Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Financial Systems | Kryon via Lee Carroll

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Lee Carroll, July 30, 2023, via email

You have attacked your own financial systems in the last five years to try and make them fair, and to clean out as much of the greed as possible.

Historians alive today will tell you that this would have been an impossible situation in the past, since big money was seen as untouchable.

Yet, you have disturbed the nest and started planting the seeds of a better system.

This recession you’re in is a recalibration of big money.

You called them on it, and we told you what would fall first (insurance), and that it would be one of the largest insurance companies on the planet (and it was).

So think about this for a moment…we could see it coming, because energy is like that.

It creates slow, strong potentials that can be predicted.

It’s not over either, since the old system has to recreate itself. Perhaps you’ve noticed that your bankers are confused.

It doesn’t matter what the government says they’re allowed to do, or how much money they’re being given to do it.

They’re not doing it!

They are frozen in the headlights of a new paradigm, and don’t know how to operate.

That should tell you how new and uncertain this change is ~ like nothing you have seen.


From Kryon Book XIII: The Recalibration of Humanity, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via