Today I want to remind you of several important Ascension moments that many of you are overlooking.
First of all, it concerns your nutrition.
Many messages said that you need to be able to FEEL your body, LISTEN to its WISHES and NEEDS.
This is true, and yet you need to take into account the fact that over the years your PHYSICAL BODY has already developed certain HABITS and taste preferences.
These are also some kind of stereotypes, usually based on national traditions, since in no country any holiday is complete without a plentiful feast, and this has already become an integral part of your life.
But now that your vibrations are skyrocketing, it is VERY IMPORTANT TO HELP your PHYSICAL BODY handle its NEW energy load.
Now the basis of your diet should be plant foods, which can be called "LIVING", since it has absorbed the ENERGY of the SUN and EARTH.
Those who find it difficult to give up meat can do it gradually until they feel that their body no longer needs it.
But it is very important to FIND him a complete REPLACEMENT by including grains, legumes and nuts in your diet.
This is especially necessary for men engaged in physical work.
Now I will give you one piece of advice on how to learn to understand whether this or that product is really necessary for your body or whether you eat it only out of your long-term habit.

This is perfect for PRACTICE.
Your hand, raised to a particular product, will become the most accurate indicator of its usefulness for you.
Here is another trick that may also work for you.
Before you eat something, carefully look at this product or a ready-made dish and feel the REACTION OF YOUR BODY.
It can literally tremble with joy.
Or maybe you will feel rejection and rejection.
It is very important to MAKE ENERGY CONTACT with the FOOD that is in front of you - just like you make such contact with people.
And if you feel that this is YOUR FOOD, then treat it with respect: THANK her, ENJOY every bite you eat, DO NOT have idle conversations during your meal, and even more so on topics that are unpleasant for you.
Otherwise, FOOD WILL CHANGE its ENERGY and there will be no benefit from it.
Believe me, your nutrition is a very IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF THE ASCENSION PROCESS, and it can either speed up or slow down your Shift.
Therefore, from now on, consider everything you eat from the point of view of EXPECTABILITY and USEFULNESS for your new high-vibration body.
It so needs the products of vibrations corresponding to it, which will help it to TRANSFORM into a NEW LIGHT CRYSTALLINE BODY of the Fifth Dimension.
(excerpt from channeling, Renaissance website)
To be continued......

With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Nutrition in the Period of Transformations of Consciousness (Part 1) | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/26/2023 11:15:00 PM