest in what others might think of me.

The level of freedom this opens up is astonishing. If I am not constrained by either the conventional 3D viewpoint or the 5D awakened perspective, the remaining choice seems obvious. Be myself, whatever “D” that might be.


Being myself these days means I’m unabashedly enchanted that my favorite season, fall, is nearly here. It means feeling an out-of-proportion thrill every time I tweak one corner of my home space. Every time I imagine a new project.

And I am giddy with delight that I finally did something I’ve wanted to do for over five years. I colored away the gray in my hair.


But where, you might ask, is the spirituality? What about your meditation practice? Why aren’t you boning up on Reiki techniques in preparation for the healing work that’s going to be needed when everybody who has had their head stuck in the sand gets rudely yanked out into the light of day? There’s going to be a lot of paralysis and then a lot of consternation. Aren’t you supposed to be helping those people when the time comes?

Well… It’s been said that we all have a unique role to play. Maybe my role is just being as happy as I can be where I am, with what I have, with what I can do, even though that sounds too simple and self-centered to be a role in the grand Ascension plan.

However, every internal accusation of self-centeredness or vanity (believe me, that one cropped up when I decided to color my hair) now feels utterly false, a product of programming I no longer feel compelled to follow. Even the sly whisper, how can you be so frivolous when millions are suffering? hasn’t gotten traction.

To me, a huge part of ascending is sloughing off multiple layers of outwardly imposed programming. Negative internal voices have long tricked me away from my inner sense of rightness. My natural state is not a continual simmer of resentment or anger, and I’ve discovered I now have the power to decline such feelings. That success has made me feel, possibly for the first time, as if nobody else is controlling me. Not even an internal version of somebody else.

Now, my inner sense of rightness tells me to go ahead and color my hair. Have fun in every way I possibly can. Greet the fall season with bright-eyed glee, make plans, and prepare for joy.

It’s coming. It’s coming!