Merlia: Love is a Verb | The Group via Steve Rother

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Steve Rother

Greetings dear ones, I am Merlia.

The Free Choice Equation

I join you with great pride. From our perspective on the far side of the veil, we watch everything you’re doing with amazement. You are on the planet of free choice, which means you do not have a set standard that you follow. You’re able to change things throughout all of the universe in a moment. Dear ones, you are not alone. There are many beings that are working together with you, evolving to the next levels the same as you. Planet Earth is rather unique, for it was the only planet of free choice until you started evolving in this way. Now, of course, there are several other planets of free choice. Before humans stepped up, other planets always had a pre-direction and could only go so far. Then that pre-direction would bring you back to a central truth, which everyone shared and automatically understood. But on Earth humans were able to choose freely.

Love Is Love Is Love

There is one word throughout all of your scriptures, writings and music, over and over again: Love. And that’s what I wish to speak of this day. Although many other planets in the universe have defined concepts and worked in different ways than Earth did, one is not right nor the other wrong. When you are finally able to connect and share your understanding of these things, you will be amazed. You’ll find out how love is dealt with in different cultures on other planets, and how it has evolved over periods of time.

Let us talk of marriage for just a moment. Marriage is not love, although hopefully love is what builds a marriage in the first place. You see, dear ones, that isn’t how marriage began on planet Earth. It began as a political arrangement back in the days when a ruler would marry off his daughter or son into another powerful family, to gain power by combining families. In those days, common folk never even thought of getting married. Isn’t that interesting? Today when you speak of love, often your thoughts automatically go toward marriage. But that is only one expression of love, there are so many other ways. And with this portal open right now, the biggest question is how much love can you hold? How much can you express and bring into your being?

It is love in all dimensions that lights up your eyes and brings out your spirit. That’s what clarifies the bodysuit so the spirit can come though. Quite honestly, on planet Earth you experience conditional love just as much as you experience unconditional love. Neither is right or wrong, but simply how you have built your societal norms. Conditional love means that in order for you to love, that love must be returned or balanced in some way. And if one person loves the other more, the love relationship may not work because of the conditions placed upon it. Your belief systems about love sometimes block your experience of love, but that’s about to change.

We tell you this because loving openly is becoming more important for everyone. Marriage isn’t going away, it’s a beautiful expression of love. It’s a beautiful commitment to walk hand in hand with someone, whether you’re married or whether you’re simply in a relationship. Monogamy itself will continue on planet Earth for some time. And yet you’re starting to experience things larger than that. Polyamory is emerging and humans are starting to experience different expressions of love, even within relationships.

Loving Yourself

The most difficult love to express is the love of self. However, it is not possible to fully share love with another without self-love. Quite simply, know that when you love anything, you are the winner, not the person or thing that you give your love to. The gift belongs to the giver, not to the receiver. And that is the biggest thing we can tell you about love. Even your love of what you consider to be an inanimate object will benefit you personally. And, of course, there are no inanimate objects. Even the stones beneath your feet are breathing and vibrating.

But what can you love unconditionally? Well, not too far from where the Keeper sits is a door. It’s the door to his closet and it has a doorknob. What if he fell in love with that doorknob and every time he passed that doorknob, his heart lit up a little bit? Do you think the doorknob would benefit from that? No, the Keeper would be the beneficiary. He lights up, because on planet Earth he has learned to carry more love with every step and that is magical.

Fifth Dimensional Love

We know that relationships themselves are very tricky, challenging the way humans have defined them. If the portal stays open, it is possible to see ways that other cultures have defined the expression of love and it’s truly amazing. Love is love is love. The old and limiting concepts were formed in the third dimension, and you are now firmly in the fifth dimension. Yet you’re still trying to use the rules of the third dimension to create your reality. The more that you work with it, the more you step into the fifth dimension. So, what does fifth dimensional love really look like? Well, dear ones, in the fifth-dimension love is not a noun, it is a verb.

