Submitted to Voyages of Light on August 21, 2023
Dear Divine Souls,
I am Archangel Raziel, and this my first encounter through this channel. My presence is here to help with transition into 5D. Nothing is coincidental in Cosmos, same goes to my message to humankind.
Don’t be ever fooled by the ones, who claim that are saviors or prophets. The genuine truth speakers never try to impress anyone or claim their place in society. They usually are very humble and never take credits for their help for others. You call me Angel of Wisdom, Mysteries and etc, and I want to tell that all of you carry same Universal Knowledge as me within ourselves, which can be unlocked through deep meditations by connecting to your soul.
I am here to remind about your innocence and purity of your soul, whose were lost and forgotten in these low realms. You can’t raise into New Earth unless you drop all impurities and materialistic attachments from Matrix. This is the time to do spiritual work, which is required to help to move into multidimensional realms. Humanity was created with a purpose to become a fallen civilization. The presence of Advanced Light Beings including me are going to end the existence of Darkness on Mother Earth.
No involvement in your affairs has been lifted temporality by Divine. The members of Earth Alliance, who failed their pledge, are getting replaced with new ones. Divine and Ascended Masters are helping with Ascension Process. I have been called to appear with this message to encourage and uplift everyone. You are not alone in this fight for your freedom. Darkness will be dispersed into Cosmos. Ashtar Command keeps disposing the starcrafts send by Evil into Cosmos. Their presence is getting on the way of their operation around Earth and Milky Galaxy.
Please, don’t get discouraged, stay strong and alert. I am sending My Divine Love and Strength to everybody. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Be aware of your surroundings.
Archangel Raziel
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Archangel Raziel via Erena Velazquez | August 21, 2023
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/22/2023 08:00:00 AM