Archangel Michael on Managing Sudden Wealth Post-Reval | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, August 5, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

When the Reval hits, our restraints may suddenly lift. In the heady atmosphere that results, any unfinished business we may have (and I tremble to say it) may be magnified.

Financial advisers call it “sudden wealth syndrome.” I asked Archangel Michael to advise us lightworkers on it.

Michael is here addressing the short-term and the longer-term future after the Reval. In the short term, he’s recommended that we first briefly celebrate and then “STAND STILL” for perhaps a week and adjust to our new position.

Then, in the longer term, we may, calmly and at a measured pace, begin our service to the Mother, as stewards of her bounty.

(I personally am taking 90 days off (A) to be through the time of any Non-Disclosure Agreement and (B) because I need it.)

This sense of false importance – there can be no room for this sense of arrogance, entitlement – that somehow because you have been blessed, you are above [others]. That is not the purpose. Think of it as putting you below. You are blessed because you are in a position to be of greater service. – Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 21, 2015. Hereafter AAM.

Steve: Please, any advice you can give me – and other light workers, not just me – about how to deal with the impact of suddenly finding your financial worries are over, you can live a life you want to live, etc. etc.

Archangel Michael: Do not be precipitous. STAND STILL.

Now that may sound like very amateurish advice. But it is one of the most difficult things for human beings to do.

Go to the stillness.

Do not feel the immediate necessity, which is an invention of your imagination and ego, to jump into action. Give yourself the opportunity to breathe; to allow this shift in reality, of what you have defined as your personal landscape, to sink in.

Yes, there is an entire world waiting to be rebuilt. It is not achieved if you jump the gun. It is not achieved if you are going full steam ahead and then collapse because of stress.

AAM, July 22, 2016.

Steve: I worry that sudden wealth will – with me too by the way; I’m going to have to battle this one as well – magnify those vasanas [or core issues].

What to do?

Archangel Michael: Let us … begin by saying that this is one of the reasons why we have been speaking so much about being the steward, the leader, the wayshower, the participant observer.

As you assume profile – whether it is because of money or notoriety or political power or financial power, it matters not – it gives you a sense of being elevated. We would encourage you to take the elevator to the basement.

Start there. What we would recommend is to stay anchored – of course always in your heart, but – to your root chakra. Think of it in very practical terms. …

Once your survival needs are taken care of, begin. …

This sense of false importance – there can be no room for this sense of arrogance, entitlement – that somehow because you have been blessed, you are above [others]. That is not the purpose. Think of it as putting you below. You are blessed because you are in a position to be of greater service. …

This is also why I have called upon, pleaded for unity among all of you. Because it is to give each other permission that, if you tend to begin to take that scenic detour, you have permission to call each other on it in ways that are kind and loving and considerate but clear and concise.

“Archangel Michael: Welcome to This Time of Re-Awakening – Part 2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 30, 2013, at

Archangel Michael: We are not encouraging anybody, in any nation, to be foolhardy. So of course you tend to yourself. You keep a significant portion aside so that you can tend to yourself.

We do not simply send down rains of money — although that can happen as well — but for this instance we want you, we ask you, and we guide you very clearly to practice discernment.
And discernment is quiet. Discernment is not showing. Discernment is being the observer, not the judge. …

And then, from the place of the discerning observer, to decide what is important.

I have said to you that this is a time of choices and decision. You decide what is important.

And what can be more important, first and foremost, than taking care of your sweet self and family?

Then you discern, with your heart. What appeals to you? Is it projects that promote free energy? Are you the unseen benefactor? Are you one who wishes to build new schools, what we would think of as nova schools, star schools? Do you wish to be in communications, like you, Steve?

So you discern where your heart and your mission and purpose has always pulled you towards. And then you invest not just money, but your energies, your love, your focus in that direction. Always with your eye on the larger undertaking: what promotes love and spirit? What creates the new Earth? What anchors the Cities of Light?

AAM, March 28, 2018.

Archangel Michael: I am not expecting, nor is the Mother anticipating, that you simply spend it rapidly and blindly. It has need to be done in a, what we would call, a conservative but open manner because what you are doing, sweet one, is truly creating, and co-creating with us, Nova Earth.

It is the restoration so throwing money and thinking that this needs to be disbursed rapidly would be an incorrect assumption. It has need to be done in a very plan-full, understood manner.

Steve: Alright, you and I would have conversations closer to those events, right? About what you would like to see, right?

AAM: Yes and what humans, humans who are entrusted with those decisions, also wish to see but they have need to be measured and doable in the moment.

Steve: And the monies have to not go astray?

AAM: That is correct. It is not about simply allowing money to dribble into the sand.

Steve: Or into a Swiss bank account.

AAM, Dec. 11, 2013.

Archangel Michael: One of the benefits of what you think of as delays is that you have been getting used to being an incredibly wealthy person.

Steve: Yes. Yes. I noticed that as well. Thank you.

AAM: So it has given several of the key players the chance to do the adjustment. It is important that this is you getting used to your spiritual currency.

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Archangel Michael on Managing Sudden Wealth Post-Reval | Steve Beckow Archangel Michael on Managing Sudden Wealth Post-Reval | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/06/2023 05:36:00 AM Rating: 5

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