8/23/23 - Ancient memories, ancient technologies
Inspired by Thoth, Mary Magdalene and Mother Gaia: We have to reconnect to visceral, the lower abdomen specifically. Our connection to the Earth has been lost. The job we are here to do is to re-open to the Earth. I felt it so clearly. The divine feminine is especially attuned to lower Earth. The stories are stored, literally stored as in archived, in the earth along with discarded old cadavers. When the body dies the particles of LIGHT contain the stories in them. The light never dies. The light just needs to be reclaimed. Ancient Egypt has messages for us. The stories are locked in the earth, within our own dense earth bodies, waiting to be recalled.
They are held there for the owners. the eternal soul, to come back and reclaim them. Redeem them. The second chakra is the lower abdomen. It has been closed off for eons. We don’t go down into the earth to reclaim and remember our past lives. We are stuck in our heads. We don’t remember how to go "down" into our lower denser parts, the earthy parts of ourselves. Mother Earth speaks of the snake in the abdomen, the kundalini. I awakened the kundalini in me 47 years ago and it took me up and out of body. I've been trying to get back down into my lower body ever since. Most people think that we are supposed to go UP. Well, yes, we are supposed to go up to reunite with Father God, but we have left so much of ourselves behind, not finished yet, that we have not fulfilled our mission here. We had to come back again and again, in body after body, in different cultures and under different ruling authorities to try to reclaim what is ours.
We have left many bodies behind, decaying in the earth. The stories are held locked in the earth, frozen in time. We’re supposed to go up the spine to the top of the head, according to Taoists and Buddhists, and fountain out and around like a water fountain in the lake, and come down around our body again and again, to go down into the earth and continue to cycle back up through the feet and spine and head and back down again in a continual flow. Google for pictures of the Torus breathing and Torus meditation. Practice the torus breath daily. This is a “sweeping” effect through the auric field. This practice sweeps up old residue that we left behind which lingers in our auric field, unbeknownst to us today. We will remember if we continue to flow our attention up through the central channel, out the top of the head and down around the outer body into the earth. Slowly we will remember by sweeping old debris out and UP and away from carrying it around with us as blocked energies.
We will pick up the memories by recycling our breath and attention, mindfully, through this circulation pattern. It’s a circuit, a flowing, a river of life. We flow up the spine and we flow back down around the outside of our bodies sweeping thru the auric field. Picture it. Imagine it. Visualize it. Hold the vision of it. We bring it up thru the central channel of the etheric spine. It will get home little by little, spark by spark, thru the central channel up thru the opening at the crown of the head. We will remember more and more as we do this. We will remember the connection, how we used to do it in ancient times, how to sweep ourselves clean. And also we will remember our past lives. We will become enlightened by picking up this knowledge but we must do it viscerally.
We are reclaiming what we left behind in past lives. We are remembering (I speak for myself, I am remembering, I am feeling it viscerally). The stories of our past lives are held in the earth, in the dust of the earth. That is why the earth is so heavy and dense and confused. Our old bodies went back to the dust and they hold the memories in the particles of LIGHT that we all have inside us. We all have Light inside us. We just didn't know. Our past lives were lived in ignorance. Now we are remembering. We MUST return to the earth to reclaim them, The earth is the densest part of our bodies. Our muscles and bones. Those stories that we left behind are stored in the muscles and bones. We cleanse it easily with knowledge. We do it with our breath and our intention, and our focus on attention, and our willingness to do the process of meditational breathing. Go DOWN into the lower earth beneath the feet and up through the central channel of the spine and out the top of the head. Again, check out the Torus breath.
We must go down to unlock the past. All we have to do is touch it with our mind. That's all. It is easy to do once you know why you're doing it. It is a magic touch, the touch of the mind. This means going down in consciousness to the sub-conscious parts of ourselves that we have forgotten. This requires feeling the emotion. The emotions have been blocked to us by our focus on surface (superficial) things. Surface distractions keep us from slowing down, keeps us racing and moving fast, prevent us from going down, settling down, feeling the lower denser sensations. These sensations are not bad. Some will tell you not to go there but they are wrong. They are deliberately keeping you from discovering your true deeper self. Don't listen to them! The stories you will uncover are good for you, they’ve been ignored and received a bad name. We stashed them in a dark closet and didn’t look at them again. They grew old to our way of thinking and remembering. We ourselves discarded them for a newer, racier life. Our dark shadow self has been keeping us in our heads with titillating news stories so we stay there in our heads, swirling and whirling around a race track that goes nowhere. Until we grow old and tired and wonder what life is all about. We have lost our ability to move forward into higher realms and be creative and use our imaginations because we’ve been cut off from the excitement of our passions, our aliveness, our eagerness, our curiosity, our desire to learn and grow, to test our wings and try to fly beyond ourselves, to be bold, to be adventurous. Instead, we became like slugs racing our little race cars around the oval race track, competing against each other.
The stories that are hidden in us are called the Akashic records. We must FEEL our way into them. Feel into them with passion and emotion. Words won’t get us there. Words are used to point a direction. That's all. Then it's up to us to drive the car in that direction. Let emotions take over then and lead you. Always with a desire to lift what you find up into the sunshine so you can examine them and identify yourself with them and become whole again, ready to move on to the next step. (End)
www.anakosha.org (http://www.anakosha.org)
www.goddessSphere.org (http://www.goddessSphere.org)
(both urls go to the same website)
Ancient Memories, Ancient Technologies | Nancy Adler Wilson
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/26/2023 05:43:00 AM