Love Is a Verb

Humans experience love as a feeling, yet that is limited to third dimensional reality. In the fifth-dimension love is a practice, meaning something you practice over and over again. When you learn to love unconditionally over and over again, even your conditional relationships vastly improve. Even your vows of marriage are a set of conditions, are they not? “I will love you as long as this or that.” But when you truly love another spirit it lasts forever, for love itself has no limits or conditions. When love is mastered with another spirit it never fades or dies, it continues from lifetime to lifetime. But what you allow yourself to fall in love with is often determined by your belief systems. For instance, you may be in a monogamous relationship but then you meet someone and feel an instant love connection. Simply acknowledging those feelings is enough to gain the benefits of that love, without altering the conditions of your existing relationship. Humans generally have a difficult time acknowledging love without putting conditions upon it. Make a commitment to speak your love without conditions, and life will become much easier in the fifth dimension.

The Opposite of Love

You love everyone differently, because each person is a different spirit or expression of the creator through a physical body. What is love and how can you measure it? Well, dear ones, there’s a very simple way to look at that. The measurement of love can also be measured by the opposite of love. How much fear do you carry? Fear is clearly the opposite of love. When you have love in your heart, you cannot carry fear. Those two elements cannot occupy the same space in your being, it simply does not work.

Love always wins out, the same way that light always fills the darkness. Does that mean that if you love your enemies they will go away or somehow come over to your side? No, it’s not about changing them, it’s about changing you. That’s the critical question, how much love can you carry? You’re starting to make huge advances in your reality and that is very magical. But you’re not the only ones working to keep Earth’s portal open, beings of other planets are also. The portal opens up everything in the universe to love.

Practicing Love

Many are concerned about that in some way, thinking some of the beings from other planets come and take us over? Well, it doesn’t happen with love, only with fear. So, what do you carry in your being? Do you carry love or do you carry fear? Typically, it’s a mixture of both on planet Earth. But we’re asking you to carry as much of the love part of it as you can. Dare to express and ground the love, dear ones.

When you walk down the street and see a stranger, the challenge often is they smile at you but what do you do? Well, most of the time you look away. If you’re very brave, you’ll look them in the eye and smile back. You’ll return and reflect their love, and that’s what we’re asking you to do. It doesn’t mean that you have to change your relationships or step into polygamy.

What it means is that you must understand love for what it truly is. Love is a practice. How can you practice love? How can you work with that in different ways? How much love you can express is what fills you up. It triggers your prosperity in the world and your own creations around you. These are grand times on planet Earth. Things are changing very rapidly and Earth is opening to new possibilities. She will not be dying, dear ones, that is not what’s happening. Although humans will have increasingly difficult times, she is working very hard to change that outcome.

In July of this year, you set new records for heat on planet Earth. Some of you may be thinking that it isn’t any hotter than before where you live. But if you look at the overall temperature of Earth, the first 16 days of July set new records. Every day you’re starting to move further out of the safety of the Holocene and toward an increase in temperature. Once the Earth’s temperature changes 1.5 degrees, nothing will ever be the same again, and it’s going to be very difficult to maintain life in the same way. But how can you change it? It all begins with love.

You’re connected to Earth the same way that the trees are connected. The same way it is at Home, where everything is connected to everything else. You are one, you’re not separate from each other. Here, you take off your wings and put on the bodysuit. You come to planet Earth to pretend that you are separate from each other, but you’re not. Dare to find those connections and you’ll step into the higher vibrations of the fifth dimensional expression of love.

It is time, dear ones. Re-member that love is a practice. And it’s a verb, not a noun. Welcome Home, we love you dearly. Yet sometimes those words are misconstrued, when you place a sexual reference to them that was never meant to be there. Love is from the heart, not from the sex organs. When you understand that, dare to tell people how much you love them without being fearful.

During the Keeper’s private sessions, people often say something like: “Oh, I lost my father and I wish I would’ve told him that I loved him more. I wish I would’ve been able to really express my heart before he passed. I was not able to be there at the end.” They have this tremendous guilt about not speaking of their love. So, speak about it now and don’t wait. You can raise the vibration of everyone around you simply by falling in love. Look into the hearts, minds and eyes of all those around you and know that your connection is from Home. You’re here with a purpose, for many of you have traveled backwards in time to be here at this exact moment. How much love can you carry? Welcome Home, dear ones. We ask you to simply treat each other with respect, and fall in love as often as you can. Nurture one another at every opportunity and play well together in this new game.

I am Merlia, come up and see me sometime.


The group
Merlia: Love is a Verb | The Group via Steve Rother Merlia: Love is a Verb | The Group via Steve Rother Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/23/2023 05:04:00 AM Rating: 5

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