Wednesday, July 12, 2023

You are Powerful Creators | Raan of the Dragon Realm via Prageet

You Are Powerful Creators

I am Raan of the dragon realm and I greet thee. We are powerful beings. You are powerful beings. The difference is that we live our power. And Beloveds, almost all of you are afraid of your power. You are afraid of being powerful creators. You are afraid of having too much in your life. We come this day to remind you. You are powerful creators, if only you would accept this. Your mind will say, "I don't believe this." Or "It is too difficult," or some other excuse. "I am not good enough. I don't feel powerful. I've always been told I am useless." All these silly excuses you continue to allow yourself to believe. Each and every one of you are far more powerful than you know right now.

Raan of the Dragon Realm

Into the Void - Day 18

Channeled by Prageet