By Steve Beckow, July 5, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
What is the spiritual relationship between love and truth? Is one the goal and the other a way to reach that goal? I asked Archangel Michael the answer in 2013 and what he replied entirely satisfied me.
When reading what Michael says here, perhaps hold it along with what Mahatma Gandhi says about truth and love. (1)
Thanks to Kathleen for reminding me of this conversation.
“Heavenly Blessings: The Blessing and Virtue of Truth with Archangels Michael, Gabrielle, and Uriel,” March 26, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/26/heavenly-blessings-the-blessing-and-virtue-of-truth-with-archangels-michael-gabrielle-and-uriel/
Steve Beckow: Let me ask the question first and then, if you wouldn’t mind, I’ll give just a small word of explanation.
The question is “What is the spiritual relationship between Truth and Love?” and the explanation is that often I’ve heard that Truth is the ultimate reality but just as often I’ve heard that Love is the ultimate reality. Between these two, Truth and Love, is one the end all and be all and the other not? Is one a means to the other? What is the spiritual relationship between Truth and Love?
Archangel Michael: Think of them, my beloved brother, think of them as a double helix, as so intricately intertwined that they cannot be separated and that it is not a hierarchy.
I have said that Truth is Love and Love is Truth. What you are saying is “What is the ending point?” The ending point and the beginning point is Truth and how do you know Truth? It is through Love.
The beginning and the ending point is Love. And how do you know Love? It is through the Divine Knowing of Truth.
Truth is the Divine Knowing, what you may think of as supreme intelligence, wisdom, substance, inspiration, ideas; and Love is the expression and how that is experienced.
If you wished to make a deeper separation you could think of Truth as Divine Masculine and Love as Divine Feminine; but as you know, they are united as One. Does this answer your question?
SB: Yes it does, Lord. What is the relationship of certainty to all that because the Truth contributes certainty to me. Does Love play a role in that? Does Love bring on certainty as well say, through realization?
AAM: Yes it does, because where there is Love… Love is the fuel, Love is the substance, Love is the movement. And so, very often when you are working and being in the Love, you feel the certainty of being able to operate, shall we say, within the Universe that you are occupying, whether it is this Universe or another, it matters not. When you are in certainty of Truth it is more akin to the Stillpoint. So, both are necessary.
SB: Okay, thank you, that’s very helpful, Lord. Thank you.
AAM: Always, always and forever. For that is the Truth and the relationship of Love between us.
SB: Thank you, Lord.
(1) In Non-Violence as the Law of Life – Mahatma Gandhi at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Non-Violence_as_the_Law_of_Life_-_Mahatma_Gandhi
What is the Spiritual Relationship between Truth and Love? | Steve Beckow
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7/06/2023 01:49:00 AM