Announcing a New Movie | Heavenletters
AUG 2 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
The world before you is like a lion ready to roar. This is the MGM lion, announcing a new movie.
The world is not staying the same. Give the world credit for growing just as you are growing. You are greater than you have thought. The world is also greater than you have thought.
You are on the rise. Therefore, the world is on the rise. You are blossoming. The world is blossoming. You and the world go hand in hand.
Rather than seeing what the world is not, turn your attention to what the world is, and you will blossom the way only a cheerleader of the world can blossom. There is much to clap about. If you want a head start, I am giving you a head start.
I put the world in your hands to hold up proudly. It is for you to encourage the world. Don’t put the world down. Stay away from exclaiming over its wrongs. Exclaim over the world’s wrong, and you keep the world as you say it is. Depart from your fault-finding. Do some blessing-finding.
The headlines are unflattering. All the grief in the world is headlined, underlined, repeated so you cannot miss it. The newspapers have missed the point. Newspapers do not appeal to your Highest Self. So long as your eyes are glued to the bad news, newspapers will supply you with the bad news.
The good news is that for every story of sensationalism or titillation there are millions of noble events occurring. Even noting a few of these events will make you proud to be a human being.
There are unsung heroes in this world. It is time for you to start singing these unsung heroes.
You are surrounded by stories of courage and generosity. No one has to tell you them. You can see them around you. You are surrounded by stories of love.
Begin with the father who carries his son on his shoulders, the mother and daughter who smile at each other, the stranger who smiles at you or nods to you. Acquaint yourself with the world you live in. Where you are, I AM. Look for simple samples of love, for all love is Mine. It is for you to hand out My love. Before you try handing out My love, serve an apprenticeship. Your first assignment today is to look for samples of little happenings that lift your heart.
Today, as I was walking the streets of the world, I saw a beautiful little boy about a year and a half old say hello heartily to everyone he saw. He was a greeter of the world. He made everyone welcome.
Today, as you walk the world with Me at your side, of course, see what I see. I see someone unknown to you whose heart recognizes yours. He does not know from where he knows you nor do you know from where he came, and yet he looks directly into your eyes. That’s all. And the world grows in the fertile soil of this one person’s recognition of you.
What if your eyes are lasers that send out light rays that cut across all boundaries? What if you are a ray of love that lights up the world?
Whom are you going to recognize in this walk you take with Me?
What if someone who is dejected today looks up and sees your face, and your eyes look into his, and he no longer feels dejected. Avail yourself of all opportunities. Do not miss one. You are an emissary of My love.
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Heavenletters™ #4272: Announcing a New Movie, 5 August, 2012, on Facebook